

Jun 23, 2023 Announcement


H.R. 2670 – National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024

Dear Colleague,

The Committee on Rules may meet the week of July 10th to provide for floor consideration of H.R. 2670, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024.

If a Member wishes to offer an amendment for consideration, they must submit a searchable electronic copy of the amendment, which should be provided by the Office of Legislative Counsel, via the Rules Committee’s website by 4:00 PM on Friday, June 30, 2023.  Please note that staff must be on the House network, either physically or remotely via virtual private network (VPN), in order to access the online submission form.

Members should draft their amendments to the text of Rules Committee Print 118-10, showing the text of H.R. 2670, as ordered reported by the Committee on Armed Services, which is available on the Rules Committee website.

Members should use the Office of Legislative Counsel to ensure that their amendments are drafted in the most appropriate format. Members are advised to read the Office of Legislative Counsel’s special guidance for preparing NDAA amendments this year.  Additionally, Members should check with the Office of the Parliamentarian and the Committee on the Budget to be certain their amendments comply with the rules of the House and the Congressional Budget Act. If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Belair of the Committee staff at


Tom Cole


House Committee on Rules

Jun 21, 2023 Announcement

The Committee on Rules will meet on Wednesday, June 21, 2023 at the start of the last vote of this series in H-313, The Capitol on the following emergency measure:

  • H. Res. ___ - Relating to the resolution (H. Res. 503) impeaching Joseph R. Biden, Jr., President of the United States, for high crimes and misdemeanors.
Jun 15, 2023 Announcement

The Committee on Rules will meet Tuesday, June 20, 2023 at 3:00 PM ET in H-313, The Capitol on the following measures:

  • H.R. 3799 - CHOICE Arrangement Act
  • H. Res. 461 - Condemning the use of elementary and secondary school facilities to provide shelter for aliens who are not admitted to the United States.
  • H.R. 3564 - Middle Class Borrower Protection Act of 2023 
