H.R. 8771 - Department Of State, Foreign Operations, And Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2025

Bill Text

    Rules Committee Print 118-39 PDF

    Showing the text of H.R. ____, Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2025, as ordered reported by the Committee on Appropriations.

    Text of H.R. 8771 PDF XML

    (as reported)

    H. Rept. 118-554 PDF

    Report from the Committee on Appropriations to accompany H.R. 8771

    Amendment Drafting Template DOC

    (courtesy of the Office of Legislative Counsel)

Rule Information

REPORTED BY A RECORD VOTE of 9-4 on Tuesday, June 25, 2024.

Agreed to by a record vote of 207-201, after agreeing to the previous question by a record vote of 188-152, on Wednesday, June 26, 2024.

MANAGERS: Scott/Neguse


Structured rule for H.R. 8774.


Waives all points of order against consideration of the bill.


Provides one hour of general debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Appropriations or their respective designees.


Provides that an amendment in the nature of a substitute consisting of the text of Rules Committee Print 118-40 shall be considered as adopted and the bill, as amended, shall be considered as read.


Waives all points of order against provisions in the bill, as amended.


Makes in order only those amendments printed in part A of the Rules Committee report, amendments en bloc described in section 3 and pro forma amendments described in section 4. Each amendment shall be considered only in the order printed in the report, may be offered only by a Member designated in the report, shall be considered as read, shall be debatable for the time specified in the report equally divided and controlled by the proponent and an opponent, shall not be subject to amendment except as provided by section 4 of the rule, and shall not be subject to a demand for division of the question.


Waives all points of order against the amendments printed in part A of the Rules Committee report or amendments en bloc described in section 3 of the rule.


Provides that the chair of the Committee on Appropriations or his designee may offer amendments en bloc consisting of amendments printed in part A of the Rules Committee report not earlier disposed of. Amendments en bloc shall be considered as read, shall be debatable for 20 minutes equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Appropriations or their respective designees, shall not be subject to amendment except as provided by section 4 of the rule, and shall not be subject to a demand for division of the question.


Provides that the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Appropriations or their respective designees may offer up to 10 pro forma amendments each at any point for the purpose of debate.


Provides one motion to recommit.


Structured rule for H.R. 8771.


Waives all points of order against consideration of the bill.


Provides one hour of general debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Appropriations or their respective designees.


Provides that an amendment in the nature of a substitute consisting of the text of Rules Committee Print 118-39 shall be considered as adopted and the bill, as amended, shall be considered as read.


Waives all points of order against provisions in the bill, as amended.


Makes in order only those amendments printed in part B of the Rules Committee report, amendments en bloc described in section 8 and pro forma amendments described in section 9. Each amendment shall be considered only in the order printed in the report, may be offered only by a Member designated in the report, shall be considered as read, shall be debatable for the time specified in the report equally divided and controlled by the proponent and an opponent, shall not be subject to amendment except as provided by section 9 of the rule, and shall not be subject to a demand for division of the question.


Waives all points of order against the amendments printed in part B of the Rules Committee report or amendments en bloc described in section 8 of the rule.


Provides that the chair of the Committee on Appropriations or his designee may offer amendments en bloc consisting of amendments printed in part B of the Rules Committee report not earlier disposed of. Amendments en bloc shall be considered as read, shall be debatable for 20 minutes equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Appropriations or their respective designees, shall not be subject to amendment except as provided by section 9 of the rule, and shall not be subject to a demand for division of the question.


Provides that the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Appropriations or their respective designees may offer up to 10 pro forma amendments each at any point for the purpose of debate.


Provides one motion to recommit.


Structured rule for H.R. 8752.


Waives all points of order against consideration of the bill.


Provides one hour of general debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Appropriations or their respective designees.


Provides that an amendment in the nature of a substitute consisting of the text of Rules Committee Print 118-38, modified by the amendment specified in section 17, shall be considered as adopted and the bill, as amended, shall be considered as read.


Waives all points of order against provisions in the bill, as amended.


Makes in order only those amendments printed in part C of the Rules Committee report, amendments en bloc described in section 13 and pro forma amendments described in section 14. Each amendment shall be considered only in the order printed in the report, may be offered only by a Member designated in the report, shall be considered as read, shall be debatable for the time specified in the report equally divided and controlled by the proponent and an opponent, shall not be subject to amendment except as provided by section 14 of the rule, and shall not be subject to a demand for division of the question.


Waives all points of order against the amendments printed in part C of the Rules Committee report or amendments en bloc described in section 13 of the rule.


Provides that the chair of the Committee on Appropriations or his designee may offer amendments en bloc consisting of amendments printed in part C of the Rules Committee report not earlier disposed of. Amendments en bloc shall be considered as read, shall be debatable for 20 minutes equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Appropriations or their respective designees, shall not be subject to amendment except as provided by section 14 of the rule, and shall not be subject to a demand for division of the question.


Provides that the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Appropriations or their respective designees may offer up to 10 pro forma amendments each at any point for the purpose of debate.


Provides one motion to recommit.


Provides that the Clerk shall not transmit to the Senate a message that the House has passed H.R. 8752 until notified by the Speaker that H.R. 2, as passed by the House on May 11, 2023, has been enacted into law.

Amendments (click headers to sort)

#Version #Sponsor(s)PartySummaryStatus
1Version 1Greene (GA)RepublicanReduces the salary of David Pressman, United States Ambassador to Hungary, to $1.Made in Order
2Version 1Greene (GA)RepublicanReduces the salary of Antony Blinken, Secretary of State, to $1.Submitted
3Version 2Greene (GA)RepublicanRevised Reduces the salary of, Samantha Power, Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development, to $1.Made in Order
4Version 2Greene (GA)RepublicanRevised Prohibits funding for Ukraine.Made in Order
5Version 3Greene (GA)RepublicanRevised Prohibits funding for USAID.Made in Order
6Version 2Greene (GA)RepublicanWithdrawn Prohibits funding for the Ukraine Communications Group.Withdrawn
7Version 2Garcia, Robert (CA)DemocratRevised Prohibits funding for marijuana testing of federal job applicants in states which have legalized marijuana use.Revised
8Version 3Hageman (WY), Biggs (AZ), Perry (PA), Burlison (MO)RepublicanRevised Prohibits funding for the International Organization for Migration's activities in the Western HemisphereMade in Order
9Version 1Hageman (WY)RepublicanProhibits funding for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.Submitted
10Version 1Titus (NV), Castro (TX)DemocratStrikes paragraph prohibiting funds for public diplomacy programs to be used for economic reform and entrepreneurship in Cuba.Submitted
11Version 1Titus (NV)DemocratIncreases and decreases funding by $30 million for the Complex Crises Fund to support the goals of the Global Fragility Act of 2019.Made in Order
12Version 1Titus (NV)DemocratIncreases and decreases funding by $598,000 for Contributions to International Organizations to support the UN World Tourism Organization.Submitted
13Version 1Titus (NV), Amo, Gabe (RI)DemocratIncreases and decreases funding by $30 million for the United States Agency for International Development to support the USAID Inclusive Development Hub's protection of LGBTQI+ individuals.Submitted
14Version 1Gottheimer (NJ), Titus (NV), Lee (NV)DemocratIncreases by $5 million the State Department’s Consular and Border Security Programs to help the Passport Services Directorate reduce the backlog of passport applications. Offsets $5 million from the Capital Investment Fund.Submitted
15Version 1Gosar (AZ)RepublicanProhibits funds for the TechCamp public diplomacy program of the Bureau of Educational & Cultural Affairs.Made in Order
16Version 1Peltola (AK), Moylan (GU)Bi-PartisanReallocates $ 1.5 million from the Capital Investment Fund to the International Fisheries Commission to fully fund the Commission's halibut surveys.Submitted
17Version 1Garcia, Robert (CA)DemocratProhibits security assistance to Uganda.Submitted
18Version 1Mace (SC)RepublicanProhibits funds made available by this Act from being obligated, expended, or otherwise be made available to the International Organization for Migration.Submitted
19Version 1Mace (SC)RepublicanProhibits funds made available by this Act from being obligated, expended, or otherwise made available to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.Made in Order
20Version 1Escobar (TX), Peters (CA), Gonzalez, Vicente (TX), Stansbury (NM), Crenshaw (TX), Levin (CA), Jacobs (CA), Vargas (CA)Bi-PartisanIncreases funding to the International Boundary and Water Commission Salaries and Expenses account.Submitted
21Version 2Donalds (FL)RepublicanRevised Directs the Treasury Secretary to instruct the U.S. executive director of each international financial institution to use the voice and vote of the USA to maximize the ability of the U.S. to export American nuclear technology to allies and embarking nuclear nations.Revised
22Version 1Donalds (FL)RepublicanWithdrawn NOT REVIEWABLE - Removes ambiguity relating to the disbursement of international humanitarian assistance for persecuted ethnic and religious minorities by striking "vulnerable and"Withdrawn
23Version 1Donalds (FL)RepublicanWithdrawn NOT REVIEWABLE - Strengthens funding restrictions relating to the international facilitation of mass migration to the United StatesWithdrawn
24Version 2Stansbury (NM), Escobar (TX), Norton (DC), Castro (TX), Espaillat (NY), Carter (LA), Schakowsky (IL), Pingree (ME), Porter (CA), Cohen (TN), Moulton (MA)DemocratRevised Strikes guidance on Multilateral Development Banks prohibition on implementing or administering the Executive Order on Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad.Revised
25Version 1Stansbury (NM), Escobar (TX), Nadler (NY), Castro (TX), Norton (DC), Carter (LA), Espaillat (NY), Velázquez (NY), Schakowsky (IL), Porter (CA), Pingree (ME), Magaziner (RI), Moulton (MA)DemocratStrikes the section prohibiting funds for the Green Climate Fund.Submitted
26Version 2Stansbury (NM), Escobar (TX), Norton (DC), Castro (TX), Carter (LA), Espaillat (NY), Titus (NV), Velázquez (NY), Schakowsky (IL), Porter (CA), Pingree (ME), Magaziner (RI), Cohen (TN), Moulton (MA)DemocratRevised Strikes section prohibiting funds for the Clean Technology Fund.Revised
27Version 2Stansbury (NM), Escobar (TX), Norton (DC), Castro (TX), Carter (LA), Espaillat (NY), Velázquez (NY), Schakowsky (IL), Porter (CA), Pingree (ME), Magaziner (RI), Cohen (TN), Moulton (MA)DemocratRevised Strikes section prohibiting sectors and programs from being attributed to, or counted towards targets for, climate change programs.Revised
28Version 2Stansbury (NM), Escobar (TX), Norton (DC), Carter (LA), Castro (TX), Espaillat (NY), Titus (NV), Velázquez (NY), Schakowsky (IL), Porter (CA), Pingree (ME), Magaziner (RI), Moulton (MA)DemocratRevised Strikes section prohibiting funds be used to implement the decision by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change’s 21st Conference of Parties in Paris, France, adopted December 12, 2015, commonly known as the ‘‘Paris Agreement.’’Revised
29Version 2Stansbury (NM), Escobar (TX), Norton (DC), Nadler (NY), Castro (TX), Carter (LA), Espaillat (NY), Velázquez (NY), Schakowsky (IL), Porter (CA), Pingree (ME), Magaziner (RI), Moulton (MA)DemocratRevised Strikes section prohibiting funds be used to carry out Executive Orders: Protecting Public Health and the Environment and Restoring Science To Tackle the Climate Crisis, Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad, Rebuilding and Enhancing Programs To Resettle Refugees and Planning for the Impact of Climate Change on Migration, Climate Related Financial Risk, Strengthening American Leadership in Clean Cars and Trucks, Catalyzing Clean Energy Industries and Jobs through Federal Sustainability, to Implementation of the Energy and Infrastructure Provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, and Revitalizing Our Nation’s Commitment to Environmental Justice for All.Revised
30Version 2Stansbury (NM), Escobar (TX), Norton (DC), Castro (TX), Carter (LA), Espaillat (NY), Schakowsky (IL), Porter (CA), Pingree (ME), Magaziner (RI), Moulton (MA)DemocratRevised Strikes section prohibiting funds used for the Loss and Damage Fund or to pay compensation to any country, organization, or individual for loss and damages attributed to climate change.Revised
31Version 1Tiffany (WI)RepublicanProhibits funds from the Act from being used to issue a visa to or admit to the United States the General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party, the Premier of the People’s Republic of China, the Foreign Minister of the People’s Republic of China, or the Defense Minister of the People’s Republic of China.Submitted
32Version 2Tiffany (WI)RepublicanRevised Prohibits the funds from this Act from being used in contravention of Section 221 of Public Law 103-416, which calls for the President of Taiwan and other high-ranking officials from Taiwan to be admitted to the United States at any time to discuss trade, national security, nuclear proliferation, environmental protection and other bilateral issues.Made in Order
33Version 2Tiffany (WI)RepublicanRevised Prohibits funds from this Act from being used to enforce arbitrary restrictions on executive branch officials regarding travel to Taiwan and normal communication with Taiwanese officials imposed by the State Department through the “Memorandum for All Department and Agency Executive Secretaries” entitled “Revised Guidelines on Interaction with Taiwan” dated June 29, 2021.Made in Order
34Version 2Tiffany (WI)RepublicanRevised Prohibits funds from being used to pay any United States contribution to the United Nations or any affiliated agency of the United Nations.Made in Order
35Version 1Gottheimer (NJ)DemocratProhibits U.S. funds from being used to purchase airline tickets to or from a foreign airport that has permitted the landing of airplanes owned or operated by an Iranian airline on the Specially Designated National List maintained by the Office of Foreign Assets Control.Submitted
36Version 1Gottheimer (NJ)DemocratProhibits all funds in this bill from going to the United Nations (UN) and its affiliated entities until the Secretary of State certifies that the UN has designated Hamas, Hezbollah, and Ansarallah (the Houthis) as terrorist organizations.Submitted
37Version 2Tiffany (WI), Ogles (TN), Perry (PA), Biggs (AZ)RepublicanRevised Prohibits the use of funds to issue a visa or grant parole to any holder of a Palestinian Authority passport.Revised
38Version 1Ogles (TN), Biggs (AZ)RepublicanProhibits the use of funds to the Azov Battalion, the 12th Special Forces Brigade Azov, or the 3rd Separate Assault Brigade.Submitted
39Version 2Brecheen (OK), Burlison (MO)RepublicanRevised Prohibits funds from be used for recognition or normalization of relations with any government in the Palestinian territories led by current or former members of Hamas.Revised
40Version 2Donalds (FL)RepublicanRevised Strengthens funding restrictions relating to the international facilitation of mass migration to the United States.Revised
41Version 1Ogles (TN)RepublicanProhibits the use of funds to delist the People's Republic of China from the "Majors List".Made in Order
42Version 1Donalds (FL)RepublicanWithdrawn Clarifies ambiguity relating to the applicability of humanitarian assistance.Withdrawn
43Version 1Issa (CA)RepublicanProhibits funding for documents, statements, or other communications that refers to the General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party by the title of ‘‘President.’’Made in Order
44Version 1De La Cruz (TX)RepublicanEnsures that United States diplomats and officials of the U.S. Section of the International Boundary and Water Commission are able to advance efforts seeking compliance by the United Mexican States with the 1944 Treaty on Utilization of Waters of the Colorado and Tijuana Rivers and of the Rio Grande.Submitted
45Version 1Kamlager-Dove (CA), Frankel (FL), Meng (NY)DemocratStrikes the congressional notification requirement for Sec. 7059 funding, which will inhibit and delay agencies’ ability to carry out women’s economic empowerment, gender-based violence, women’s leadership, and women’s peace and security programming compared to other forms of international assistance.Submitted
46Version 1Ogles (TN)RepublicanProhibits the use of funds for the Memorandum on the Deferred Enforced Departure for Certain Palestinians, issued by the President on February 14, 2024.Submitted
47Version 1Mooney (WV)RepublicanWithdrawn Prohibits economic support funding for Mexico.Withdrawn
48Version 1Pappas (NH), Bilirakis (FL), Escobar (TX), Malliotakis (NY), Pallone (NJ), Mullin (CA), Titus (NV), Sarbanes (MD), Menendez (NJ)Bi-PartisanExtends the waiver renewal period for defense article sales to the Republic of Cyprus from one year to five years and permits the President to review the arms embargo waiver every five years following its enactment.Submitted
49Version 1Phillips (MN)DemocratIncreases the Development Assistance account by $10 million for the purpose of supporting democracy, civil society, and economic development in Tunisia (decreases same amount from USAID's Operating Expenses).Made in Order
50Version 1Cammack (FL)RepublicanProhibits funds from being used to finalize any rule or regulation that has resulted in or is likely to result in an annual effect on the economy of $100 million or more.Made in Order
51Version 2Titus (NV), Amo, Gabe (RI), McClintock (CA), Norton (DC), Pallone (NJ), Malliotakis (NY), Sarbanes (MD), Schakowsky (IL), Eshoo (CA), Stevens (MI), Moulton (MA), Lee (NV), Costa (CA), Tlaib (MI), Mullin (CA), Magaziner (RI), Chu (CA)Bi-PartisanRevised Prohibits funds in the bill from being used to support Azerbaijani security, development, or settlement in territories captured by force, including Nagorno-Karabakh.Revised
52Version 1Connolly (VA), Beyer (VA), Kamlager-Dove (CA), Titus (NV)DemocratStrikes the prohibition on funding for the Green Climate Fund.Submitted
53Version 3Gonzales, Tony (TX)RepublicanRevised Adds a requirement to prioritize appropriated funds to Latin American and Caribbean countries who combat transnational criminal organizations, and for the Secretary of State to consider the use of task forces with partnering nations as part of the strategic hemispheric plan.Revised
54Version 1Lawler (NY), Pallone (NJ), Bilirakis (FL), Amo, Gabe (RI), McClintock (CA), Malliotakis (NY), Sarbanes (MD), Schakowsky (IL), Eshoo (CA), Stevens (MI), Costa (CA), Magaziner (RI), Mullin (OK)Bi-PartisanProhibits funding to Azerbaijan in FY25 until the President determines, and so reports to the Congress, that the Government of Azerbaijan is taking demonstrable steps to cease all blockades and other offensive uses of force against Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh. This amendment includes no waiver authority since the Admin is currently exercising waiver authority to get around an existing prohibition on assistance.Submitted
55Version 1Lawler (NY)RepublicanAllows funding to be spent in support of the position of Special Envoy for Northern Ireland.Submitted
56Version 2Gonzales, Tony (TX)RepublicanRevised Adds a sense of Congress that the Secretary of State should prioritize migration funds for repatriation activities and processes for countries that are uncooperative in repatriation of their citizens.Revised
57Version 1Lawler (NY)RepublicanAllows funding to be spent in support of the position of Special Envoy for Haiti.Submitted
58Version 1Wilson (SC)RepublicanIncreases and decreases funding by $15 million to ESF funds at USAID to express the congressional intent that $15 million in ESF funding go to the White Helmets in Syria to save the lives of the victims of Assad regime, Russian, Iranian and Hezbollah attacks and help prevent refugee flows by helping Syrians stay in their homes.Made in Order
59Version 1Lawler (NY)RepublicanIncreases and decreases funding by $1 million the Diplomatic Programs account, which funds the Office of Economic Sanctions Policy and Implementation, to direct funding toward implementing SHIP Act sanctions.Made in Order
60Version 1Wilson (SC)RepublicanIncreases and decreases funds by $300 million to the ESF account at USAID to express congressional intent that $300 million in stabilization funding be provided to northwest Syria to counter al-Qaeda, Iranian backed militias, Hezbollah terrorists, the Assad regime, and Russia and Syrians stay in their homes and refugees to return home.Submitted
61Version 1Wilson (SC)RepublicanRequires stabilization funding required in the bill be provided to Northwest Syria as well to counter Al-Qaeda, Russia, Iranian backed militias, Hezbollah and the Assad regime.Made in Order
62Version 1Wilson (SC)RepublicanClarifies the funding prohibition of taxpayer dollars going to the Assad regime in the bill encompasses taxpayer dollars that are provided both directly and indirectly to the regime.Made in Order
63Version 1Escobar (TX), Peters (CA), Gonzalez, Vicente (TX), Stansbury (NM), Crenshaw (TX), Levin (CA), Jacobs (CA), Vargas (CA), Hudson (NC), Van Orden (WI)Bi-PartisanTransfers $10 million in funding for the International Boundary and Water Commission Construction account.Submitted
64Version 1Nehls (TX)RepublicanReduces Migration and Refugee Assistance funding by 25%.Made in Order
65Version 1Lawler (NY)RepublicanIncreases funding for the Peace Corps account by $20 million to match the FY24 enacted level. Decreases funding for the Office of the Secretary of State, through the Diplomatic Programs account, by $20 million.Made in Order
66Version 2Connolly (VA)DemocratRevised Increases and decreases funding by $5 million to support civil society in Tunisia and express concern for Tunisia’s authoritarian trajectory and an intensified crackdown against political opponents which has dissolved parliament, annulled the existing constitution, and disbanded the independent judicial system.Made in Order
67Version 1Connolly (VA), Titus (NV), Wilson (SC)Bi-PartisanIncreases and decreases funding by $10 million to support the Georgian people in their future Euro-Atlantic aspirations, based on democratic institutions, the rule of law, accountability for those who engage in corruption, an independent and impartial judiciary, and opposition to the 'Foreign Agents Law'.Made in Order
68Version 1Mace (SC)RepublicanReduces Migration and Refugee Assistance funding by $500 million and increases International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement funding by $500 million.Made in Order
69Version 1Mace (SC)RepublicanProhibits funds appropriated by this Act from being made available to any entity that participates in the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions Movement against Israel.Submitted
70Version 2Peters (CA), Crenshaw (TX), Escobar (TX), Vargas (CA), Jacobs (CA), Levin (CA), Van Orden (WI)Bi-PartisanRevised Authorizes federal and non-federal entities to contribute funds to the International Boundary and Water Commission. Identical text included in FY'24 minibus.Revised
71Version 1Molinaro (NY), Moylan (GU)RepublicanTransfers $5 million to increase Consular and Border Security Programs to expedite passport processing, hire additional personnel, and cut down on wait times.Made in Order
72Version 2Pfluger (TX)RepublicanRevised Increases and decreases funding by $1 million to require the Department of State, in consultation with the Department of Defense, NTIA, and Federal Communications Commission, to provide a report within 90 days of enactment to the Committees on Appropriations, Energy & Commerce, Armed Services, and Foreign Affairs on the preparatory process and strategy for advocating for international positions at the 2027 World Radiocommunications Conference (WRC). This report shall include a review of the process and outcomes of the 2023 WRC, steps taken to improve transparency for Congress, how the Department of State is preparing for CITEL and pursuing leadership positions in the working groups to PCCII, steps taken to empower U.S. civil society to effectively represent U.S. interests at CITEL and in other meetings leading to WRC-27, how is the agency conducting outreach and consolidation around WRC positions among U.S. commercial and federal government interests, and Congressional recommendations for future success at WRCs.Made in Order
73Version 1Gosar (AZ)RepublicanProhibits funds to approve of Foreign Military Sales to Ukraine.Made in Order
74Version 1Moylan (GU)RepublicanIncreases and decreases funding by $5 million for the Department of State, International Military Education and Training account to emphasize the importance of Joint Combined Bilateral Exercise Programs and partner nations in the Indo-Pacific.Made in Order
75Version 2Espaillat (NY), Meeks (NY)DemocratRevised Sets aside $5 million in funding from the Caribbean Basin Security Initiative (CBSI) for combating gender-based violence and sexual violence throughout the Caribbean.Revised
76Version 2Jackson Lee (TX), Escobar (TX)DemocratRevised Increases and decreases funding by $1,000,000 for the Global Health Programs account to highlight and support the fight against the practice of Female Genital Mutilation.Made in Order
77Version 2Jackson Lee (TX), Escobar (TX)DemocratRevised Increases and decreases funding by $1,000,000 for the Global Health Programs account to express the intent to have USAID provide unused vaccines that would otherwise be destroyed to countries in need around the world.Revised
78Version 1Kamlager-Dove (CA), Frankel (FL), Meng (NY), Titus (NV)DemocratStrikes the prohibition on funding for the Gender Equity and Equality Action Fund, which helps advance women’s economic security globally.Submitted
79Version 1Pettersen (CO)DemocratCreates an exception in the cost matching requirement for funds that are made available for preventing the deportation of Ukrainian children to Russia or reuniting Ukrainian children with their families in Ukraine.Submitted
80Version 4Moskowitz (FL), Wilson (SC), Lawler (NY), Gottheimer (NJ), Miller (WV)Bi-PartisanRevised Prohibits funds appropriated by this act to be made available for the State Department to cite statistics obtained from the Gaza Health Ministry.Made in Order
81Version 2Brecheen (OK), Ogles (TN), Moore (AL), Rosendale (MT), Burlison (MO)RepublicanRevised Prohibits funds from this Act from being used to promote or participate in Pride Month.Revised
82Version 2Brecheen (OK)RepublicanRevised Requires the Secretary of State to report to Congress any Ukrainian government officials who have violated the End-Use Monitoring agreements that were a prerequisite for Ukraine obtaining U.S. assistance.Revised
83Version 2Brecheen (OK)RepublicanRevised Reduces funding for educational and cultural exchange programs to FY2019 levels.Made in Order
84Version 2Brecheen (OK)RepublicanRevised Reduces funding for the National Endowment for Democracy to FY2019 levels.Revised
85Version 1Meeks (NY), Smith (WA)DemocratStrikes Section 7035(c)(5).Submitted
86Version 1Wild (PA)DemocratStrikes prohibition on funding for Pandemic Accord implementation.Submitted
87Version 1Pettersen (CO)DemocratAdds a sense of Congress that the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Department of State should focus greater attention and resources to help Ukrainian youth forcibly kidnapped by the Government of Russia and that humanitarian assistance to facilitate family reunification and strengthen protections for Ukrainian youth should be increased.Submitted
88Version 1Wild (PA)DemocratStrikes prohibition on funding for the World Health Organization.Submitted
89Version 1Spartz (IN), Burlison (MO)RepublicanProhibits funding for the UN unless specifically authorized by Congress.Made in Order
90Version 1Crow (CO), Wenstrup (OH), Nunn (IA), Sherrill (NJ), Williams (GA), Swalwell (CA), Peters (CA), Blumenauer (OR), Moulton (MA), Bera (CA)Bi-PartisanAuthorizes 20,000 visas for the Afghan SIV (Special Immigrant Visa) Program.Submitted
91Version 1Crow (CO), Wenstrup (OH), Blumenauer (OR), Nunn (IA), Sherrill (NJ), Williams (GA), Swalwell (CA), Peters (CA), Moulton (MA), Porter (CA), Bera (CA)Bi-PartisanEnsures funds appropriated or otherwise made available by this Act and fees available for obligation during FY25 in the Consular and Border Security Programs account shall be made available for additional Department of State personnel necessary to eliminate processing backlogs and expedite adjudication of Afghan SIV cases.Submitted
92Version 1Crow (CO), Meeks (NY), Titus (NV)DemocratStrikes Sec. 7049(b) and provides a two-year extension for section 1287(j) of the FY2017 NDAA, codified at 22 U.S.C. 2656.Submitted
93Version 1Perry (PA)RepublicanProhibits any funds from being made available to any country the government of which has labeled Israel as an apartheid state.Submitted
94Version 1Crow (CO), Wenstrup (OH), Blumenauer (OR), Nunn (IA), Sherrill (NJ), Williams (GA), Swalwell (CA), Peters (CA), Moulton (MA), Porter (CA), Bera (CA)Bi-PartisanAmends Section 602(b)(3)(F) of the Afghan Allies Protection Act of 2009 to extend the SIV program through 2029.Submitted
95Version 2Ogles (TN), Perry (PA)RepublicanWithdrawn Prohibits funds from use to impose a COVID-19 mask mandate.Withdrawn
96Version 2Perry (PA)RepublicanRevised Adds Russia to the prohibition on direct funding for certain countries (sec. 7007).Revised
97Version 1Ogles (TN), Burlison (MO)RepublicanProhibits any funds to Ukraine beyond what has already been authorized to be appropriated to Ukraine as of the day before the date of the enactment of this Act.Submitted
98Version 1Waltz (FL)RepublicanWithdrawn Prohibits funds from being used to conduct DEI core precepts of the Foreign Service Assessment Tools.Withdrawn
99Version 1Waltz (FL)RepublicanInserts language to highlight Iran's domination and subversion of Iraq's top legal body.Made in Order
100Version 2Ogles (TN)RepublicanRevised Prohibits the use of funds to be made available to issue a visa to or admit to the U.S. the General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party.Revised
101Version 2Waltz (FL), Biggs (AZ), Nunn (IA)RepublicanRevised Prohibits funds from this Act from being used to support the Gaza pier.Made in Order
102Version 2Ogles (TN), Burlison (MO)RepublicanRevised Prohibits the use of funds from being made available to pay the salary and expenses of Antony Blinken.Made in Order
103Version 2Ogles (TN), Perry (PA), Biggs (AZ)RepublicanRevised Reduces the amount appropriated to the Global Environment Facility to $0.Revised
104Version 2Meuser (PA), Ogles (TN)RepublicanRevised Prohibits any funding for Afghanistan.Revised
105Version 2Ogles (TN), Perry (PA)RepublicanRevised Prohibits the use of funds from being made available to delist the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a foreign terrorist organization.Revised
106Version 2Ogles (TN)RepublicanRevised Prohibits funds from being made available to the State of Qatar.Revised
107Version 1Meeks (NY)DemocratStrikes the notification requirement for International Disaster Assistance and Migration and Refugee Assistance funds.Submitted
108Version 2Ogles (TN)RepublicanRevised Prohibits the use of funds from being used to administer or enforce National Security Memorandum 20 (National Security Memorandum on Safeguards and Accountability With Respect to Transferred Defense Articles and Defense Services).Made in Order
109Version 4Jacobs (CA)DemocratRevised Increases the Complex Crises Fund by $45,000,000 and increases the Prevention and Stabilization Fund by $90,000,000 and decreases the Foreign Military Financing account by $135,000,000.Revised
110Version 2Ogles (TN)RepublicanRevised Transfers $2.7 million from the Peace Corps appropriation, and provides that funding to the Peace Corps Office of the Inspector General.Made in Order
111Version 2Ogles (TN)RepublicanRevised Increases Foreign Military Financing (FMF) program funding for Taiwan by $10 million.Made in Order
112Version 2Ogles (TN)RepublicanRevised Prohibits the use of funds from being used to display maps that inaccurately depict the occupied country of Tibet as part of the People's Republic of China.Made in Order
113Version 2Jacobs (CA)DemocratRevised Strikes the prohibition on funding to the International Criminal Court.Revised
114Version 2Jacobs (CA)DemocratRevised Strikes the prohibition on funding to the International Court of Justice.Revised
115Version 1Van Drew (NJ)RepublicanProhibits funds in this act to be used to award grants or provide otherwise funding to promote tourism in any foreign city or country.Submitted
116Version 3Gottheimer (NJ)DemocratRevised Increases and decreases funding by $1 million for the Department of State, Administration of Foreign Affairs, to support the State Department and Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism’s research on promising overseas programs, policies, and actions that counter antisemitism including those that focus on law enforcement and hate crime prosecutions, multi-faith and intercommunal coalition building, combating online hate, and antisemitism education.Revised
117Version 2Gottheimer (NJ)DemocratRevised Increases FMF to Bahrain while decreasing FMF to Lebanon.Revised
118Version 1Meeks (NY)DemocratStrikes limitations on funding for assistance to Colombia.Submitted
119Version 1Amo, Gabe (RI), Pocan (WI), Takano (CA), Garcia, Robert (CA), Balint (VT), Titus (NV), Sorensen (IL), Crow (CO)DemocratStrikes anti-LGBTQI+ provisions, including the special envoy ban, drag art ban, gender affirming care ban, pride flag ban, license to discriminate provision, and others.Submitted
120Version 1Issa (CA)RepublicanProhibits funds appropriated by this Act from being made available to support the implementation or negotiations toward an extension of the Scientific and Technological Cooperation Protocol Between the United States of America and China.Made in Order
121Version 6Miller (WV), Moskowitz (FL), Tenney (NY)Bi-PartisanRevised Prohibits funds from being made available for the United Nations to promote statistics from the Gaza Health Ministry.Revised
122Version 1Castor (FL)DemocratStrikes provisions that would prevent Treasury from using certain funds to implement Executive Order 14008 (relating to Executive Order on Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad); strikes provisions that would prevent the State Department from contributing to the Green Climate Fund, the Clean Technology Fund, the Loss and Damage Fund, Paris Agreement implementation, and other climate-related programs and activities.Submitted
123Version 2Miller (WV)RepublicanRevised Increases and decreases funding by $1 million for research and analysis for the State Department with the intent that the $1 million will be used for research into the economic impact of the negotiation of a comprehensive United States-Ecuador free trade agreement including on bilateral trade flows and the general economic and political stability of Ecuador, and evaluating any ways in which FTA negotiations could support the U.S.-Ecuador diplomatic relationship.Made in Order
124Version 1Foxx (NC)RepublicanReinforces the United States' commitment to Israel's security by protecting the U.S.-Israel Memorandum of Understanding signed on September 14, 2016.Submitted
125Version 1Foxx (NC)RepublicanProhibits funds from contravening Executive Order 13899, on Combating Anti-Semitism.Submitted
126Version 1Frankel (FL), Stansbury (NM), Houlahan (PA), Meng (NY), Kamlager-Dove (CA), Cohen (TN), Crow (CO)DemocratStrikes the Helms amendment, strikes the prohibition on support to UNFPA; and strikes language expanding the global gag rule.Submitted
127Version 1Grothman (WI)RepublicanProhibits funds made available by this Act from being used to provide asylum or refugee status to any holder of a travel document issued by the Palestinian National Authority or any successor government.Submitted
128Version 1Ocasio-Cortez (NY)DemocratIncreases and decreases funding by $100 million for the Amazon Fund.Submitted
129Version 1Takano (CA)DemocratEnsures appropriations to the Japanese-United States Friendship Trust Fund to remain available at $33 million dollars.Submitted
130Version 1Carter (GA)RepublicanProhibits funds from this Act from being made available for the benefit of the Government of Ethiopia until the Secretary of State confirms to the appropriate Congressional committees that an effective transitional justice process has occurred that holds responsible perpetrators from both the Ethiopian Defense Forces and the Tigray Defense Forces for atrocities including gross violations of human rights committed during the Tigray War.Submitted
131Version 1Thompson (PA), Keating (MA)Bi-PartisanIncreases and decreases funding by $500,000 to emphasize support for the Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange (CBYX) Program.Made in Order
132Version 1Carter (GA)RepublicanProhibits funding for the State Department IT account if the Department does not have the online passport renewal website fully online by March of 2025.Submitted
133Version 3Molinaro (NY)RepublicanRevised Increases the funding made available for food security and agricultural development programs by $5 million.Made in Order
134Version 1Vasquez (NM)DemocratIncreases the minimum amount allocated for countering fentanyl under the International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement program from $175,000,000 to $177,000,000.Submitted
135Version 3Mast (FL)RepublicanRevised Prohibits funds from being made available for reconstruction assistance in the Gaza Strip.Revised
136Version 1Garamendi (CA)DemocratIncreases Peace Corps funding to the FY25 Budget requested level of $479,000,000, ensuring continued Peace Corps presence in key countries around the world and full support to current and returned Peace Corps volunteers.Submitted
137Version 2Steil (WI), Moylan (GU)RepublicanRevised Increases and decreases funding by $1 million for the International Narcotics and Law Enforcement account to direct funding to stem the flow of fentanyl coming into the United States.Made in Order
138Version 1Mast (FL)RepublicanProhibits funds from being made available to the Gaza Strip.Submitted
139Version 1Mast (FL)RepublicanProhibits funds from going to Afghanistan.Submitted
140Version 2Burchett (TN), Burlison (MO)RepublicanRevised Prohibits the funding of the Special Presidential Envoy for Climate.Made in Order
141Version 1Brecheen (OK)RepublicanReduces funding for the Global Environment Facility by $139,575,000.Made in Order
142Version 2Burchett (TN)RepublicanRevised Reduces the salary of the Special Assistant to the Director of Programming at Voice of America to $1.Made in Order
143Version 1Mast (FL)RepublicanProhibits funds from enforcing Executive Order 14115 that has been used by the Administration to sanction Israelis.Made in Order
144Version 3Burchett (TN)RepublicanRevised Prohibits funding for the U.S. Agency for Global Media.Made in Order
145Version 1Stanton (AZ)DemocratAllows funds for the State Department's functional bureaus to be used for subnational cooperation.Submitted
146Version 1Pallone (NJ), Malliotakis (NY), Amo, Gabe (RI), Norton (DC), Sarbanes (MD), Schakowsky (IL), Eshoo (CA), Moulton (MA), Stevens (MI), Costa (CA), Magaziner (RI), Tlaib (MI), Mullin (CA), Chu (CA)Bi-PartisanIncreases and decreases funding by $100 million for the Republic of Armenia under the AEECA account. This funding will support victims from Nagorno Karabakh currently residing in Armenia, who were forced to flee their ancestral homeland amid Azerbaijan’s full-scale attack in 2023.Submitted
147Version 2Steube (FL)RepublicanRevised Prohibits funds for USAID to provide grants for LGBTQ-specific legal assistance services.Revised
148Version 1Steube (FL)RepublicanProhibits funding for grants to organizations that seek to restrict lawful speech by labeling such lawful speech as "disinformation."Submitted
149Version 3Hageman (WY)RepublicanRevised Prohibits funds for the Food and Agriculture OrganizationMade in Order
150Version 1Steube (FL)RepublicanDesignates certain Iranian-affiliated groups as "Foreign Terrorist Organizations."Submitted
151Version 2Steube (FL)RepublicanRevised Prohibits funds from being provided to the Lebanese Armed Forces.Made in Order
152Version 2Steube (FL)RepublicanRevised Prohibits funds from being delivered to the government of Iraq.Made in Order
153Version 2Keating (MA), Titus (NV)DemocratRevised Increases and decreases funding by $30,000,000 for the Assistance for Europe, Eurasia, and Central Asia account to support Belarusian civil society and ensure accountability for the Lukashenka regime.Made in Order
154Version 1Vasquez (NM), Moylan (GU)Bi-PartisanIncreases and decreases funding by $5,000,000 to prioritize hiring additional personnel to address passport backlogs.Made in Order
155Version 2Keating (MA), Titus (NV)DemocratRevised Increases and decreases funding by $20,000,000 for the Assistance for Europe, Eurasia, and Central Asia account to strengthen democracy and civil society in Central Europe including for transparency, independent media, rule of law, minority rights, academic freedom, and programs to combat anti-Semitism.Revised
156Version 2Stanton (AZ), Johnson (SD)Bi-PartisanRevised Allows funds for the Development Finance Corporation to be used on semiconductor projects in the western hemisphere, regardless of the country's income classification.Revised
157Version 1Nehls (TX)RepublicanProhibits funds made available by this Act for migration and refugee assistance to the United Nations International Organization for Migration or for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees until the Comptroller General conducts a study to determine whether funds provided have facilitated mass migration to the United States southwest border.Submitted
158Version 1Mast (FL)RepublicanReduces the funds provided to State Department's Educational and Cultural Exchange program to $0.Made in Order
159Version 3Schweikert (AZ)RepublicanRevised Transfers $1 million in funding to bolster the National Human Trafficking Victim Assistance Program to focus efforts on child exploitation and child sacrifice.Made in Order
160Version 2Mast (FL)RepublicanRevised Reduces the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor to $0.Made in Order
161Version 3Amo, Gabe (RI), Jacobs (CA), Kean (NJ), Salazar (FL)Bi-PartisanRevised Increases and decreases the Global Health Programs account by $40 million to support the work of Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance.Revised
162Version 4Mast (FL)RepublicanLate Withdrawn Prohibits funding for programs that have not been reauthorized in FY25.Withdrawn
163Version 1Baird (IN)RepublicanLate Updates the existing funding prohibition in law to prohibit funding to organizations that offer the PLO “any status, rights, or privileges beyond observer status.”Submitted
164Version 2Brecheen (OK)RepublicanLate Revised Reduces funding for the U.S. Institute of Peace to FY2019 enacted levels.Made in Order
165Version 2Ramirez (IL)DemocratLate Revised Strikes paragraph prohibiting support of Migration Management.Made in Order
166Version 2Ramirez (IL)DemocratLate Revised Strikes prohibition on funding to The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA).Revised
167Version 2Jacobs (CA)DemocratLate Revised Increases and decreases funding by $5 million to the International Disaster Account.Revised
168Version 1Gottheimer (NJ), Moylan (GU)Bi-PartisanLate Authorizes the Secretary of State to report the impact of Iranian malign influence via social media, and how Iranian actors are working with other adversaries, including Russia, China, North Korea, and its proxy actors, to continue to cause chaos and wreak havoc.Submitted
169Version 1Lawler (NY), Ross (NC)Bi-PartisanLate Increases and decreases funding by $1 million for the International Military Education and Training (IMET) account to direct funding toward programming in Moldova.Made in Order
170Version 1Gottheimer (NJ)DemocratLate Requires the Secretary of State to study and submit to the appropriate congressional committees a report on the use and benefits of expanding childcare operations and programs among United States diplomatic missions and in State Department offices domestically.Submitted
171Version 1Lawler (NY), Ross (NC)Bi-PartisanLate Increases and decreases funding by $30 million for the Foreign Military Financing (FMF) account to direct FMF funding and European Recapitalization Incentive Program (ERIP) funding toward Moldova.Made in Order
172Version 2Tenney (NY)RepublicanLate Revised Prohibits funds for entities that engage in a BDS campaign.Revised
173Version 2Tenney (NY)RepublicanLate Revised Prohibits funding for materials that refer to Judea and Samaria by "the West Bank."Revised
174Version 2Tenney (NY)RepublicanLate Revised Prohibits funds to Kosovo until it complies with its obligations under the 2013 Brussels Agreement.Revised
175Version 2Tenney (NY)RepublicanLate Revised Prohibits funding for lifting sanctions on Iran or repealing Executive Orders which place sanctions or restrictions on Iran.Revised
176Version 2Tenney (NY)RepublicanLate Revised Prohibits funding for Executive Order 14019, relating to Promoting Access to Voting.Made in Order
177Version 1Stansbury (NM), Norton (DC), Carter (LA), Espaillat (NY), Velázquez (NY), Schakowsky (IL), Porter (CA), Pingree (ME), Cohen (TN), Moulton (MA)DemocratLate Strikes section calling for a study on climate change program impact on global temperatures.Submitted
178Version 1Goldman (NY), Quigley (IL)DemocratLate Strikes "Ukraine" from the section requiring notification to Congress on the use of funds in Title III-VI for high risk countries.Submitted
179Version 2Ramirez (IL)DemocratLate Revised Removes restriction on funds forbidding the entry and resettlement of any foreign national from Gaza.Revised
180Version 2Tenney (NY)RepublicanLate Revised Makes technical corrections by replacing references to the "West Bank" with "Judea and Samaria."Revised
181Version 6Tenney (NY)RepublicanLate Revised Prohibits federal funds to pay the salary of, reinstate, or reemploy Robert Malley.Made in Order
182Version 1Mace (SC)RepublicanLate Prohibits funds appropriated by this Act from being made available to international financial institutions that finance any activity relating to shrimp farming, shrimp processing, or the export of shrimp in any foreign country.Submitted
183Version 3Kustoff (TN)RepublicanLate Revised Prohibits any direct or indirect United States funding for the territory of Gaza unless the Secretary certifies to Congress that such aid will not benefit Foreign Terrorist Organizations operating in Gaza and that all hostages taken by such organizations have been freed.Revised
184Version 1James (MI)RepublicanLate Withdrawn Offsets $21.72 million from the U.S. Institute of Peace, East-West Center, Cultural Exchange Programs from State, the National Endowment for Democracy, and Democracy Fund to USAID for Prosper Africa.Withdrawn
185Version 1Stansbury (NM), Magaziner (RI)DemocratLate Strikes section which restricts Export-Import Bank financing decision-making.Submitted
186Version 2Jackson Lee (TX)DemocratLate Revised Increases by $1,000,000 and decreases by $1,000,000 to combat the trafficking of endangered species.Made in Order
187Version 1Gottheimer (NJ)DemocratLate Requesting the Office of International Religious Freedom and the Office of Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism work jointly to create and implement interfaith curriculum development and training specifically related to Holocaust education. The Office of International Religious Freedom should use existing processes and augment future programming with Holocaust education. These efforts will help combat Holocaust distortion within other faith communities and set a foundation for greater interfaith efforts.Submitted
188Version 1Arrington (TX)RepublicanLate Prohibits funding for the Office of Secretary until sanctions are imposed on ICC officials.Submitted
189Version 1Perry (PA)RepublicanLate Prohibits any funds made available by the Act to fund any congressional earmark.Submitted
190Version 1Perry (PA)RepublicanLate Strikes International Disaster Assistance funding.Made in Order
191Version 1Carson (IN)DemocratLate NOT REVIEWABLE - Strikes Sec.7048(d) on prohibitions related to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency(UNRWA)Submitted
192Version 1Carson (IN)DemocratLate NOT REVIEWABLE - Require a report to Congress on the death of American journalist, Shireen Abu Akleh.Submitted
193Version 1Greene (GA)RepublicanLate Withdrawn Prohibits funding for the United NationsWithdrawn
194Version 1Carson (IN)DemocratLate NOT REVIEWABLE - Strikes limitations on funding for assistance to West Bank and Gaza.Submitted
195Version 1Greene (GA)RepublicanLate Withdrawn Prohibits funding for the State of New York.Withdrawn
196Version 1Moore (WI)DemocratLate The amendment would increase funding by $1 million for U.S. global efforts to combat female genital mutilation.Made in Order
197Version 1Foster (IL), Garamendi (CA)DemocratLate Increases and decreases funding by $10 million for Diplomatic Programs to support the Key Verification Assets Fund, which promotes the development of new technologies to enhance verification of existing and future arms control, nonproliferation, and disarmament agreements.Made in Order
198Version 1Moylan (GU)RepublicanLate Provides funding for the Department of State, Administration of Foreign Affairs, account for purposes of conducting a study on transnational criminal organization activity and effect on the Indo-Pacific.Submitted
199Version 4LaLota (NY)RepublicanLate Revised Increases and decreases funding by $1 million for the Diplomatic Programs Account, which funds the Office of Special Envoy for Hostage Affairs, to strengthen efforts to bring American citizens wrongfully detained in China home.Made in Order
200Version 1Moylan (GU)RepublicanLate Provides funding for the Department of State, Administration of Foreign Affairs, account for purposes of conducting a study on international violations by illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing in the Indo-Pacific and U.S. territorial exclusive economic zones.Submitted
201Version 1Arrington (TX)RepublicanLate Prohibits funds from being used to implement Executive Order 14019 (relating to promoting access to voting also known as Biden Bucks).Submitted
202Version 2Castro (TX)DemocratLate Revised Strikes language that restricts the Department of State’s ability to react to changing circumstances and make timely fact-based decisions regarding the designation of Cuba as a State Sponsor of Terrorism.Revised
203Version 1Radewagen (AS)RepublicanLate Increases and decreases funding by $100 million for the Contributions to International Organizations account to highlight the need for a greater U.S. contribution to the Pacific Island Forum’s Pacific Resilience Facility (PRF), a climate resiliency fund for Pacific Island nations to use to finance community based, small grant, but high impact climate resiliency projects.Submitted
204Version 1Radewagen (AS)RepublicanLate Increases funding for Assistance to Pacific Islands countries by $2 millionSubmitted
205Version 1Radewagen (AS)RepublicanLate This amendment seeks to include provisions included in this section from last year’s bill to specify use of funds and allow for the Countering PRC Influence Fund to be used for Pacific Island Countries.Submitted
206Version 1LaLota (NY)RepublicanLate Enacts H.Res. 803, a resolution honoring the American and Israeli civilians murdered and unaccounted for in the brutal attacks by Hamas terrorists.Submitted
207Version 1Carson (IN)DemocratLate Strikes limitations on funding for assistance to West Bank and Gaza.Submitted
208Version 1Carson (IN)DemocratLate Require a report to Congress on the death of American journalist, Shireen Abu Akleh.Submitted
209Version 1Miller-Meeks (IA)RepublicanLate Withdrawn Establishes a sense of Congress that the U.S. should increase support for nationals of Afghanistan who meet the requirements for admission to the United States and have aided the U.S. mission in Afghanistan during the past 20 yearsWithdrawn
210Version 1Carson (IN)DemocratLate Strikes prohibition of funds to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA).Submitted
211Version 1LaLota (NY)RepublicanLate Enacts H.Res. 1069, a resolution demanding that the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Chinese Communist Party immediately release Kai Li.Submitted
212Version 1Issa (CA)RepublicanLate Decreases and increases the funding for USAGM to contradict agency messaging at Voice of America that budget cuts in FY24 and FY25 are due to the budget environment and not, in part, to performance and a lack of adherence to the Charter (including staff discipline issues and an unwillingness to call Hamas members terrorists without attribution).Made in Order
213Version 1Grothman (WI)RepublicanLate Requires the Department of State to provide a briefing open to all members of Congress every 180 days on the status of funds being sent to Ukraine.Submitted
214Version 1Grothman (WI)RepublicanLate Requires USAID to provide a briefing open to all members of Congress every 180 days on the status of funds being sent to Ukraine.Submitted
215Version 1Issa (CA)RepublicanLate Allocates $10 million from the funding appropriated in the Foreign Military Financing account to assistance for Armenia.Submitted
216Version 1Issa (CA)RepublicanLate Allocates $10 million of the funds appropriated in the IMET account for assistance to Armenia.Submitted
217Version 1Gosar (AZ)RepublicanLate Prohibits funds for the Bilateral Security Agreement Between the United States of America and Ukraine.Made in Order
218Version 1Gosar (AZ)RepublicanLate Prohibits funds for the Special Representative for Ukraine's Economic Recovery.Made in Order
219Version 2Miller-Meeks (IA), Nunn (IA), Williams (GA), Swalwell (CA), Duarte (CA), Peters (CA)Bi-PartisanLate Revised Increases and decreases funding by $1,000,000 to express support for nationals of Afghanistan who meet the requirements for admission to the United States and have aided the U.S. mission in Afghanistan during the past 20 years.Made in Order
220Version 2James (MI)RepublicanLate Revised Increases the Prevention and Stabilization Fund (which funds the Global Fragility Act) by $15 million to counter Wagner’s growth through the Sahel.Made in Order
221Version 1Burlison (MO)RepublicanLate Prohibits funding from USAID from going to any country in which Christians are persecuted within the country's territory.Submitted
222Version 1Burlison (MO)RepublicanLate Prohibits funding for the World Economic Forum.Made in Order
223Version 1Van Duyne (TX)RepublicanLate Withholds certain obligated funds appropriated for assistance to MexicoSubmitted
224Version 1Swalwell (CA), Tenney (NY)Bi-PartisanLate Requires the State Department to develop a comprehensive strategy to promote internet freedom in Iran.Submitted
225Version 1Burlison (MO)RepublicanLate Prohibits funds for the Office of the Special Representative for Racial Equity and Justice within the Department of State.Submitted
226Version 1Burgess (TX)RepublicanLate Page 206, line 11 of the underlying bill, strike "60 percent" and insert "80 percent"Made in Order
227Version 1Arrington (TX)RepublicanLate Prohibits funds from being used to provide a public service to a migrant unless that migrant is enrolled in the Refugee Resettlement Program.Submitted
228Version 1Carson (IN)DemocratLate striking limitations on funding to the west bank and gazaSubmitted
229Version 1Carson (IN)DemocratLate striking prohibition on funding to UNRWA.Submitted
230Version 1Arrington (TX)RepublicanLate Requires notification of any obligated or expended assistance from accounts above to Belarus and Lebanon (added to the list of countries that the State Department already required to report).Submitted
231Version 1Arrington (TX)RepublicanLate Ensures that Venezuela and Belarus will not have access to security assistance through Foreign Military Financing.Submitted
232Version 1Arrington (TX)RepublicanLate Ensures no Global Health Funds relating to research grants will be made available to laboratories in Belarus, Lebanon, and Syria.Submitted
233Version 1Arrington (TX)RepublicanLate This funding prohibition amendment disallows any USAID funding, bilateral economic assistance, international security assistance, and multilateral assistance from being disbursed by the state department to Venezuela, Belarus, Russia, and Lebanon.Submitted