

Jan 26, 2023 Announcement

The Committee on Rules will hold its organizational meeting for the 118th Congress Monday, January 30, 2023 at 4:30 PM EST in H-313, The Capitol.

Jan 19, 2023 Announcement

Dear Colleague,

As we begin the 118th Congress, the House Republican majority is committed to allowing all members to participate in the legislative process. As such, section 5(a) of H. Res. 5, Adopting the Rules of the House for the 118th Congress, provided a modified-open amendment process for consideration of H.R. 21, the Strategic Production Response Act. This marks the first time in nearly seven years that the House will consider legislation under a modified-open rule.  

Any Member wishing to offer an amendment must submit their amendment into the Congressional Record for pre-printing at least one day prior to consideration. Consideration of the measure may begin as early as Wednesday, January 25th.

Members should draft their amendments to the text of H.R. 21, the Strategic Production Response Act, as introduced, which is available on

Amendments may either be submitted electronically to any day the House is in session, beginning 15 minutes before the House convenes, during the session, and until 15 minutes after adjournment, or an amendment may be placed by a Member in the hopper on the House floor. Amendments should be submitted with the Member’s signature, or alternatively may be submitted with a completed Staff Authorization Form. For further guidance on using the eHopper, please visit

Members should use the Office of Legislative Counsel to ensure their amendments are drafted in the most appropriate format. Members should also check with the Congressional Budget Office for a preliminary assessment of their amendments’ budgetary effects. Finally, Members should check with the Office of the Parliamentarian and the Committee on the Budget to be certain their amendments are germane and comply with the rules of the House and the Congressional Budget Act.  If you have any questions, please contact Emily Ackerman with the Rules Committee at or extension 5-9191.

Majority Leader Steve Scalise     Chairman Tom Cole

Dec 23, 2022 Announcement

The Committee will reconvene at 10:00 AM EST today, December 23, 2022.



The Committee on Rules will meet on Thursday, December 22, 2022 at 5:30 PM EST in H-313, The Capitol on the following emergency measure:
