

Nov 25, 2022 Announcement

The Committee on Rules will reconvene its meeting on the below measures immediately following the beginning of the final vote of the ongoing vote series. The Committee on Rules will also meet at that time on the following emergency measure:

  • H. Con. Res. 119Providing for a correction in the enrollment of H.J. Res. 100. [Rule Markup Only]



The Committee on Rules will also meet during its ongoing meeting on the following emergency measure:

  • H.J. Res. ____To provide for a resolution with respect to the unresolved disputes between certain railroads represented by the National Carriers’ Conference Committee of the National Railway Labor Conference and certain of their employees



The Committee on Rules will also meet on Tuesday, November 29, 2022 at 1:00 PM EST in H-313, The Capitol on the following emergency measure:

  • H.R. 8876Jackie Walorski Maternal and Child Home Visiting Reauthorization Act of 2022



The Committee on Rules will meet on Tuesday, November 29, 2022 at 1:00 PM EST in H-313, The Capitol on the following measures:

  • H.R. 3372One Stop Shop Community Reentry Program Act of 2021
  • H.R. 6878Pregnant Women in Custody Act
Nov 9, 2022 Announcement

The Committee on Rules will meet on Wednesday, November 16, 2022 at 10:00 AM EDT in H-313, The Capitol on the following:



  • Witnesses for this hearing will be by invitation only.


Nov 9, 2022 Announcement

The Committee on Rules will meet on Monday, November 14, 2022 at 2:00 PM EDT in H-313, The Capitol on the following items:
