H.R. 1398 - Protect America’s Innovation and Economic Security from CCP Act

Bill Text

    Rules Committee Print 118-45 PDF

    Showing the text of H.R. 1398, as ordered reported by the Committee on the Judiciary

    Text of H.R. 1398 PDF XML

    (as reported)

Amendments (click headers to sort)

#Version #Sponsor(s)PartySummaryStatus
1Version 1Gottheimer (NJ)DemocratAmends bill report to include information about public and private sector cooperation.Submitted
2Version 1Gottheimer (NJ)DemocratAmends bill report to include information about CCP’s financial intelligence capabilities.Submitted
3Version 1Gottheimer (NJ)DemocratAdds provision requiring the DOJ CCP Initiative to specifically investigate Chinese-Iranian emerging partnerships.Submitted
4Version 1Fitzgerald (WI)RepublicanProhibits the issuance of a U.S. patent to any entity on certain national security-related sanctions lists (e.g. Entity List, 1260H List, Non-SDN CMIC, and FCC Section 2 List). Requires additional disclosure regarding state-affiliated research funding in application for patent. Identical to H.R. 5475 (118th Cong.).Submitted
5Version 1Molinaro (NY)RepublicanAdds to the annual report an assessment on the economic loss to the United States as a result of hacking and trade secret theft by the Chinese Communist Party.Submitted
6Version 1Molinaro (NY)RepublicanAdds to section 2 a requirement to develop a plan to protect small businesses’ intellectual property from the Chinese Communist Party.Submitted
7Version 1Tokuda (HI)DemocratRequires consultation with the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice and the Office of Civil Liberties, Privacy, and Transparency of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, establishes that all civil rights and civil liberties protections under Federal law shall apply, and expands reporting requirements to include efforts to prevent racial profiling and discrimination and to engage with organizations and representatives of Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander communities.Submitted
8Version 1Tokuda (HI)DemocratStrikes subsection (f).Submitted
9Version 1Donalds (FL)RepublicanTo include a report on national security risks on the progress of the space interests of the Chinese Communist Party including, satellites, space stations, lunar mineral acquisition, and lunar nuclear reactors.Submitted
10Version 1Donalds (FL)RepublicanTo include an analysis of national security risks on CCP unmanned aircraft and associated elements in the national airspace system.Submitted
11Version 2Case (HI)DemocratRevised Adds requirements for the report to include a review of how the policies, procedures and practices of the Initiative affect those of the DOJ's relating to the privacy and civil liberties of Chinese Americans and any recommendations to ensure that the privacy and civil liberties of Chinese Americans are sufficiently protected.Revised
12Version 1McClain (MI), Crenshaw (TX)RepublicanProhibits the use of taxpayer dollars to support animal experimentation in the laboratories of adversarial nations. Identical to H.R. 5020 (118th) Congress).Submitted
13Version 1Obernolte (CA)RepublicanExplicitly grants extraterritorial jurisdiction over civil claims for conduct involving trade secret theft occurring outside the United States and impacting U.S. commerce, including conduct by an offender who is (1) not a U.S. person or lawful U.S. resident, or (2) a foreign organization.Submitted
14Version 1Mills (FL)RepublicanLate Requires the CCP Initiative to investigate investments made by Chinese companies and subsidiaries listed on the Bureau of Industry and Security's Entity List and the DOD's PRC Military Companies list.Submitted