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H.R. 5303—Water Resources Development Act of 2016

H.R. 5303 - Water Resources Development Act of 2016

Bill Text

Rules Committee Print 114-65PDFXML

Showing the text of the bill as ordered reported by the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, with a modification. 
        ::  The Rules Committee Print strikes section 108 of H.R. 5303 as ordered reported; section 108 allows the balances in the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund to be spent in 2027 without appropriation. Section 108 was removed to ensure compliance with the Rules of the House and the Congressional Budget Act.

Text of H.R. 5303PDFXML

Water Resources Development Act of 2016

H. Rept. 114-785PDF

Report from the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure (as filed)

Rule Information


REPORTED BY VOICE VOTE on Monday, September 26, 2016.

Adopted by record vote of 241-180, after agreeing to the previous question by record vote of 243-178, on Tuesday, September 27, 2016.


1. Structured rule.

2. Provides one hour of general debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.

3. Waives all points of order against consideration of the bill.

4. Makes in order as original text for purpose of amendment an amendment in the nature of a substitute consisting of the text of Rules Committee Print 114-65 and provides that it shall be considered as read.

5. Waives all points of order against that amendment in the nature of a substitute.

6. Makes in order only those further amendments printed in the Rules Committee report. Each such amendment may be offered only in the order printed in the report, may be offered only by a Member designated in the report, shall be considered as read, shall be debatable for the time specified in the report equally divided and controlled by the proponent and an opponent, shall not be subject to amendment, and shall not be subject to a demand for division of the question.

7. Waives all points of order against the amendments printed in the report.

8. Provides that no further consideration of the bill shall be in order except pursuant to a subsequent order of the House.

9. Provides that it shall be in order at any time on the legislative day of September 29, 2016, or September 30, 2016, for the Speaker to entertain motions that the House suspend the rules and that the Speaker or his designee shall consult with the Minority Leader or her designee on the designation of any matter for consideration pursuant to this section.

10. Waives clause 6(a) of rule XIII (requiring a two-thirds vote to consider a rule on the same day it is reported from the Rules Committee) against any resolution reported through the legislative day of September 30, 2016, relating to a measure making or continuing appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2017.


REPORTED BY VOICE VOTE on Tuesday, September 27, 2016.

Agreed to by record vote of 234-191, after agreeing to the previous question by reocrd vote of 242-183, on Wednesday, September 28, 2016.


1. Structured rule for further consideration of H.R. 5303.

2. Provides no further general debate.

3. Makes in order only those further amendments printed in the Rules Committee report. Each such amendment may be offered only in the order printed in the report, may be offered only by a Member designated in the report, shall be considered as read, shall be debatable for the time specified in the report equally divided and controlled by the proponent and an opponent, shall not be subject to amendment, and shall not be subject to a demand for division of the question.

4. Waives all points of order against the amendments printed in the report.

5. Provides one motion to recommit with or without instructions.

6. Closed rule for H.R. 6094.

7. Provides one hour of debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Education and the Workforce.

8. Waives all points of order against consideration of the bill.

9. Provides that the bill shall be considered as read.

10. Waives all points of order against provisions in the bill.

11. Provides one motion to recommit.

12. Section 3 provides that on any legislative day during the period from September 29, 2016, through November 11, 2016: the Journal of the proceedings of the previous day shall be considered as approved; and the Chair may at any time declare the House adjourned to meet at a date and time to be announced by the Chair in declaring the adjournment.

13. Section 4 provides that the Speaker may appoint Members to perform the duties of the Chair for the duration of the period addressed by section 3.

14. Section 5 provides that each day during the period addressed by section 3 of the resolution shall not constitute calendar days for the purposes of section 7 of the War Powers Resolution. (50 U.S.C. 1546)

15. Section 6 provides that each day during the period addressed by section 3 of the resolution shall not constitute a legislative day for purposes of clause 7 of rule XIII (resolutions of inquiry).

16. Section 7 provides that for each day during the period addressed by section 3 shall not constitute a calendar or legislative day for purposes of clause 7(c)(1) of rule XXII (motions to instruct conferees).

Amendments (click each header to sort table by that column)

#Version #Sponsor(s)PartySummaryStatus
72Version 1Babin (TX)RepublicanLate Adds the Houston-Galveston Ship Channel cost modification provision from the Senate-passed bill (Section 6002).Submitted
73Version 1Babin (TX)RepublicanLate Defines parameters and sets guidelines for the scope of "work" under Section 408 review processes.Made In Order
74Version 1Babin (TX)RepublicanLate Adds section 1011 of the Senate-passed bill, which provides that oil and gas fabrication benefits are factored when calculating cost-to-benefit ratios.Submitted
90Version 1Babin (TX)RepublicanLate Allows for channels which have been "assumed for maintenance" to be considered the same as "authorized” projects. Made In Order
2Version 1Black (TN)RepublicanDirects the Chief of Engineers and Commanding General of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to provide guidance on the types of circumstances under which the state-of-the-art provision of the Dam Safety Assurance authority might apply to dam safety repair projects; for corps of engineers district offices to effectively communicate with sponsors to establish and implement cost sharing agreements during dam safety repair projects; and for the corps of engineers to communicate the estimated and final cost sharing amounts, executing agreements, with all cost sharing sponsors.Made In Order
12Version 1Blum (IA), Loebsack (IA), Young, David (IA)Bi-PartisanExpedites the Cedar River project for flood risk management authorized in the Water Resources Development Act of 2014.Made In Order
36Version 1Blumenauer (OR), Hanna (NY)Bi-PartisanAdds Section 7303 of S. 2848, the Water Recourses and Development Act of 2016, which creates a deficit-neutral revenue source for Clean and Drinking Water State Revolving Funds, a Water Infrastructure Trust Fund capitalized by a voluntary labeling fee. Requires an EPA study on water pricing and affordability in low-income populations. Submitted
93Version 1Blumenauer (OR)DemocratLate Adds Section 4002 of Senate WRDA which authorizes replacement Indian housing for Indian families displaced by the construction of the Bonneville Dam and a study to determine the number of Indian people displaced by the construction of the John Day Dam.Submitted
94Version 2Blumenauer (OR)DemocratLate Revised Adds Section 7651 of Senate WRDA which would establish the Columbia River Basin Restoration Program.Submitted
95Version 1Bost (IL)RepublicanLate Authorizes the Corps to consider other potential benefits that may accrue due to rehabilitation of a non-federal levee.Made In Order
9Version 1Boustany (LA)RepublicanAuthorizes the signed Chief's Report from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for the Southwest Coastal Louisiana Feasibility Study, under Section 401(3), Hurricane and Storm Damage Risk Reduction.Submitted
22Version 1Bridenstine (OK), Russell (OK)RepublicanStrengthens language requiring a feasibility study of Tulsa and West Tulsa levees. Prioritizes the project if study classifies levee or levee system Class I or Class II. Made In Order
23Version 3Byrne (AL)RepublicanRevised Directs the Secretary to coordinate with all Gulf States on developing an oyster bed recovery assessment for beds that were damaged due to Hurricane Katrina, Deepwater Horizon and recent floods, adopting a modified version of the Senate passed text.Made In Order
77Version 1Carter, Buddy (GA)RepublicanLate Allows for projects of national significance, as designated by the reports of the Chief of Engineers, to stay on track by amending the 902 cost limitations on authorized projects.Submitted
78Version 1Carter, Buddy (GA)RepublicanLate Ensures the Secretary cannot revise or reevaluate wetlands delineations that were valid as of 1 January 2008 or had an effective approval date through 31 December 2014. Submitted
8Version 1Collins (GA)RepublicanWithdrawn Clarifies section 1047 pertaining to cooperative agreements for management of Corps properties between the Corps of Engineers and counties.Withdrawn
61Version 1Connolly (VA), Van Hollen (MD), Beyer (VA), Norton (DC)DemocratRequires the EPA Administrator to carry out an annual survey of sea grasses in the Chesapeake Bay. Submitted
19Version 1Courtney (CT)DemocratRemoves a breakwater in Stonington, Conn. as a federally authorized project.Made In Order
10Version 1Cramer, Kevin (ND), Noem (SD)RepublicanLimits certain Bureau of Reclamation fee increases administered by the Dakotas Area Office to no more than 33 percent. Places certain requirements for the use of trailer homes at Heart Butte Dam and Reservoir.Submitted
84Version 2Cramer, Kevin (ND)RepublicanLate Revised Transfers Army Corps of Engineer land in Emmons and Morton Counties, North Dakota above the Oahe Reservoir flood pool to the State of North Dakota and other such land within the exterior boundary of the Standing Rock Indian Reservation to the Department of Interior held in trust for the benefit of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. Submitted
7Version 1Crawford (AR)RepublicanModifies the the EPA’s Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure program to exempt small agricultural operations. Submitted
66Version 1Crawford (AR)RepublicanClarifies the Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) to make project costs incurred and in-kind contributions made before receipt of the WIFIA loan to count toward the 51 percent of the project that must be financed by non-WIFIA dollars. Made In Order
103Version 1Crawford (AR)RepublicanLate Clarifies the Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) to make eligible alternative water delivery projects aimed at reducing aquifer depletion and makes a technical modification that ensures WIFIA financing arrangements take into account the total cost of the project. Made In Order
30Version 1Culberson (TX), Green, Al (TX)Bi-PartisanAllows State and local governments to use construction funds for flood mitigation projects if they provide matching funds, serve a population of 2.5 million or more individuals in a major metropolitan area and has a flood control plan in place. Submitted
31Version 1Culberson (TX)RepublicanRequires the Secretary of the Army to rank Federal ports based on several factors and guarantee an authorized project for navigation receive at least 60 percent of the total harbor maintenance tax collected at that port. If a port’s capability is less than 50 percent of the total harbor maintenance tax collected the funds may be allocated to other Federal ports for operations and maintenance and construction purposes.Submitted
32Version 2Culberson (TX), Green, Al (TX)Bi-PartisanRevised Directs the Secretary to expedite the Brays Bayou flood mitigation project authorized by item 6 in section 211(f) of the Water Resources Development Act of 1996.Made In Order
98Version 1Davidson (OH)RepublicanLate Prohibits the U.S. Army Corps from enforcing the 2015 final rule regarding the Definition of Waters of the United States. Submitted
62Version 1DeFazio (OR)DemocratThe bill authorizes U.S. Army Corps of Engineers funds to construct soccer fields, baseball fields, covered basketball courts, and a splash park as part of a Texas project. Prohibits using Corps of Engineers funding for these purposes and requires that the project be economically justified.Submitted
17Version 1Dold (IL)RepublicanAllows projects funded under section 506(c) of the Water Resources Development Act of 2000 to include compatible recreation features, not to exceed 10 percent of the ecosystem restoration costs of the project.Made In Order
54Version 1Esty (CT)DemocratDirects the Secretary to submit a report within one year of enactment on implementation of corrosion prevention activities under section 1033 of the Water Resources Reform and Development Act of 2014 (33 U.S.C. 2350). Made In Order
57Version 1Esty (CT)DemocratIncreases the Continuing Authorities Program’s Section 103 per project limit to $10 million.Submitted
58Version 1Esty (CT), LoBiondo (NJ), Zeldin (NY)Bi-PartisanAmends section 4009(a) of the Water Resources Reform and Development Act of 2014 (Public Law 113-121; 128 Stat. 1316) to direct the Secretary to conduct a comprehensive assessment and management plan to restore aquatic ecosystems within the coastal waters of the Northeastern United States from the State of Virginia to the State of Maine, including associated bays, estuaries, and critical riverine areas. Made In Order
69Version 2Farenthold (TX)RepublicanRevised Provides that no new start or new investment decision shall be required to initiate work on a separable element of an authorized project when contraction of one or more separable elements of that project was initiated previously; it shall be considered ongoing work and it should be considered continuation of the fully authorized project. Made In Order
51Version 1Fitzpatrick (PA), Meehan (PA), Boyle (PA)Bi-PartisanDirects the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry to conduct a study on the long term health effects of exposure through drinking water around military installations to perflourinated compounds, including perflourooctanesulfonic acid and perflourooctanoic acid. Submitted
39Version 1Frankel (FL), Curbelo (FL)Bi-PartisanProvides local communities the option to seek foreign sand sources for shore protection projects.Made In Order
68Version 1Frankel (FL)DemocratWithdrawn Clarifies that compensatory mitigation will not be required for maintenance dredging of inland waterways, inlets or harbors in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, or Florida.Withdrawn
18Version 1Garamendi (CA), LaMalfa (CA)Bi-PartisanClarifies Section 902 of the Water Resources Development Act of 1986 to ensure project cost increases accommodate real estate value increases that do not increase construction costs.Submitted
106Version 1Gibson (NY), Meehan (PA), Maloney, Sean (NY), Fitzpatrick (PA), Boyle (PA)Bi-PartisanLate Provides financial assistance to communities whose public water system has been contaminated by perfluorooctaonic acid (PFOA) or perfluorooctanesulfionic (PFOS) acid for the purposes of water remediation and identifying alternative water sources. Submitted
38Version 1Graham (FL)DemocratRequires the Corps to to complete a comprehensive hydrologic study of the Apalachicola, Chatahoochee, Flint River Basin, consistent with the recommendations of the consensus tri-state ACF Stakeholders report.Submitted
40Version 1Graham (FL)DemocratStrikes section 113, which retains current law which urges the states of Georgia, Florida, and Alabama to reach agreement on an interstate water compact as soon as possible.Submitted
41Version 1Graham (FL)DemocratRequires the Corps to manage the Apalachicola, Chatahoochee, Flint River basin in a way that reestablishes and supports the Apalachicola RIver. Submitted
24Version 1Graves, Garret (LA)RepublicanEstablishes equality among the federal partners by rotating chairmanship every 2 years. Submitted
25Version 1Graves, Garret (LA)RepublicanEstablishes a process to expedite disputes between non-federal sponsors and the Corps over the interpretation of law. Submitted
26Version 1Graves, Garret (LA)RepublicanAllows the non-federal interest to execute a project or project component when they determine that it can be done at lower cost and/or faster time. It directs 20% of money saved back to treasury, and the rest to other corps projects. Made In Order
27Version 1Graves, Garret (LA)RepublicanEstablishes an administration account within the Corps where all salaries and expenses are covered. Submitted
46Version 1Graves, Garret (LA)RepublicanProvides criteria for application decisions pursuant to Section 408.Made In Order
82Version 1Graves, Garret (LA)RepublicanLate Expedites certain flood mitigation priority areas. Made In Order
63Version 1Grayson (FL)DemocratEstablishes a voluntary WaterSense program within the Environmental Protection Agency.Submitted
83Version 1Green, Al (TX), Green, Gene (TX), Culberson (TX)Bi-PartisanLate Allows the Secretary to give priority to flood control projects where (1) such project is already authorized and an executed partnership agreement exists; and (2) the project is in an area where loss of life has occurred to due a flooding event.Made In Order
6Version 1Grijalva (AZ)DemocratProvides that United States Section of the International Boundary and Water Commission shall reimburse or not charge the City of Nogales for operations and maintenance costs in excess of an equitable proportion of the costs for Nogales sanitation project. The Army Corps of Engineers recommended a critical update to address issues of uncontrolled storm waters transporting garbage and contaminants to the U.S. city of Nogales. Submitted
33Version 1Grijalva (AZ), Polis (CO)DemocratProhibits the Secretary from granting an easement for the Lake Oahe crossing for the Dakota Access Pipeline until an environmental impact statement is completed. Submitted
55Version 1Heck, Denny (WA), Newhouse (WA), Walden (OR), Kilmer (WA)Bi-PartisanDirects the Chief of Engineers to transfer the human remains commonly known as the Kennewick Man or the Ancient One to the Washington State Department of Archeology and Historic Preservation, on the condition that the Department disposes of the remains and repatriates the remains to the claimant tribes.Submitted
37Version 1Herrera-Beutler (WA)RepublicanModifies the existing “Columbia & Lower Willamette below Vancouver & Portland” navigation project to include a turning basin at River Mile 77 on the Columbia River.Submitted
50Version 1Herrera-Beutler (WA)RepublicanExpands availability of funds for Watercraft Inspection Stations in northwest states. Clarifies that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers can fund existing watercraft inspection stations. Made In Order
15Version 1Huizenga (MI)RepublicanClarifies the target appropriations from the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund set forth in WRRDA 2014 in the event that the prior year appropriation was a decrease.Submitted
105Version 1Huizenga (MI)RepublicanLate Makes permanent a set aside of Army Corps priority funding for the Great Lakes.Made In Order
71Version 2Israel (NY), Engel (NY), Zeldin (NY), King, Peter (NY), DeLauro (CT), Serrano (NY), Larson, John (CT), Meeks (NY), Himes (CT), Rice, Kathleen (NY), Crowley (NY), Esty (CT), Nadler (NY), Meng (NY), Tonko (NY), Courtney (CT), Clarke (NY), Lowey (NY)Bi-PartisanRevised Reauthorizes the Long Island Sound Restoration and Stewardship programs.Submitted
104Version 1Jackson Lee (TX)DemocratLate Directs Secretary of Army to give priority to a project for flood risk management if the project is located in an area in which there has been a 100-year flood event occurring within the past 5 years causing at least $800 million in property.Submitted
42Version 2Johnson, Sam (TX), Sessions (TX), Ratcliffe (TX), Johnson, Eddie Bernice (TX)Bi-PartisanRevised Requires the EPA and Army Corps of Engineers to issue the final federal permit for the Lower Bois d'Arc Creek Reservoir Project no later than September 30, 2017.Made In Order
52Version 1Joyce (OH)RepublicanAmends the Clean Water Act to reauthorize the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative.Made In Order
60Version 2Kildee (MI)DemocratRevised Provides $220 million in assistance to Flint, MI and other communities with increased levels of lead in their drinking water.Submitted
108Version 1Kildee (MI), Moolenaar (MI)Bi-PartisanLate Authorizes the Secretary to provide additional assistance under section 219 of the Water Resources Development Act of 1992 for certain communities for the repair or replacement of public and private infrastructure in any State for which the President has declared an emergency under the Stafford Act as a result of the presence of chemical, physical, or biological constituents, including lead or other contaminants in the eligible system.Made In Order
59Version 1Larsen, Rick (WA), McDermott (WA), Kilmer (WA)DemocratAuthorizes the recently completed U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Chief's Report for the Puget Sound Nearshore Ecosystem Restoration Project (PSNERP).Submitted
5Version 1Lawrence (MI)DemocratIncludes gross negligence as an additional reason for obtaining funding following an emergency at a water resources development project.Made In Order
87Version 1Lipinski (IL)DemocratLate Moves the threshold for classification as "Major Rehabilitation" on inland waterways infrastructure projects from $20 million to $50 million, at which point projects are funded from the Inland Waterways Trust Fund as opposed to the Army Corps of Engineers Operations and Maintenance account.Submitted
97Version 1Long (MO)RepublicanLate Lifts the Army Corps of Engineers’ moratorium on the issuance of dock permits for Table Rock Lake and delays the final rule for revising the Shoreline Management Plan. Extends the public comment period and requires a study on the permit fee structure for Table Rock Lake. Made In Order
44Version 1Lujan (NM)DemocratExpedites the process of reimbursing governments responding to the Gold King Mine spill, authorizes the Environmental Protection Agency to implement a water quality monitoring program in conjunction with state, Tribal and local governments, and includes a Sense of Congress that the EPA should receive and process individual claims for damages under the Federal Tort Claims Act.Submitted
45Version 2Lujan (NM)DemocratRevised Considers the Environmental Protection Agency liable for all injuries arising out of, or relating to, the Gold King Mine spill. Submitted
81Version 1Maloney, Sean (NY)DemocratLate Expands testing of water for contaminants by the EPA to all communities of fewer than 10,000. Submitted
13Version 1Marchant (TX)RepublicanExtends criteria used by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers under the Water Resources Reform and Development Act of 2014 regarding the materials and techniques they use by establishing consistency between programs, applying those same criteria to Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) activities under the Environmental Protection Agency.Submitted
28Version 2McKinley (WV), Barletta (PA)RepublicanRevised Establishes requirements for the proper management and disposal of coal combustion residuals that are protective of human health and the environment. Submitted
75Version 2McKinley (WV)RepublicanLate Revised Requires the Army Corps of Engineers to consider the economic or recreational significance or impact of a lock at the national, State or local level. Made In Order
4Version 1McSally (AZ)RepublicanDesignates the International Boundary and Water Commission as the federal entity responsible for operation and maintenance of the International Outfall Interceptor located in Nogales, Arizona. Submitted
16Version 1Meng (NY), Stefanik (NY)Bi-PartisanAllows the Army Corps of Engineers to pursue projects and technologies that prevent and mitigate flood damages associated with ice jams (chunks of ice floating on a river that catch on an obstruction such as a bridge piling, rocks, logs, etc., pile up to form an ice dam, and cause flooding upstream from the blockage, and then possibly downstream again when the ice finally releases). Made In Order
70Version 1Mica (FL)RepublicanAllows the Secretary to adjust the Benefit Cost Ratio after any portion of the authorized project is completed by the Army Corps using non-federal funds. Made In Order
91Version 1Moore, Gwen (WI)DemocratLate Calls for the Army Corps to conduct a review of its tribal consultation policies and regulations. Provides that the Army Corps shall provide for public meetings with Indian tribes and other stakeholders and provide a report to Congress on the results of the review. Made In Order
96Version 1Moore, Gwen (WI)DemocratLate Codifies a tribal consultation policy for the Army Corps of Engineers based on the policy issued in November 2012. Submitted
88Version 1Mullin, Markwayne (OK)RepublicanLate Transfers to the Department of the Interior land to be held in trust for the benefit of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation, after the Muscogee (Creek) Nation has paid to the Army Corps of Engineers fair market value of the land transferred.Made In Order
89Version 1Mullin, Markwayne (OK)RepublicanLate Withdrawn Approves and ratifies the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma and the Chickasaw Nation Water Settlement.Withdrawn
107Version 2Newhouse (WA), Heck, Denny (WA), Kilmer (WA), Walden (OR)Bi-PartisanLate Revised Directs the Chief of Engineers to transfer the human remains commonly known as the Kennewick Man or the Ancient One to the Washington State Department of Archeology and Historic Preservation, on the condition that the Department disposes of the remains and repatriates the remains to the claimant tribes.Made In Order
21Version 1Noem (SD)RepublicanWithdrawn Requires the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to respond to surplus water contract and easement requests within 60 days or provide information to the requester on outstanding information needed to make a decision and a timeline for final decision.Withdrawn
76Version 2Norcross (NJ)DemocratLate Revised Directs the Army Corp to study coastal resilience issues on a regional basis, and work to promote intergovernmental cooperation and comprehensive coastal management plans.Submitted
67Version 1Norton (DC)DemocratAmends the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (CZMA) to include the District of Columbia in the definition of “coastal state.”Submitted
92Version 1Pearce (NM)RepublicanLate Allows the Long Term Impact Review Team of the State of New Mexico to implement its long-term monitoring program for water quality in the Animas and San Juan Rivers in response to the Gold King Mine Spill of 2015. Submitted
99Version 1Perry (PA)RepublicanLate Provides that the State must work within the FERC environmental review process to address Section of the Clean Water Act 401 concerns.Submitted
64Version 1Peters, Scott (CA)DemocratDirects the Secretary to design and develop a structural health monitoring program to assess and improve the condition of infrastructure constructed and maintained by the Corps of Engineers, including research, design, and development of systems and frameworks for—response to flood and earthquake events; pre-disaster mitigation measures; lengthening the useful life of the infrastructure; and identifying risks due to sea level rise.Made In Order
48Version 1Peterson (MN)DemocratRequires the Secretary to reimburse flood insurance policy holders for unnecessary premiums paid plus interest for the period of time that they were protected by an Army Corps flood control structure, but still required to purchase flood insurance into a higher risk area because of a delay in certifying the flood control project.Submitted
49Version 1Peterson (MN), Cramer, Kevin (ND)Bi-PartisanEnsures that a federally-funded project located in the Red River of the North basin include a water control structure that allows for the management of water levels for a project that constructs an impoundment or acquires or constructs a wetland.Submitted
11Version 1Quigley (IL)DemocratExpedites the completion of the project for flood control, Chicagoland Underflow Plan, Illinois, phase 2.Made In Order
1Version 1Ribble (WI), Nolan (MN), Esty (CT)Bi-PartisanRevised Provides that in carrying out the design, construction, maintenance, repair, and rehabilitation of water resources development projects, including flood risk reduction, coastal resiliency, and ecosystem restoration projects, the Secretary shall ensure that appropriate consideration is given to the use of natural and nature-based features.Made In Order
79Version 1Rice (SC)RepublicanLate Repeals Section 404(c) of the Water Pollution Control Act which would remove the authority of the Administrator of the EPA to prohibit a disposal site for dredge or fill material "whenever he determines" the action will have unacceptable effects. Submitted
80Version 1Rice (SC)RepublicanLate Prohibits governmental entities from carrying out mitigation for a 404 Clean Water permit in excess of current Army Corps regulations.Submitted
101Version 1Rogers, Harold (KY)RepublicanLate Clarifies that requirements imposed on floating cabins used in the Cumberland River Basin cannot be different or more stringent than the requirements imposed on all recreational vessels authorized for use in the Basin.Made In Order
85Version 1Rooney (FL)RepublicanLate Excludes provisions relating to existing or proposed water resources development projects of the Army Corps of Engineers from the definition of congressional earmark.Submitted
47Version 1Rouzer (NC)RepublicanDirects the Army Corps of Engineers to work with local officials to establish a no wake zone in federal navigation channels when certain criteria are met. Made In Order
102Version 1Rouzer (NC)RepublicanLate Directs the Army Corps of Engineers to work with state officials to establish a no wake zone in federal navigation channels when certain criteria are met. Made In Order
86Version 1Ruiz (CA), Vargas (CA), Hunter (CA)Bi-PartisanLate Updates the 2007 WRDA authorization for restoration projects at the Salton Sea by allowing the Corps to partner with additional non-federal agencies, such as local governments, non-profits, and tribes.Submitted
20Version 1Sablan (MP), Bordallo (GU), Radewagen, Aumua Amata Coleman (AS)Bi-PartisanExpands the territories local cost-sharing waiver for Army Corps studies and projects to include Section 22(a) planning assistance.Submitted
56Version 1Schiff (CA), Becerra (CA), Roybal-Allard (CA)DemocratCodifies the recommended cost sharing for the Los Angeles Ecosystem Restoration project described in the Report of the Chief of Engineers, dated December 18, 2015. Submitted
100Version 1Shuster (PA)RepublicanMANAGER’S AMENDMENT Late Makes technical and clarifying revisions to H.R. 5303. Includes additional Chief's Reports and Post Authorization Change Reports submitted by the Army Corps of Engineers since May 25, 2016.Made In Order
29Version 2Swalwell (CA), Grayson (FL)DemocratRevised This amendment, essentially the same as Section 4013(a) of S. 2848 as passed by the Senate, would change Public Law 113-121, which currently requires the Secretary of the Army (“Secretary”) to analyze the feasibility of the Army Corps of Engineers engaging in projects to strengthen ocean and coastal ecosystem resiliency, in order to prioritize projects in areas threatened by rising sea levels. Submitted
3Version 1Thornberry (TX)RepublicanProhibits the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers from removing privately owned cabins on privately owned land at Lake Kemp for an additional 5 years. Made In Order
53Version 1Tipton (CO), Sinema (AZ)Bi-PartisanSets up an expedited process for the consideration and reimbursement of response costs incurred by claimants under CERCLA. Directs EPA to fund and implement a comprehensive, long-term water monitoring plan. Submitted
43Version 2Vela (TX), Farenthold (TX)Bi-PartisanRevised Directs the Secretary of the Army to release the interests of the United States in certain tracts of land located in Cameron County, Texas, and for other purposes.Made In Order
14Version 1Weber (TX)RepublicanRequires the Army Corps of Engineers to take into account existing studies and data developed by the Gulf Coast Community Protection and Recovery District when conducting the Coastal Texas Protection and Restoration Study.Made In Order
65Version 1Welch (VT)DemocratAuthorizes efforts to study, design and construct control gates, spillways and dam safety improvements for aging flood control reservoirs constructed by the Army Corps of Engineers before 1940.Submitted
34Version 1Young, David (IA)RepublicanEstablishes policy for Corps levees that affect community-owned levees.Made In Order
35Version 1Young, David (IA)RepublicanWithdrawn Commissions a GAO study on Corps of Engineers methodology and performance metrics. Withdrawn

Committee Votes

Rules Committee Record Vote No. 216

Motion by Ms. Slaughter to make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #60, offered by Rep. Kildee (Ml), which provides $220 million in assistance to Flint, MI and other communities with increased levels of lead in their drinking water. Defeated: 2-7

Majority Members
Minority Members

Ms. Foxx
No Vote
Mr. Cole
No Vote
Mr. Woodall
Mr. Burgess
Mr. Stivers
Mr. Collins
Mr. Byrne
Mr. Newhouse
Mr. Sessions, Chairman
Ms. Slaughter
Mr. McGovern
No Vote
Mr. Hastings
Mr. Polis
No Vote