H.J. Res. 24 - Disapproving the action of the District of Columbia Council in approving the Local Resident Voting Rights Amendment Act of 2022.

Bill Text

    Text of H.J. Res. 24 PDF XML

    (as introduced)

Rule Information

REPORTED BY A RECORD VOTE of 9-3 on Monday, February 6, 2023.

Agreed to by record vote of 217-208 on February 7, 2023.

MANAGERS: Langworthy/Scanlon

1. Structured rule for H.R. 185.

2. Provides one hour of general debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Energy and Commerce or their respective designees.

3. Waives all points of order against consideration of the bill.

4. Provides that the bill shall be considered as read.

5. Waives all points of order against provisions in the bill.

6. Makes in order only those further amendments printed in the Rules Committee report. Each such amendment may be offered only in the order printed in the report, may be offered only by a Member designated in the report, shall be considered as read, shall be debatable for the time specified in the report equally divided and controlled by the proponent and an opponent, shall not be subject to amendment, and shall not be subject to a demand for division of the question.

7. Waives all points of order against the amendments printed in the report.

8. Provides one motion to recommit.

9. Closed rule for H.J. Res. 24.

10. Provides one hour of general debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Oversight and Accountability or their respective designees.

11. Waives all points of order against consideration of the joint resolution.

12. Provides that the joint resolution shall be considered as read.

13. Waives all points of order against provisions in the joint resolution.

14. Provides that pursuant to section 604(h) of the Home Rule Act, a motion to recommit is not in order to the joint resolution if under consideration while the act of the D.C. Council is within the congressional review period prescribed in section 602 of such Act.

15. Closed rule for H.J. Res. 26.

16. Provides one hour of general debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Oversight and Accountability or their respective designees.

17. Waives all points of order against consideration of the joint resolution.

18. Provides that the joint resolution shall be considered as read.

19. Waives all points of order against provisions in the joint resolution.

20. Provides that pursuant to section 604(h) of the Home Rule Act, a motion to recommit is not in order to the joint resolution if under consideration while the act of the D.C. Council is within the congressional review period prescribed in section 602 of such Act.