H.R. 3724 - Accreditation for College Excellence Act of 2023 [End Woke Higher Education Act]

Bill Text

    Rules Committee Print 118-49 PDF

    Showing the text of H.R. 3724 and H.R. 7683, as reported by the Committee on Education and the Workforce, with modifications

    Text of H.R. 3724 (as reported) PDF XML

    :: H. Rept. 118-467 – Report from the Committee on Education and the Workforce to accompany H.R. 3724 PDF

    Text of H.R. 7683 (as reported) PDF XML

    :: H. Rept. 118-468 – Report from the Committee on Education and the Workforce to accompany H.R. 7683 PDF

    Comparative Print – Showing the differences between H.R. 3724 and H.R. 7683, as reported, and Rules Committee Print 118-49 PDF

Amendments (click headers to sort)

#Version #Sponsor(s)PartySummaryStatus
1Version 1Molinaro (NY)RepublicanAmendment to add "religion" to the definition of political test in the bill. The bill currently defines political test as to include any initiative that promotes disparate treatment of an individual on the basis of race, color, or national origin.Submitted
2Version 1Ogles (TN)RepublicanIt is the sense of Congress that acts of violence committed on the campus of an institution of higher education are not protected under the First Amendment to the Constitution.Submitted
3Version 1Ogles (TN)RepublicanSpecifies that the prohibition on discrimination by public universities against religious student organizations based on their leadership standards includes leadership standards regarding religious identity, belief, or practice.Submitted