H.R. 8038 - 21st Century Peace through Strength Act

Bill Text

    Text of H.R. 8038 PDF XML

    (as introduced)

Rule Information

REPORTED BY A RECORD VOTE of 9-3 on Thursday, April 18, 2024.

Agreed to by a record vote of 316-94 on April 19, 2024.

MANAGERS: Burgess/McGovern


Closed rule for H.R. 8034.


Waives all points of order against consideration of the bill.


Provides that the bill shall be considered as read. 


Waives all points of order against provisions in the bill.


Provides thirty minutes of general debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Appropriations or their respective designees.


Provides one motion to recommit.


Structured rule for H.R. 8035.


Waives all points of order against consideration of the bill.


Provides thirty minutes of general debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Appropriations or their respective designees.


Provides that the amendment printed in part A of the Rules Committee report shall be considered as adopted, and the bill, as amended, shall be considered as read.


Waives all points of order against provisions in the bill, as amended.


Makes in order only the further amendments printed in part B of the Rules Committee report. Each such amendment may be offered only in the order printed in the report, may be offered only by a Member designated in the report, shall be considered as read, shall be debatable for the time specified in the report equally divided and controlled by the proponent and an opponent, shall not be subject to amendment, and shall not be subject to a demand for division of the question.


Waives all points of order against the amendments printed in part B of the Rules Committee report.


Provides that for those amendments reported from the Committee of the Whole, the question of their adoption shall be put to the House en gros and without demand for division of the question.


Provides one motion to recommit.


Structured rule for H.R. 8036.


Waives all points of order against consideration of the bill.


Provides that the bill shall be considered as read.


Waives all points of order against provisions in the bill.


Provides thirty minutes of general debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Appropriations or their respective designees.


Makes in order only the amendment printed in part C of the Rules Committee report accompanying the resolution.  Each such amendment may be offered only in the order printed in the report, may be offered only by a Member designated in the report, shall be considered as read, shall be debatable for the time specified in the report equally divided and controlled by the proponent and an opponent, shall not be subject to amendment, and shall not be subject to a demand for division of the question.


Waives all points of order against the amendment printed in part C of the report.


Provides one motion to recommit.


Structured rule for H.R. 8038.


Waives all points of order against consideration of the bill.


Provides thirty minutes of general debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs or their respective designees.


Provides that the amendment printed in part D of the Rules Committee report shall be considered as adopted, and the bill, as amended, shall be considered as read.


Waives all points of order against provisions in the bill, as amended.


Makes in order only those further amendments printed in part E of the Rules Committee report. Each such amendment may be offered only in the order printed in the report, may be offered only by a Member designated in the report, shall be considered as read, shall be debatable for the time specified in the report equally divided and controlled by the proponent and an opponent, shall not be subject to amendment, and shall not be subject to a demand for division of the question.


Waives all points of order against the amendments printed in part E of the report.


Provides that for those amendments reported from the Committee of the Whole, the question of their adoption shall be put to the House en gros and without demand for division of the question.


Provides one motion to recommit.


Provides that during consideration of H.R. 8035 and H.R. 8038, the Chair may entertain a motion that the Committee rise only if offered by the Majority Leader or his designee and the Chair may not entertain a motion to strike out the enacting words of the bill (as described in clause 9 of rule XVIII).


Provides that upon disposition of H.R. 8034, H.R. 8035, H.R. 8036, and H.R. 8038, the House shall be considered to have concurred in the Senate amendment to H.R. 815 with an amendment consisting of the text of H.R. 8034, H.R. 8035, H.R. 8036, and H.R. 8038, as passed by the House, if passed by the House.


Provides that in the engrossment of the House amendment to the Senate amendment to H.R. 815, the Clerk shall assign appropriate designations to provisions within the engrossment; conform cross-references and provisions for short titles within the engrossment; be authorized to make technical corrections, including corrections in spelling, punctuation, page and line numbering, section numbering, and insertion of appropriate headings; and relocate section 3 of the text of H.R. 8038 to a new section immediately prior to Division A within the engrossment.


Provides that upon transmission to the Senate of a message that the House has concurred in the Senate amendment to H.R. 815 with an amendment, H.R. 8034, H.R. 8035, H.R. 8036, and H.R. 8038, as passed by the House, if passed by the House, are laid on the table.

Amendments (click headers to sort)

#Version #Sponsor(s)PartySummaryStatus
1Version 2Barr (KY)RepublicanRevised Prohibits the Secretary of the Treasury from authorizing certain energy-related transactions involving sanctioned Russian financial institutions.Revised
2Version 1Wagner (MO), Moylan (GU)RepublicanIncludes at the end of the bill S. 3853, the Radiation Exposure Compensation Reauthorization Act (as passed by the Senate on 3/8/2024).Submitted
3Version 1Barr (KY)RepublicanProhibits a United States financial institution from engaging in a transaction related to energy involving certain Russian persons sanctioned by the President.Submitted
4Version 3Schweikert (AZ)RepublicanRevised To authorize additional assistance to Israel using assets confiscated from Iran, and for other purposes.Revised
5Version 2Schweikert (AZ)RepublicanRevised To amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to encourage the development of vaccines to prevent, treat, or mitigate opioid use disorder.Revised
6Version 2Schweikert (AZ)RepublicanRevised To prohibit digital platforms from using information about a user unless the user consents to such use, to ensure personal information is considered a property right.Revised
7Version 2Miller-Meeks (IA), Turner (OH)RepublicanRevised Following a disturbing rise of antisemitism in the U.S. following Hamas' invasion of Israel on October 7, 2023, this amendment would establish Commission to Study Acts of Antisemitism in the U.S. The Commission is required to report findings and recommendations to the President and Congress no later than 1 year after enactment.Revised
8Version 1McHenry (NC), Waters (CA)Bi-PartisanThe amendment preserves the jurisdiction of the Financial Services Committee as it relates to the treatment of data in financial transactions.Submitted
9Version 1Steube (FL)RepublicanStrikes ambiguous language in the third prong of the definition of "Controlled by a Foreign Adversary" in order to prevent the bill's divestiture requirements from being abused to apply to a broad class of persons and companies, including those based in the United States.Submitted
10Version 2Clyde (GA)RepublicanRevised Revises Division E to prohibit the transfer of data to the United States government entities.Revised
11Version 1Ogles (TN)RepublicanSubjects all aliens who have illegally entered the country on or since January 20, 2021 to expedited removal.Submitted
12Version 1Ogles (TN)RepublicanAdds a finding that the People's Republic of China subsidizes the production of fentanyl precursors and does not adequately enforce laws against trafficking them.Submitted
13Version 1Meeks (NY)DemocratAmends the underlying legislation by inserting the text of HR 7701 with an exception for importation of goods. Requires the imposition of sanctions with respect to any foreign person that knowingly participates in the construction, maintenance, or repair of a tunnel or bridge that connects the Russian mainland with the Crimean peninsula.Submitted
14Version 2Mills (FL)RepublicanRevised Prohibits funding made available by the bill from being used by the Government of Ukraine to nationalize U.S. assets in Ukraine.Revised
15Version 2Huizenga (MI)RepublicanRevised This amendment prohibits U.S. financial institutions from facilitating trade with sanctioned Iranian persons, except for the sale of agricultural commodities, food, medicine, medical devices, or humanitarian assistance benefitting the civilian population of Iran.Revised
16Version 3Moolenaar (MI), Gallagher (WI), Wittman (VA), Feenstra (IA), Norman (SC), Peltola (AK), Costa (CA), Thompson (CA), Gallego (AZ), Hinson (IA)Bi-PartisanRevised To protect U.S. food security, give the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States greater jurisdiction over land purchases, to impose special guards against foreign adversary purchases of land in the United States near sensitive sites, to expand the definition of sensitive sites, and for other purposes.Revised
17Version 3Gallagher (WI), Panetta (CA), Moolenaar (MI), Golden (ME)Bi-PartisanRevised To sanction PRC entities that provide support to the Russian Federation and grant the President the discretionary authority to sanction PRC entities involved in military research.Revised
18Version 1McCormick (GA)RepublicanRequires the Secretary of State to invalidate passports for travel to Iran with certain exceptions.Submitted
19Version 1Gallagher (WI), Panetta (CA)Bi-PartisanCreates a War Reserve Stock Program for Taiwan to transfer obsolete and surplus defense articles to Taiwan that are in the inventory of DoD.Submitted
20Version 1McCormick (GA)RepublicanRequires the Secretary of State to invalidate passports for travel to Iran with certain exceptions.Submitted
21Version 1McCormick (GA)RepublicanStates that it is the policy of the U.S. to encourage our allies to implement sanctions and export controls on the Iranian airlines that are subject to U.S. sanctions and export controls.Submitted
22Version 2Clyde (GA), Biggs (AZ)RepublicanRevised Prohibit funding for finalization, implementation, administration, or enforcement of certain proposed and finalized EPA rules that seek to mandate the manufacture of electric vehiclesRevised
23Version 2Clyde (GA), Biggs (AZ)RepublicanRevised Insert Language of the Unlocking our Domestic LNG Potential Act of 2024Revised
24Version 1Moolenaar (MI)RepublicanThis amendment would prohibit companies - based in a foreign country of concern - and their subsidiaries from receiving tax credits.Submitted
25Version 1Houlahan (PA), Bacon (NE), Fitzpatrick (PA), González-Colón (PR)Bi-PartisanProhibits export or sale of petroleum products from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to China, North Korea, Russia, Iran or any country subject to sanctions imposed by the United States.Submitted
26Version 4Nunn (IA)RepublicanRevised Requires the U.S. Department of Treasury to submit a report and briefing to Congress identifying all assets of the Iranian Government or covered persons valued at more than $5 million and requires a list of all licenses, statements of licensing policy, action letters, and all other sanction exemptions relating to Iran.Made in Order
27Version 1Wilson (SC), Cohen (TN)Bi-PartisanAmends the Peace Through Strength Act to include the Assad Regime Anti-Normalization Act of 2023. To impose costs on the regime of Bashar al Assad for its support of terrorism and trafficking of narcotics.Submitted
28Version 2Moolenaar (MI)RepublicanRevised This amendment would lower the grant threshold prohibiting foreign entities of concern receiving Department of Energy research grants.Revised
29Version 3Steil (WI)RepublicanRevised Would authorize the use of assets seized from the IRGC, Houthis, Hezbollah, Hamas, or any other organization designated by the President for engagement in hostilities against Israel to be used to support Israel.Revised
30Version 1Kiggans (VA), Peters (CA), Gallego (AZ), Williams (NY)Bi-PartisanStreamlines the federal permitting process for domestic semiconductor manufacturing facilities to ensure that CHIPS Act grant funding is efficiently and effectively disbursed.Submitted
31Version 1Keating (MA), Wilson (SC)Bi-PartisanStrategies to prevent export to Iran of certain technologies related to unmanned aircraft systems.Submitted
32Version 1Steube (FL)RepublicanIncludes the Iranian Terrorism Prevention Act, which designates all Iranian proxy militias as Foreign Terrorist Organizations and sanctions them all too.Submitted
33Version 2Keating (MA), Fitzpatrick (PA)Bi-PartisanRevised President supports creation of special tribunal for crime of aggression against UkraineRevised
34Version 1McCormick (GA)RepublicanRequires an assessment to determine if the United States should implement secondary sanctions on the Iranian airline industry.Submitted
35Version 2Clyde (GA), Biggs (AZ)RepublicanRevised Prohibiting EPA rules that mandate the use of a specific technology or result in limited availability of new motor vehicles based on engine typeRevised
36Version 1McCormick (GA)RepublicanRequires the President to submit a report to the appropriate congressional committees each time the President waives the sanctions implemented by Subtitle A of Title I of the bill.Submitted
37Version 2McCaul (TX)RepublicanMANAGER’S AMENDMENT Revised Makes technical fixes to the underlying bill.Considered as Adopted
38Version 2Gimenez (FL)RepublicanRevised This amendment would deepen military coordination with Taiwan by requiring the Secretary of Defense, with the Secretary of State, to conduct a study of the feasibility and advisability of establishing the United-States Taiwan Combined Planning Group and to submit the study to the congressional defense committees, the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House and the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate.Revised
39Version 1Mace (SC)RepublicanStrikes the text of Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications ActSubmitted
40Version 2Manning (NC)DemocratRevised This amendment would strengthen Federal efforts to counter antisemitism in the United States by establishing a National Coordinator to Counter Antisemitism.Revised
41Version 1Tenney (NY)RepublicanInserts the text of the Anti-BDS Labeling ActSubmitted
42Version 1Tenney (NY)RepublicanInserts the text of the RECOGNZING Judea and Samaria Act.Submitted
43Version 1Tenney (NY)RepublicanInserts the text of the SEVER ActSubmitted
44Version 1Tenney (NY)RepublicanInserts the text of the Countering Hate Against Israel by Federal Contractors Act.Submitted
45Version 1Latta (OH), Pfluger (TX), Krishnamoorthi (IL)Bi-PartisanAmends the Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Act of 2019 to fully fund the program and secure American internet networks from Chinese influence.Submitted
46Version 8Gimenez (FL), Wittman (VA), Krishnamoorthi (IL)Bi-PartisanRevised Requires the annual China Military Power report to provide an assessment of the PRC's development in critical and emerging technologies and identify key PRC entities involved in each technology sector.Made in Order
47Version 1Moolenaar (MI)RepublicanThis amendment would prohibit companies - based in a foreign country of concern - and its subsidiaries from obtaining a permit under the Clean Water Act.Submitted
48Version 1Lucas (OK), Gonzalez, Vicente (TX)Bi-PartisanRequires the Treasury Department, Federal Reserve, and Securities and Exchange Commission to seek China’s exclusion from proceedings of the G20, Bank for International Settlements, Financial Stability Board, Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, International Association of Insurance Supervisors, and International Organization of Securities Commissions in the event of a Chinese threat to Taiwan.Submitted
49Version 1Meeks (NY)DemocratAdds standard waivers and exceptions the sanctions authorization in Division C.Submitted
50Version 1Boyle (PA), Fitzpatrick (PA), Keating (MA)Bi-PartisanInserts the text of the "Transferring Illicit Assets to Ukraine Act" (H.R. 7077) into the text of the bill. Allows the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) to transfer more forfeited Russian assets to Ukraine. This bill was added as an amendment to the REPO Act when it passed out of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in January.Submitted
51Version 1Neguse (CO), Lee (FL)Bi-PartisanProvides incentive pay for Department of Justice employees that have unique skills to combat online fentanyl trafficking.Submitted
52Version 1Arrington (TX)RepublicanEqualizes Medicare payments for health care services that can safely be delivered in a physician’s office as recommended by the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC), decreasing spending in Medicare and reducing out-of-pocket costs for millions of seniors.Submitted
53Version 1Malliotakis (NY)RepublicanThis amendment prohibits any U.S. grant money or other federal funds from going to Iran, North Korea, China, or Russia, either directly or indirectly. The exception allows for humanitarian aid to civilian populations through NGOs as long as the aid doesn’t significantly benefit the governments of the sanctioned countries.Submitted
54Version 1Steube (FL)RepublicanInserts the text of the Iranian Terror Prevention Act.Submitted
55Version 2Steube (FL)RepublicanRevised Strikes ambiguous language in the third prong of the definition of "Controlled by a Foreign Adversary" and inserts language narrowing the definition to comport with CIFIUS definition of "Control" in 31 CFR § 800,208.Revised
56Version 1Steube (FL)RepublicanEnsures that the President may not impose conditions on any intended buyer or recipient of data unless the conditions are strictly necessary to ensure the intended buyer or recipient is not controlled by a foreign adversary.Submitted
57Version 2Hill (AR)RepublicanRevised (Same amendment text, revised summary): Amends the Findings and Sense of Congress sections of the REPO Act in order to recognize how the annexation of Crimea in 2014 preceded the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022Revised
58Version 1Houlahan (PA), Waltz (FL), Garbarino (NY)Bi-PartisanInserts the bipartisan Critical Minerals Security Act of 2024, which requires the Interior Secretary to submit regular reports to Congress detailing the global resources and ownership of critical mineral and rare earth element resources including those controlled by foreign entities of concern, among other data. The bill establishes processes for U.S. entities seeking to divest stock from operations controlled by foreign entities of concern and promotes collaboration with allies and partners to ensure U.S. access to critical minerals.Submitted
59Version 2Houlahan (PA)DemocratRevised Would add the text of H.R. 4333, the Safeguarding the Homeland from the Threats Posed by Unmanned Aircraft Systems Act of 2023, at the end of the text.Revised
60Version 2Stanton (AZ)DemocratRevised Inserts provisions of H.R. 2789, the American Cooperation with Our Neighbors Act, which provides for a strategy to bring law enforcement, local governments, and non-governmental organizations in the United States and Mexico together to combat the trafficking of fentanyl and other synthetic opioids.Revised
61Version 1Cohen (TN), Hudson (NC)Bi-PartisanAdds the condemnation of the Russian Federation for acts of genocide under Article II of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.Submitted
62Version 1Crenshaw (TX), Luttrell (TX)RepublicanThis Amendment takes the grant language contained in the End the Border Catastrophe Act (Title VIII) and adds it to this bill in Division C. It increases the grant total provided from $9.5B to $15B, with $5B allocated for border barrier grants and $10B allocated for law enforcement reimbursement grants.Submitted
63Version 1LaMalfa (CA), Tokuda (HI)Bi-PartisanIncludes Title IV of H.R. 7024, the Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act, which provides tax relief and disaster recovery assistance for Federally declared disasters.Submitted
64Version 2Hinson (IA), Slotkin (MI), Davis (NC)Bi-PartisanRevised Requires the Secretary of Agriculture to publish an annual assessment on dependencies in the food and agriculture supply chain on the People's Republic of China.Revised
65Version 1Van Duyne (TX)RepublicanRequires the GAO to conduct a study detailing the total cost of unused construction materials that were obtained for the construction of a border wall along the United States-Mexico border.Submitted
66Version 1Gonzales, Tony (TX)RepublicanTerminates the U.S.-China Income Tax Convention if the People's Liberation Army initiates an armed attack against Taiwan.Submitted
67Version 1LaHood (IL)RepublicanRevises Division E to clarify that the term "data broker" does not include an entity that is providing a marketplace in which to bid on or request bids for the display of advertising.Submitted
68Version 1Sherrill (NJ)DemocratTasks the Department of Defense to create a risk framework to evaluate foreign mobile applications of concern.Submitted