Additional Volumes

House Practice: A Guide to the Rules, Precedents, and Procedures of the House (2024 Edition). Published from time to time by the Parliamentarian of the House, this resource is a condensed compilation of procedures of current application in the House of Representatives. 

The Manual. House Rules, Constitution, and Jefferson's Manual for the 118th Congress. Published each Congress by the Parliamentarian of the House, this resource serves as the fundamental source material for parliamentary procedure used in the House of Representatives: the Constitution of the United States; applicable provisions of Jefferson’s Manual; Rules of the House; provisions of law and resolutions having the force of Rules of the House; and pertinent decisions of the Speakers and other presiding officers of the House and Committee of the Whole interpreting the rules and other procedural authority used in the House of Representatives.

Precedents of the U.S. House of RepresentativesReferenced throughout both House Practice and the Manual, the Precedents of the U.S. House of Representatives collection contains four series of volumes of precedent: Precedents of the U.S. House of Representatives (2017 series), Deschler’s Precedents (1936-2013), Cannon’s Precedents (1907-1936), and Hinds’ Precedents (1789-1907).

  • 2017 Series
    The first volume of the 2017 edition of the Precedents of the U.S. House of Representatives was published in 2018 and is comprised of four chapters: Assembly of Congress; Oaths; Party Organization; and House Facilities and Capitol Grounds. The second volume of precedents was published in 2019 and is comprised of two chapters: The House Rules, House Journal, and Congressional Record; and Officers, Officials and Employees.
  • Deschler's Precedents  
    A reference source that identifies precedents and practices of the House from 1936-2012.  Compilation was initially undertaken by House Parliamentarian Lewis Deschler; since 1986, they have been published under the title Deschler-Brown Precedents of the U.S. House of Representatives.   
  • Hind's Precedents 
    A multi-volume study of the historical origins and evolution of House procedures dating back to 1789.    
  • Cannon's Precedents 
    A multi-volume study of the precedents of the House from 1908 to 1936, which supplements Hind's Precedents. 

Bound Edition of the Congressional Record. Referenced by year and page number throughout both House Practice and the Manual.

Rules and Manuals of the House of Representatives for Prior Congresses. The House adopts its rules anew at the start of each Congress.