

May 13, 2016 Announcement

Dear Colleague:

I would like to remind all Members that H.R. 4909, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017, will be before the Committee on Rules the week of May 16th. 

Due to the large number of amendments received, and in order to accommodate the House floor schedule, the Committee intends to make in order a group of amendments as part of the general debate rule, which was previously announced for Monday, May 16, 2016 at 5:00 PM.       

This group of amendments will be posted on the Rules Committee website after filing of the rule on Monday evening.  While sponsors of these amendments made in order will not have the opportunity to testify before the Committee, any statement for the official committee record is welcome to be submitted before 3:00 PM on Tuesday, May 17, 2016 in H-312 The Capitol. 

Additional amendments will be made in order at the Committee’s amendment consideration meeting on Tuesday.  Members whose amendments were not made in order under the general debate rule and who wish to testify before the Committee are invited to do so at this meeting. 

If you have any questions, please contact myself or Stephen Cote of the Committee staff at 225-9191.



Mar 15, 2016 Announcement

Dear Colleague:

As you begin to contemplate possible amendments to the House Budget Resolution, I want to remind all Members of a continuing requirement that was adopted as part of the opening day Rules Package.  As in past years, the Rules Committee intends to give priority to amendments offered as complete substitutes, but the new requirement is applicable to all amendments.  

Section 3(h) of H. Res. 5 (114th Congress) prohibits the consideration of a concurrent resolution on the budget, or any proposed amendment to or conference report thereon, unless it includes specified information and estimates related to direct spending, including means-tested direct spending and nonmeans-tested direct spending.  Specifically, the subsection requires the inclusion of: (1) the average rate of growth for each category in the total amount of outlays during the 10-year period preceding the budget year; (2) estimates for each such category under current law for the period covered by the concurrent resolution; and (3) information on proposed reforms in such categories.

This section also requires the chair of the Committee on the Budget to publish a description in the Congressional Record of each category. The description of each category was submitted for printing by Chairman Price on March 15, 2016 and is available on the Rules Committee website.  Title V of H. Con. Res. ___, posted by Chairman Price on March 15, 2016, provides an example of how to comply with this requirement.

All Members are reminded to work with the Congressional Budget Office and the Committee on the Budget to ensure that accurate estimates for each category, as well as any information on proposed reforms, are included in their amendment.  If you have any questions, please contact Stephen Cote of the Committee staff or myself at 225-9191.


