
Press Releases

Jul 20, 2021 Press Release

Chairman McGovern Responds to Circuit Court Ruling Dismissing House Republicans’ Appeal Challenging Remote Voting


Jul 19, 2021 Press Release

Chairman McGovern Announces Delegates to Join Rules Committee Roundtable Examining Hunger in U.S. Territories 

Sixth in a series of events examining the steps Congress and the Biden administration could take to finally end food insecurity in this country 

Jul 13, 2021 Press Release

Chairman McGovern Announces Roundtable Examining Local Innovations to Help Combat the Hunger Crisis

Fifth in a series of events examining the steps Congress and the Biden administration could take to finally end food insecurity in this country



May 23, 2024 Announcement


Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2025

Dear Colleague:                  

The Committee on Rules may meet the week of June 3rd to provide for floor consideration of the Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2025.

If a Member wishes to offer an amendment for consideration, they must submit a searchable electronic copy of the amendment, which should be provided by the Office of Legislative Counsel (HOLC), via the Rules Committee website by 11:00 AM on Wednesday, May 29, 2024.  Please note that staff must be on the House network, either physically or remotely via virtual private network (VPN), in order to access the online submission form.

Members should draft their amendments to the text of Rules Committee Print 118-35, which is available on the Rules Committee website.

Members should use HOLC to ensure that their amendments are drafted in the most appropriate format. To help expedite drafting requests, drafting templates can be found on the Rules Committee website. Additionally, Members who wish to offer “2(f)” dollar transfer amendments should follow the instructions on the Legislative Counsel homepage to expedite the preparation and review of their amendments.

If HOLC is unable to provide their drafting services before the submission deadline, Members may submit amendments written using the posted templates. Members are urged to re-submit any such amendment as a revision upon receipt of a formal draft from HOLC.

Members may not digitally edit HOLC PDFs prior to submission. If a Member must edit an HOLC draft prior to submission, please do so by printing, hand correcting, and scanning so it is clear there is a non-HOLC change. Members are still urged to re-submit any such hand revision upon receipt of an updated formal draft from HOLC.

Members should also check with the Committee on Appropriations for technical and subject matter expertise and the Congressional Budget Office for a preliminary assessment of their amendment’s budgetary effect.

Additionally, Members should consult with the Office of the Parliamentarian and the Committee on the Budget to be certain their amendments comply with the rules of the House and the Congressional Budget Act. At times of particularly high-volume amendment drafting, these offices may not be able to provide guidance before the submission deadline—Members may submit unreviewed amendments to the Rules Committee while they await formal guidance.

The Rules Committee will not make in order amendments that are in violation of House rules or budget rules and would require a waiver, including clause 2 of Rule XXI, which prevents authorizing on an appropriations bill.  If you have any questions, please contact Ashlee Bierworth of the Committee staff at or at 202-225-9191.


Michael Burgess


House Committee on Rules

May 17, 2024 Announcement

The Committee on Rules will meet Tuesday, May 21, 2024 at 4:00 PM ET in H-313, the Capitol on the following measures:

  • H.R. 4763 – Financial Innovation and Technology for the 21st Century Act
  • H.R. 5403 – CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act
  • H.R. 192 – To prohibit individuals who are not citizens of the United States from voting in elections in the District of Columbia.
May 10, 2024 Announcement


H.R. 4763 – Financial Innovation and Technology for the 21st Century Act

Dear Colleague:                  

The Committee on Rules may meet the week of May 20th to provide for floor consideration of H.R. 4763.

If a Member wishes to offer an amendment for consideration, they must submit a searchable electronic copy of the amendment, which should be provided by the Office of Legislative Counsel, via the Rules Committee’s website by 12:00 PM on Thursday, May 16, 2024.  Please note that staff must be on the House network, either physically or remotely via virtual private network (VPN), in order to access the online submission form.

Members should draft their amendments to the text of Rules Committee Print 118-33, which is available on the Rules Committee website.

Members should use the Office of Legislative Counsel to ensure that their amendments are drafted in the most appropriate format. Members should check with the Office of the Parliamentarian and the Committee on the Budget to be certain their amendments comply with the rules of the House and the Congressional Budget Act. If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Belair of the Committee staff at or at 202-225-9191.


Michael Burgess


House Committee on Rules
