H.R. 8774 - Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2025

Bill Text

    Rules Committee Print 118-40 PDF

    Showing the text of H.R. ____, Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2025, as ordered reported by the Committee on Appropriations.

    Text of H.R. 8774 PDF XML

    (as reported)

    H. Rept. 118-557 PDF

    Report from the Committee on Appropriations to accompany H.R. 8774

    Amendment Drafting Template DOC

    (courtesy of the Office of Legislative Counsel)

Rule Information

REPORTED BY A RECORD VOTE of 9-4 on Tuesday, June 25, 2024.

Agreed to by a record vote of 207-201, after agreeing to the previous question by a record vote of 188-152, on Wednesday, June 26, 2024.

MANAGERS: Scott/Neguse


Structured rule for H.R. 8774.


Waives all points of order against consideration of the bill.


Provides one hour of general debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Appropriations or their respective designees.


Provides that an amendment in the nature of a substitute consisting of the text of Rules Committee Print 118-40 shall be considered as adopted and the bill, as amended, shall be considered as read.


Waives all points of order against provisions in the bill, as amended.


Makes in order only those amendments printed in part A of the Rules Committee report, amendments en bloc described in section 3 and pro forma amendments described in section 4. Each amendment shall be considered only in the order printed in the report, may be offered only by a Member designated in the report, shall be considered as read, shall be debatable for the time specified in the report equally divided and controlled by the proponent and an opponent, shall not be subject to amendment except as provided by section 4 of the rule, and shall not be subject to a demand for division of the question.


Waives all points of order against the amendments printed in part A of the Rules Committee report or amendments en bloc described in section 3 of the rule.


Provides that the chair of the Committee on Appropriations or his designee may offer amendments en bloc consisting of amendments printed in part A of the Rules Committee report not earlier disposed of. Amendments en bloc shall be considered as read, shall be debatable for 20 minutes equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Appropriations or their respective designees, shall not be subject to amendment except as provided by section 4 of the rule, and shall not be subject to a demand for division of the question.


Provides that the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Appropriations or their respective designees may offer up to 10 pro forma amendments each at any point for the purpose of debate.


Provides one motion to recommit.


Structured rule for H.R. 8771.


Waives all points of order against consideration of the bill.


Provides one hour of general debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Appropriations or their respective designees.


Provides that an amendment in the nature of a substitute consisting of the text of Rules Committee Print 118-39 shall be considered as adopted and the bill, as amended, shall be considered as read.


Waives all points of order against provisions in the bill, as amended.


Makes in order only those amendments printed in part B of the Rules Committee report, amendments en bloc described in section 8 and pro forma amendments described in section 9. Each amendment shall be considered only in the order printed in the report, may be offered only by a Member designated in the report, shall be considered as read, shall be debatable for the time specified in the report equally divided and controlled by the proponent and an opponent, shall not be subject to amendment except as provided by section 9 of the rule, and shall not be subject to a demand for division of the question.


Waives all points of order against the amendments printed in part B of the Rules Committee report or amendments en bloc described in section 8 of the rule.


Provides that the chair of the Committee on Appropriations or his designee may offer amendments en bloc consisting of amendments printed in part B of the Rules Committee report not earlier disposed of. Amendments en bloc shall be considered as read, shall be debatable for 20 minutes equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Appropriations or their respective designees, shall not be subject to amendment except as provided by section 9 of the rule, and shall not be subject to a demand for division of the question.


Provides that the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Appropriations or their respective designees may offer up to 10 pro forma amendments each at any point for the purpose of debate.


Provides one motion to recommit.


Structured rule for H.R. 8752.


Waives all points of order against consideration of the bill.


Provides one hour of general debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Appropriations or their respective designees.


Provides that an amendment in the nature of a substitute consisting of the text of Rules Committee Print 118-38, modified by the amendment specified in section 17, shall be considered as adopted and the bill, as amended, shall be considered as read.


Waives all points of order against provisions in the bill, as amended.


Makes in order only those amendments printed in part C of the Rules Committee report, amendments en bloc described in section 13 and pro forma amendments described in section 14. Each amendment shall be considered only in the order printed in the report, may be offered only by a Member designated in the report, shall be considered as read, shall be debatable for the time specified in the report equally divided and controlled by the proponent and an opponent, shall not be subject to amendment except as provided by section 14 of the rule, and shall not be subject to a demand for division of the question.


Waives all points of order against the amendments printed in part C of the Rules Committee report or amendments en bloc described in section 13 of the rule.


Provides that the chair of the Committee on Appropriations or his designee may offer amendments en bloc consisting of amendments printed in part C of the Rules Committee report not earlier disposed of. Amendments en bloc shall be considered as read, shall be debatable for 20 minutes equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Appropriations or their respective designees, shall not be subject to amendment except as provided by section 14 of the rule, and shall not be subject to a demand for division of the question.


Provides that the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Appropriations or their respective designees may offer up to 10 pro forma amendments each at any point for the purpose of debate.


Provides one motion to recommit.


Provides that the Clerk shall not transmit to the Senate a message that the House has passed H.R. 8752 until notified by the Speaker that H.R. 2, as passed by the House on May 11, 2023, has been enacted into law.

Amendments (click headers to sort)

#Version #Sponsor(s)PartySummaryStatus
1Version 3Norman (SC), Burlison (MO)RepublicanRevised Prohibits the use of funds for mask mandates on any military instillation in the United States.Made in Order
2Version 2Norman (SC)RepublicanWithdrawn Prohibits funds for all offices of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.Withdrawn
3Version 2Norman (SC)RepublicanRevised Prohibits funds for the provision of gender transition procedures through the Exceptional Family Member Program.Revised
4Version 3Norman (SC), Van Drew (NJ)RepublicanRevised Prohibits DOD from purchasing solar panels from a foreign entity of concern.Revised
5Version 1Sessions (TX)RepublicanIncreases funding by $5,000,000 for RDTE, Army (Army RDTE Page 38, line 9) for spectrum sharing and management with adaptable and reconfigurable technology research and decreases Defense-Wide Operations & Maintenance (page 9, line 19) by $5,000,000. This continues Army Research Lab work to develop electromagnetic spectrum dominance capabilities for the battlefield, which will protect warfighters and enable systems to operate in a congested spectrum environment.Made in Order
6Version 1Crockett (TX)DemocratRemoves Section 1855 pertaining to diversity, equity, and inclusion.Submitted
7Version 1Garcia, Robert (CA)DemocratProhibits funding for marijuana testing of federal job applicants in states which have legalized marijuana use.Submitted
8Version 1Gottheimer (NJ)DemocratIncreases RDTE for Small Unmanned Air Vehicle (SUAV) by $4.5 million. Decreases the Operations and Maintenance, Defense Wide by $4.5 million.Submitted
9Version 1Gottheimer (NJ)DemocratIncreases and decreases funding for Operations and Maintenance, Defense Wide by $1 million to provide support for DOD to leverage existing survey data to estimate the prevalence of antisemitism and other forms of hate in the military workplace and evaluate its policies to counter discrimination, discriminatory harassment, and extremist activity. This analysis would identify gaps to be addressed in future policies and procedures to prevent and respond to antisemitism and other forms of discrimination.Submitted
10Version 2Ogles (TN)RepublicanRevised Prohibits funding of the 12th Special Forces Brigade Azov.Revised
11Version 2Ogles (TN), Burlison (MO), Van Drew (NJ)RepublicanRevised Prohibits funds appropriated from being made available to any entity based in China.Revised
12Version 1McCollum (MN), Lee (CA), Frankel (FL), Sherrill (NJ), Titus (NV), Crow (CO)DemocratStrikes section 8150.Submitted
13Version 2Ogles (TN)RepublicanRevised Prohibits the use of funds for NewsGuard Technologies.Revised
14Version 2Bacon (NE), Crawford (AR)RepublicanRevised Prohibits funding for DoD research or development of methods to produce cultivated protein.Revised
15Version 1Bergman (MI)RepublicanWithdrawn Increases Defense-wide RDT&E by $10 million for small unmanned systems for hive swarm special operations.Withdrawn
16Version 3Davis (NC)DemocratRevised Appropriates funds for the program authorized in the House-passed NDAA as a bipartisan en bloc amendment (rules#74 for H.R. 8070) to increase (with an offset to an under-executed administrative account in the NDAA) Air Force Base Support to modernize installation law enforcement operations and physical security protection and services, increasing and decreasing Air Force O & M by $5,000,000 in this bill to do so.Revised
17Version 2Davis (NC)DemocratRevised Appropriates funds to carry out the pilot program in Sec. 332 of the House-passed NDAA by increasing and decreasing Marine Corps O & M for the I Marine Expeditionary Forces (increase and decrease of $10,000,000).Revised
18Version 1Greene (GA)RepublicanRequires the salary of Lloyd Austin, Secretary of Defense, to be reduced to $1.Made in Order
19Version 1Fallon (TX)RepublicanIncreases Other Procurement, Army by $25,000,000 to support HMMWV Anti-Rollover Safety Upgrades.Made in Order
20Version 1Alford (MO)RepublicanIncreases funding for Man-Portable Doppler Radar by $5,000,000 in the Research, Development, Evaluation, and Test Army account and decreases funding for The Office of the Secretary of Defense by $5,000,000 in Operations and Maintenance, Defense Wide account.Made in Order
21Version 1Lawler (NY), Moylan (GU)RepublicanIncreases and decreases funding for the Defense-wide O&M account to allow the Secretary of Defense to provide women who were members of the United States Cadet Nurse Corps with honorary veterans status.Made in Order
22Version 1Norton (DC)DemocratProhibits the use of funds to collect payments from members of the District of Columbia National Guard who were federal civilian employees or D.C. employees entitled to leave without loss in pay or time from their civilian employment during their mobilization from May 29, 2020, until enactment of the Fiscal Year 2022 National Defense Authorization Act.Submitted
23Version 1Van Drew (NJ), Crawford (AR)RepublicanProhibits the Secretary of Defense from providing housing for an alien without lawful status on military installations.Submitted
24Version 1Feenstra (IA)RepublicanIncreases and decreases by $10 million Army RDTE, Next Generation Combat Vehicle Advance Technology, for Discontinuous Thermoplastics Demonstration to modernize combat vehicles for multi-domain operations.Made in Order
25Version 1Dunn (FL)RepublicanRedirects funding to RDTE, Army (PE:0110602144A, Advanced Materials Under Extreme Conditions Data Driven) to be offset with a decrease to the topline O&M, Defense-wide.Made in Order
26Version 1Van Duyne (TX)RepublicanIncreases funding in the Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Army account by $7,500,000 for Pilot Production Line for Next Generation Battery Anode Materials in Line 10, Soldier Lethality Technology. Offset is undistributed within the same account.Made in Order
27Version 1Waltz (FL)RepublicanRestores the Armed Overwatch/Targeting Program to the President's Budget request; offset by a $20 million reduction to Defense-Wide O&M, Office of the Secretary.Submitted
28Version 1Boebert (CO)RepublicanTransfers funds from revolving and management account to Airforce ammunition procurement for General Purpose Bombs (BSU-33 Fins) to allow the Air Force to procure nearly an additional 8,000 more units.Submitted
29Version 1Boebert (CO)RepublicanTransfers funds from revolving and management account to allow for the completion of medical research into novel therapeutics especially related to optimizing joint preservation for service members with hip disorders.Submitted
30Version 1Fallon (TX), Veasey (TX)Bi-PartisanIncreases Defense-Wide RDT&E by $26,000,000 to support Multi-Mission Tactical Unmanned Aerial Systems.Made in Order
31Version 1Steel (CA), Carbajal (CA)Bi-PartisanIncreases the STARBASE fifth grade youth STEM education program found in Operations and Maintenance, Defense-Wide, Civil Military Programs by $7 million, and to reduce Operations and Maintenance, Army, Other Servicewide Activities by the offsetting amount.Made in Order
32Version 1McCormick (GA), Moylan (GU)RepublicanIncreases RDT&E, Army by $5 million to support the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR) Mitochondria Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) program to enable continued research of mitochondria organelle transplantation as a treatment for TBI symptoms. Reduces RDT&E, Air Force by $5 million.Made in Order
33Version 1Van Drew (NJ)RepublicanProhibits funds from being used to create, procure, or display any map that depicts Taiwan or any offshore islands administered by the government of Taiwan as part of the territory of the People’s Republic of China.Submitted
34Version 1McCormick (GA), Peters (CA), Nunn (IA)Bi-PartisanIncreases RDT&E, Army by $7,700,000 to support accelerated development of a ruggedized Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Machine Learning (ML) architecture that will provide high-performance computation and latency performance to enable simultaneous AI/ML instances in C5ISR platforms operating in contested environments. Reduces RDT&E, Defense-Wide by $7,700,000.Made in Order
35Version 3Brecheen (OK), Ogles (TN), Moore (AL), Rosendale (MT), Burlison (MO)RepublicanRevised Prohibits funding for observing Pride Month.Revised
36Version 1Brecheen (OK)RepublicanRequires the Secretary of Defense to report to Congress any Ukrainian government officials who have violated the End-Use Monitoring agreements that were a prerequisite for Ukraine obtaining U.S. assistance.Submitted
37Version 1McCormick (GA)RepublicanIncreases RDT&E, Army by $4,000,000 to support development by Combat Capability Development Command, Soldier Center of the Air-deployed Long-range Autonomous Resupply Aircraft (ALARA) to support sustainment in contested environments. Reduces RDT&E, Air Force by $4,000,000.Made in Order
38Version 2McCormick (GA)RepublicanRevised Increases RDT&E, Defense-wide by $7,000,000 to support efforts by the Department of Defense Insider Threat Management Analysis Center (DITMAC) to enhance insider threat technology capabilities in support of suicide prevention and resiliency for the warfighter. Reduces RDT&E, Air Force by $7,000,000.Revised
39Version 2Dunn (FL)RepublicanRevised Redirects $5,000,000 of funding to RDT&E, “Force Protection Advanced Technology” for the adaptation, development, and testing of modern “Zero Trust Architectures for Naval Power Systems” (PE: 0603123N), to be offset with “O&M Defense-Wide, ES18 Defense Media Activity”.Made in Order
40Version 1Castor (FL), Garamendi (CA)DemocratStrikes provisions that would prevent funds from being used to implement executive orders pertaining to public health, environmental science, tackling the climate crisis, planning for the impact of climate change on migration, climate-related financial risk, environmental justice, and other climate and resilience-related activities.Submitted
41Version 2Buchanan (FL)RepublicanRevised Provides $1 million to Operation and Maintenance, Navy to ensure the continuation of the Future Sailor Preparatory Course.Made in Order
42Version 2Buchanan (FL)RepublicanRevised Increase and decrease Operation and Maintenance, Army by $2 million to ensure the continuation of the Army Body Composition Program.Made in Order
43Version 1Buchanan (FL)RepublicanProvides $3 million in funding to the Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Defense-Wide to combat future military training accidents and research ways to prevent them.Made in Order
44Version 2Van Drew (NJ)RepublicanRevised Provides $1 million to RDT&E, Defense-Wide for the purposes of directing the Secretary of Defense to conduct a comprehensive investigation into instances of equipment loss due to improper storage practices. Reduces funding for Operations and Maintenance, Defense-Wide by $1 million.Made in Order
45Version 1Scott, Austin (GA), Moylan (GU), Kiggans (VA)RepublicanIncreases by $10 Million a novel economic analysis capability for USINDOPACOM to systematically track and analyze adversary military-industrial complex companies. This program is #33 on USINDOPACOM's Unfunded Priority List.Made in Order
46Version 1Scott, Austin (GA), Kiggans (VA)RepublicanIncreases $2.5M in Air Force RDT&E appropriations to 0605828F (Line#125) - Acquisition Workforce - Global Reach for the Digital Transformation of Aircraft Gun Systems for the F-15, F-16, and F-22 M61 gun systems.Made in Order
47Version 1Ogles (TN)RepublicanProhibits the removal of companies from the Section 1260H List of Chinese Civil-Military Fusion companies.Made in Order
48Version 1Wenstrup (OH), Moulton (MA), Turner (OH), Landsman (OH), Comer (KY), Barr (KY), Garcia, Mike (CA), Trahan (MA), Pappas (NH), Kuster (NH), Neal (MA), James (MI), Scholten (MI), Bacon (NE), Edwards (NC), Estes (KS), Sewell (AL), Sherrill (NJ), McCormick (GA), Graves (MO), Kelly (MS), Strong (AL), Slotkin (MI), Keating (MA)Bi-PartisanIncreases funding in the Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Army account by $63,000,000 for the Improved Turbine Engine Program. Offset is within the account.Made in Order
49Version 1Garcia, Robert (CA)DemocratProhibits security assistance to Uganda.Submitted
50Version 1Wagner (MO), Alford (MO)RepublicanIncreases Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Army (RDTE,A) by $6 million for the Isostatic Advanced Armor Production program, which supports domestic development and production of stronger, lighter, and more flexible body armor. (Army RDT&E, PE 011 0602144A, Line 11, Ground Technology). Offset by a $6 million reduction to Operations and Maintenance, Defense-Wide.Made in Order
51Version 1Garcia, Robert (CA)DemocratRequires an assessment of the capacity for production of ammunition at government-owned, contractor operated facilities.Submitted
52Version 1Jacobs (CA), Pocan (WI), Sorensen (IL), Jayapal (WA), Crow (CO)DemocratStrikes sections 8144, 8145, 8152, and 8153.Submitted
53Version 1Scott, Austin (GA)RepublicanProhibits the purchase of laboratory grown meat.Submitted
54Version 1Moylan (GU)RepublicanOffsets $800,000 for the Guam Missile Defense System.Made in Order
55Version 1Moylan (GU)RepublicanRequires Missile Defense Offsets for the Guam Missile Defense System ($180,900,000).Submitted
56Version 1Moylan (GU)RepublicanAuthorizes direct hire authority for personnel who may be assigned to the indo-pacific region.Submitted
57Version 1Moylan (GU)RepublicanSrtikes, "the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands" and inserting, "A country that was apart of the former Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands and which was apart of the Compact of Freely Associated States within the U.S.".Submitted
58Version 1Moylan (GU)RepublicanRequires Air Force Operation and Maintenance Offsets.Submitted
59Version 3Moylan (GU)RepublicanRevised Authorizes $600,000,000, with offsets, to be added to the Operation and Maintenance-Navy for the Guam Glass Break Water fortification.Revised
60Version 5Moylan (GU)RepublicanRevised Increasing Operation and Maintenance, Defense-Wide account in support of Defense Community Infrastructure Program.Revised
61Version 1Moylan (GU)RepublicanEstablishes a DoD civilian Advisory Committee for the Outlying United States and Freely Associated States (Note: Sent to HOLC on 18 June, 2024, awaiting review and response).Submitted
62Version 1Sorensen (IL)DemocratAdds H.R. 6206 which prohibits agencies from using funds to procure a U.S. flag unless such flag has been manufactured in the United States from materials that have been U.S. grown, produced, or manufactured. The bill specifies exceptions to this prohibition, including an exception if flags of satisfactory quality and sufficient quantity cannot be procured as needed at market prices.Submitted
63Version 1Trahan (MA), Hudson (NC), Keating (MA), Kennedy, Tim (NY), Langworthy (NY)Bi-PartisanIncreases Research, Development, Test & Evaluation, Army by $5.0 million to provide for the Army’s operational evaluation of tactical throwable camera systems.Made in Order
64Version 1Porter (CA)DemocratProhibits funds be used to contravene section 207 of Executive Order 14057.Submitted
65Version 1Porter (CA)DemocratRequires continued concurrence with GAO's report "F–35 Program: DOD Needs Better Accountability for Global Spare Parts and Reporting of Losses Worth Millions".Submitted
66Version 1Porter (CA)DemocratStrikes section 8074.Submitted
67Version 1Kiggans (VA), Murphy (NC)RepublicanIncreases and decreases funding for medical and health programs at the Department of Defense by $1,000,000 to express the intent that the TRICARE reimbursement rate for pharmacies should be increased.Made in Order
68Version 1Kiggans (VA), Moylan (GU), Murphy (NC)RepublicanIncreases and decreases funding for Tricare by $1,000,000 to express the intent that the Tricare reimbursement rate should be increased for mental health providers.Made in Order
69Version 1Pappas (NH), Ramirez (IL)DemocratIncreases Other Procurement, Air Force by $9.9 million and reduces Operation & Maintenance, Defense-Wide by $9.9 million. This increase provides for the procurement of additional Expeditionary Airfield Lighting Systems (EALS), which are needed to meet Pacific Air Forces (PACAF) and other user requirements.Submitted
70Version 1Titus (NV), Nehls (TX), Crawford (AR)Bi-PartisanProhibits funds in the bill from being used to acquire, use, transfer, or sell cluster munitions.Made in Order
71Version 1Pfluger (TX)RepublicanRevises the Defense Appropriations Act, 2025 so that none of the funds available by the Act may be used to put a pride flag on the uniform of a member of the Armed Forces.Submitted
72Version 1Titus (NV), Lee (NV)DemocratIncreases and decreases funding for Army RDTE to support directed energy weapon thermal management components.Submitted
73Version 2Turner (OH)RepublicanRevised Increases the Air Force’s Human Effectiveness Advanced Technology Development line by $5 million while reducing the Operations and Maintenance, Air Force account by an additional $5 million.Made in Order
74Version 1Moore (AL), Strong (AL)RepublicanReduces funding for Defense-Wide RDTE by $4,910,000 to defund DOD climate-change research and increases funding by $4,910,000 for Army RDTE to fund enhancements for Unmanned Ground Vehicles.Made in Order
75Version 1Turner (OH)RepublicanAssists the Air Force’s Digital Transformation Office mission to coordinate digital efforts and fully exploit data across the domains of space readiness, intelligence surveillance & readiness, logistics, and data analysis through development of tools to accelerate data access, data analysis and data driven insights; preserve proprietary innovations; and increase interoperability and knowledge sharing to enhance the effectiveness of the warfighter.Made in Order
76Version 1Titus (NV), Kiggans (VA), Lee (NV)Bi-PartisanIncreases and decreases funding for Space Force RDTE to support expeditionary space domain awareness.Submitted
77Version 2Tenney (NY)RepublicanRevised Prohibits funding for Executive Order 14019, relating to Promoting Access to Voting.Made in Order
78Version 2Tenney (NY)RepublicanRevised Prohibits funding to finalize, implement, or enforce the FAR Council's proposed “Federal Acquisition Regulation: Disclosure of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Climate-Related Financial Risk" rule.Made in Order
79Version 2Moylan (GU)RepublicanRevised Authorizes the establishment of a civilian-led DoD advisory committee in the Outlying United States and the Freely Associated States.Revised
80Version 1Van Drew (NJ), Jacobs (CA), Moulton (MA)Bi-PartisanIncreases the Defense Health Program by $1 M to carry out a pilot program for residential eating disorders treatment for eligible beneficiaries between the ages of 21-64 years old as authorized under SEC. 701 of the FY22 NDAA. Offset by a reduction of $1 M to O & M, Defense-wide.Submitted
81Version 3Kiggans (VA), Moylan (GU)RepublicanRevised Increases Army RDT&E, Line 45, ‘Long Range Precision Fires Advanced’ by $9 million for low-cost rocket propulsion for affordable mass on target. Decreases Army RDT&E, Line 78, ‘Maneuver – Short Range Air Defense (M-SHORAD)’ by $9 million for excessive contractor logistics support growth.Made in Order
82Version 1Molinaro (NY)RepublicanIncreases and decreases $5 million in funding for the research, development, test and evaluation of the Army for Advanced Air Mobility.Made in Order
83Version 1Pence (IN), Carson (IN), Mrvan (IN), Donalds (FL)Bi-PartisanProvides an additional $10 million to Defense-Wide, Operational Energy Capability Improvement (Line 72, PE 0604055D8Z) for PELE Power Conversion Module Operational Enhancement and Risk-Reduction, fully offset by a decrease to Defense-Wide, Industrial Base Analysis and Sustainment Support Research Development and Test (Line 214, PE 0607210D8Z).Made in Order
84Version 2Moylan (GU)RepublicanRevised Provides direct or indirect financial or technical assistance to Federal agencies, State agencies, Indian tribes, and Compact of Free Association countries and states participating in the environmental review process for military projects or programs to expedite such reviews.Revised
85Version 2Molinaro (NY)RepublicanRevised Increases and decreases $4 million in funding for the Defense Health Programs to reinforce the importance of its work to ensure servicemembers and other eligible beneficiaries have access to comprehensive health services, especially those with disabilities.Made in Order
86Version 2Moylan (GU), Kiggans (VA)RepublicanRevised Authorizes the Commander of the United States Indo-Pacific Command, the Secretary of Defense, or the Secretary of any military department, to provide financial assistance to any country that has entered into a Compact of Free Association with the United States, using any funds otherwise available for any purpose related to USINDOPACOM priority posture projects.Revised
87Version 2Molinaro (NY)RepublicanRevised Increases and decreases $9 million in funding for the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs to emphasize the need to strengthen its innovative research that advances the understanding of autism and leads to improved outcomes for the autistic community.Made in Order
88Version 2Thompson (PA), Bacon (NE), Meuser (PA)RepublicanRevised Increases Army RDT&E funding by $5,000,000 to support research for military optimization of warfighters’ musculoskeletal health & performance during deployment preparation and actual deployment.Made in Order
89Version 3Moylan (GU), Kiggans (VA)RepublicanRevised Establishes the authority for Indo-Pacific posture unspecified military construction projects.Revised
90Version 2Molinaro (NY)RepublicanRevised Increases and decreases $5 million in funding for the Congressional Directed Medical Research Programs to expand the Alcohol and Substance Use Disorders program and support its ongoing work to reduce the number of opioid-related deaths.Made in Order
91Version 1Molinaro (NY)RepublicanIncreases and decreases funding for the research, development, test and evaluation of the army for Advanced Air Mobility.Submitted
92Version 1Jayapal (WA), Davidson (OH), Garamendi (CA), McClintock (CA)Bi-PartisanProhibits funds from being used to carry out the unfunded priorities list.Made in Order
93Version 2Gosar (AZ), Nehls (TX)RepublicanRevised Prohibits DoD funds for BioMADE, a Bioindustrial manufacturer that produces lab-grown meat for military bases.Revised
94Version 1Peters (CA)DemocratIncreases funding in the Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Army account by $10,000,000 for Liquified Gas (LiGas) Electrolyte Manufacturing in Line 10, Soldier Lethality Technology. Offset is within the account.Submitted
95Version 1Keating (MA)DemocratIncreases funding of RDT&E, Navy by $5 million to support existing research efforts in a number of key areas including sensing, communications, situational awareness and unmanned systems and autonomy. It reduces Defense-Wide Operation and Maintenance by $5 million.Made in Order
96Version 2Keating (MA)DemocratRevised Increases and decreases funding of RDT&E, Navy by $10 million to support undersea autonomy research facilities and to expand their capabilities to fulfill current and future ONR requirements.Made in Order
97Version 1Ogles (TN)RepublicanProhibits the use of funds from being used to enforce subsection (b) of Section 1259 of the John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019 (defunds a waiver that could otherwise allow the PRC to participate in Rim of the Pacific naval exercises).Made in Order
98Version 1Thompson (PA), Pingree (ME), Pappas (NH), Lucas (OK), Meuser (PA), Lee (NV), Titus (NV), Crow (CO), Davids (KS)Bi-PartisanIncreases funding for APEX Accelerators, formerly known as Procurement Technical Assistance Centers, to match the FY24 enacted level.Made in Order
99Version 1Kiggans (VA), Moylan (GU)RepublicanIncreases Navy RDT&E, Line 48, ‘Advanced Surface Machinery Systems’ by $2 million for Integration of Insulated Bus Pipe (IBP) into Warship Designs to support shipboard distribution of high-power energy and decreases Navy O&M, Line 4A1M, ‘Administration’ by $2 million.Made in Order
100Version 1Kiggans (VA)RepublicanIncreases Army RDT&E, Line 11, ‘Ground Technology’ by $5 million for funding for scaling lightweight metallurgical development to re-shore titanium metal production to the U.S. and decreases Army O&M, Line 411, ‘Other Programs’ by $5 million.Made in Order
101Version 1McGovern (MA)DemocratIncreases and decreases funding for Army RDTE, Line 26, by $8 million to support Female Warfighter TBI Research.Made in Order
102Version 1McGovern (MA)DemocratIncreases and decreases by $9.5 million Defense-Wide RDTE, Line 189, to support the development of a Novel PTS Biomarker Panel.Made in Order
103Version 1McGovern (MA)DemocratIncreases and decreases by $8.5 million Army RDTE, Line 57, to support Micro-LED Soldier Systems Display Prototype for night vision system advanced development.Made in Order
104Version 2Dunn (FL), Moylan (GU), Johnson (SD)RepublicanRevised Provides an additional $10m for Facilities Restoration and Modernization – Test and Eval Support for Advanced Swarm Oversight Technology for Autonomous Airfield Operations.Made in Order
105Version 1McGovern (MA)DemocratIncreases and decreases by $11 million for Army RDTE, Line 43, to support the Autonomous Vehicle Mobility Institute (AVMI).Made in Order
106Version 2Hudson (NC), Moylan (GU)RepublicanRevised Increases and decreases defense health agency/ RDT&E funding by $4 million for the integrated medical command & control system-joint. This funding will refocus to complete development and acquire a joint medical common operating picture to replace the current manual processes used to coordinate casualty movement to ensure readiness against near-peer competitors and minimize casualties in a potential large-scale conflict.Revised
107Version 1Hudson (NC), Moylan (GU)RepublicanIncreases funding by $5M to the Marine Corps Procurement account to fund Mobile Ad-Hoc Network Technologies, offset by a decrease to defense wide operations and maintenance by the same amount.Made in Order
108Version 1Hudson (NC), Moylan (GU)RepublicanIncreases funding by $10M to the R,D,T&E defense-wide for intel systems development, to fund systems operator workload for SOCOM, offset by a decrease to operation and maintenance, defense-wide by the same amount.Made in Order
109Version 1Davis (NC), Nunn (IA)Bi-PartisanIncreases by $8,000,000 Defense-Wide RDT&E, Line 284 – PE 1160431BB – Warrior Systems Support – “Small Unmanned Systems (SUMS) – Quadruped Unmanned Ground Systems” and decreases by $8,000,000 – Defense-Wide RDT&E, Line 214, Industrial Base Analysis and Sustainment Support. The amendment will ensure robust funding for unmanned ground systems, which are becoming critical in 21st-century conflicts against the PRC and other bad actors.Made in Order
110Version 1Stanton (AZ), Kiggans (VA), Finstad (MN)Bi-PartisanIncreases and decreases by $2,500,000 for research, development, test and evaluation for the Army, with the intent that the $2.5 million will be used for the continued planning, integration, and qualification of the enhanced CH-47 Chinook engine.Submitted
111Version 1Crow (CO)DemocratIncreases funding for Space Force O&M, Space Launch Operations, by $10,000,000, for “Multi-Mission Multi-Domain Space Launch Protection”. Reduces Defense-Wide O&M by $10,000,000. This funding will allow the Space Force to operate proven multi-mission multi-domain space launch protection assets to help ensure national security space launches occur safely and on-time.Submitted
112Version 1Rosendale (MT)RepublicanProhibits funds made available by the Act from being used for certain types of assisted reproductive technologies by the Department of Defense to ensure additional guardrails are in place.Submitted
113Version 1Norton (DC)DemocratIncreases and decreases by $4.5 million for research, development, test and evaluation for the Space Force with the intent it be used for High Energy Resilient Stage (Space Force RDT&E, Line 4, PE#1206601SF, Space Technology).Made in Order
114Version 1Norton (DC)DemocratIncreases and decreases by $8 million for research, development, test and evaluation for the Navy with the intent it be used for QuickStrike Kinetic Improvements (Navy, RDT&E, Line 12, PE# 0602750N, Future Naval Capabilities Applied Research).Made in Order
115Version 1Deluzio (PA), Kelly (PA)Bi-PartisanIncreases and decreases, Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (RDT&E) Defense-Wide funding by $5,000,000 for Resilient Manufacturing Ecosystem via Industrial Base Analysis and Sustainment.Submitted
116Version 2Ogles (TN), Lawler (NY)RepublicanRevised Recommends that the U.S. Army should not participate in the Eurosatory exhibition or any international defense exposition that restricts or threatens to restrict the full participation of Israeli-owned companies.Made in Order
117Version 2Ogles (TN), Lawler (NY)RepublicanRevised Recommends that the Defense Security Cooperation Agency should not participate in the Eurosatory exhibition or any international defense exposition that restricts or threatens to restrict the full participation of Israeli-owned companies.Made in Order
118Version 2Ivey (MD)DemocratRevised Increases funding to the Defense Health Agency by $10 million to enhance the peer-reviewed Kidney Cancer Research Program (KCRP), and provides an offset by decreasing the Operation and Maintenance, Defense-Wide account by $10 million.Revised
119Version 2Smith (NJ)RepublicanRevised Increases and decreases funding for Navy FSRM to expedite upgrade for Lakehurst hangers 2 and 3.Revised
120Version 2Smith (NJ)RepublicanRevised Increases and decreases funding for Air Force FSRM to expedite electrical system upgrades for Lakehurst hangers 2 and 3.Revised
121Version 2Stansbury (NM)DemocratRevised Reduces Defense-Wide O&M account by $5,000,000 and increases Space Force RDTE account by $5,000,000 for satellite health monitoring.Revised
122Version 4Palmer (AL)RepublicanRevised Increases and decreases funding by $35,500,000 in O&M for Air National Guard, for the purposes of funding ramps at Air National Guard bases.Revised
123Version 1Landsman (OH), Turner (OH)Bi-PartisanIncreases and decreases funding for RDTE, Space Force by $10,000,000 for development of technology for super and hypersonic airbreathing propulsion for use in attritable/reusable aircraft under Space Advanced Technology Development/Demo.Made in Order
124Version 1Kelly (PA)RepublicanIncreases Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Defense Wide by $5 million for the Defense Critical Alloy Production Capacity Expansion program. Offset by a $5 million reduction to Operations and Maintenance, Defense-Wide.Made in Order
125Version 1McCormick (GA), Lieu (CA), Obernolte (CA)Bi-PartisanIncreases Operation and Maintenance, Defense-wide by $4,500,000 to support implementation of the pilot program on authentication of digital content provenance for certain Department of Defense media content established by Sec. 1524 of the FY24 NDAA (PL 118-31). Reduces RDT&E, Air Force by $4,500,000.Submitted
126Version 2Tenney (NY), Velázquez (NY), Kennedy, Tim (NY), James (MI)Bi-PartisanRevised Moves $10,000,000 from Defense-Wide O&M to the Defense Innovation Unit, RDT&E, Defense-Wide, Line 47 for Project SynCE (Synthetic Fuels for the Contested Environment).Revised
127Version 2Fong (CA)RepublicanRevised Increases funding by $4,000,000 for RDT&E Air Force (page 39, line 1) for layered tanks for the Air Force Research Laboratory Rocket Propulsion Division (Air Force RDT&E, PE 0603216F, Line 20, Aerospace Propulsion and Power Technology account) and decreases Operations and Maintenance Defense-Wide (page 9, line 19) by $4,000,000. This would help replace a nearly 70-year-old layered tank system that is needed for liquid rocket testing to continue to occur.Made in Order
128Version 2Fong (CA)RepublicanRevised Increases funding by $4,000,000 for Operations and Maintenance Navy (page 8, line 15) for the Naval Air Warfare Rapid Capabilities Office (OMN, Line 530, 4B3N, Acquisition, Logistics, and Oversight) and decreases the Operations and Maintenance Defense-Wide (page 9, line 19) by $4,000,000. With the Naval Air Warfare Rapid Capabilities Office authorized in P.L. 118-31 and funded in P.L. 118-47, this amendment ensures continuity and no gap in funding.Made in Order
129Version 2Bacon (NE)RepublicanRevised Increases AF RDTE Line 137 by $16,000,000 to support USSTRATCOM nuclear command, control and communications (NC3) enterprise modernization programs allocating $15,000,000 for the NC3 Research Engineering Architecture and Collaboration Hub (REACH) and $1,000,000 for USSTRATCOM UARC priority research.Made in Order
130Version 1Peltola (AK), Kiggans (VA)Bi-PartisanReduces Defense-wide Operations and Maintenance by $10,000,000 and increases Air Force RDT&E by $10,000,000 for artificial intelligence-enabled flight management and operations at Air Mobility Command.Submitted
131Version 1Strong (AL), Sewell (AL)Bi-PartisanIncreases Army RDT&E (H. Rept. 118-557: Line 16, Air and Missile Defense Technology, PE 0602150A) by $5,000,000 for Automated Software Weakness and Vulnerability Discovery for Binary Code.Made in Order
132Version 1Strong (AL), Beyer (VA)Bi-PartisanIncreases Defense-Wide RDT&E (H. Rept. 118-557: Line 38, Advanced Research, PE 0603180C) by $5,000,000 for Nuclear Modernization Survivability Testing and Workforce Development and Training Program.Made in Order
133Version 1Strong (AL), Nunn (IA), Escobar (TX)Bi-PartisanIncreases Army RDT&E (H. Rept. 118-557: Line 164, Threat Simulator Development, PE 0604256A) by $5,000,000 for Threat Counter Artificial Intelligence (TCAI).Made in Order
134Version 1Strong (AL), Sewell (AL)Bi-PartisanIncreases Army RDT&E (H. Rept. 118-557: Line 172, Army Technical Test Instrumentation and Targets, PE 0605602A) by $5,000,000 for Rapid Assurance Modernization Program – Test (RAMP-T).Made in Order
135Version 1Strong (AL), Carter (LA)Bi-PartisanIncreases Army RDT&E (H. Rept. 118-557: Line 166, Major T&E Investment, PE 0604759A) by $5,000,000 for Advanced Sensing Expanded Range Operations (ASERO).Made in Order
136Version 1Houlahan (PA)DemocratRevises funding to utilize for safer and fuel-efficient helicopter systems. Page 9, line 19, after the dollar amount, insert ‘‘(reduced by $15,300,000)’’. Page 39, line 1, after the dollar amount, insert ‘‘(increased by $15,300,000)’’.Submitted
137Version 1Houlahan (PA)DemocratRevises funding for service member equipment that alleviates pain and injuries via ruck sack technologies. Page 9, line 19, after the dollar amount, insert ‘‘(reduced by $4,800,000)’’. Page 38, line 9, after the dollar amount, insert ‘‘(increased by $4,800,000)’’.Submitted
138Version 1Obernolte (CA), Peters (CA)Bi-PartisanProvides $4,000,000 to Navy’s Research, Development, Test and Evaluation account for the deployment of Kubernetes-based geospatial infrastructure to give commanders the ability to make faster, more precise decisions. Funding the continued R&D of the Kubernetes geospatial infrastructure and training will build an edge cloud-native geospatial Enterprise and answer unmet geographic information system (GIS) requirements.Made in Order
139Version 3Langworthy (NY), Tenney (NY)RepublicanRevised Increases Navy's Science and Technology for Nuclear Re-entry line by $5,000,000 and decreases Defense OPM Account by $5,000,000.Made in Order
140Version 3Obernolte (CA)RepublicanRevised Decreases funding by $5,000,000 for RDT&E, Navy for Innovative Naval Prototypes Advanced Technology Development, and increases Procurement, Defense-Wide, by $5,000,000 for the procurement of Ground Mobility Vehicle (GMV) 1.1 vehicles, which will help United States Army Special Operations Command incrementally bridge the ground mobility capability gap, maintain an active production line, and establish a new production line.Made in Order
141Version 1Biggs (AZ), Nehls (TX)RepublicanProhibits funds to sell unused border wall materials.Submitted
142Version 1Amo, Gabe (RI), Magaziner (RI)DemocratIncreases and decreases by $8 million Navy RDTE, Force Protection Advanced Technology, for Deployable Additive Manufacturing of Composite Unmanned Undersea Vehicles.Made in Order
143Version 1Carey (OH), Landsman (OH), Turner (OH)Bi-PartisanIncreases and decreases funding on Page 33, line 7 by $32,900,000.Submitted
144Version 1Hageman (WY)RepublicanProhibits funds from being used to replace energy fuel sources of domestic DoD facilities unless the Secretary ensures that the new energy source is as affordable, reliable, and accessible as the source being replaced.Submitted
145Version 1Buchanan (FL), Escobar (TX), Titus (NV)Bi-PartisanProhibits funds from being used to purposefully wound dogs, cats, primates and marine mammals for research purposes.Submitted
146Version 1Burchett (TN), Burlison (MO)RepublicanRequires the Department of Defense release and declassify all documents related to unidentified anomalous phenomenaSubmitted
147Version 1Carbajal (CA), Strong (AL)Bi-PartisanDecreases O&M, Navy by $12.5 million and increases RDTE, Navy by $12.5 million for the maritimization of the long-range tactical small unmanned aerial systems through the RQ-11 UAV program. This matches the authorized amount in the House passed FY25 NDAA.Submitted
148Version 1Carbajal (CA)DemocratDecreases O&M, Navy by $5 million and increases RDTE, Navy by $5 million for research on marine energy systems for sensors and microgrids through the navy energy program. This matches the authorized amount in the House passed FY25 NDAA.Submitted
149Version 1Sorensen (IL)DemocratIncreases Army RDT&E by $5 million with a corresponding reduction of $5 million reduction in Defense-wide O&M. Funding would help to support additional workload on the Army’s jointless hull 3D print machine as well as some other 3D print capabilities at the Advanced Manufacturing Center of Excellence (AM COE).Submitted
150Version 1Carbajal (CA)DemocratDecreases O&M, DW by $2.5 million and increases RDTE, DW by $2.5 million to support research for integrated silicon-based lasers through the Defense-Wide Manufacturing Science and Technology Program. This matches the authorized amount in the House passed FY25 NDAA.Made in Order
151Version 1Miller (OH)RepublicanIncreases and decreases Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Army by $10,000,000 to develop multi-layered, multi-functional elastomeric systems for next generation protective equipment and deployable sensors. (Army RDTE&E, Line 2, PE 0601102A).Made in Order
152Version 1Sorensen (IL)DemocratIncreases the Air Force RDT&E account by $5 million offset by a $5 million reduction to the Defense-Wide Operation and Maintenance account to support development, test and evaluation of rapidly additively manufactured skins for the CCA program. This capability will help to support cheaper and quicker development for the Collaborative Combat Aircraft using state-of-the-art rapid additive manufacturing capabilities.Made in Order
153Version 1Carbajal (CA)DemocratDecreases O&M, Army by $3 million and increases RDTE, Army by $3 million to bolster biotechnology research through university and industry research centers. This matches the authorized amount in the House passed FY25 NDAA.Submitted
154Version 1Panetta (CA), Scott, Austin (GA), Golden (ME), Bacon (NE), Wilson (SC), Carbajal (CA), McCormick (GA)Bi-PartisanAmends section 8104 to require that funding for Ukraine's Azov Battalion, the Third Separate Assault Brigade, or any successor organization, be conditioned on Leahy vetting.Submitted
155Version 2Sorensen (IL)DemocratRevised Increases and decreases the Army's O&M account by $5 million. Funding would continue to develop and refine a prototype of an online search tool (RPSA) that would allow authorized users the ability to search for space available at Army installations.Revised
156Version 1Miller (OH)RepublicanProhibits funds made available to be obligated or expended by the Secretary of Defense, with respect to a military installation, to support, procure, or facilitate the use or purchase of EVs or Batteries made in China.Submitted
157Version 2Sorensen (IL)DemocratRevised Increases the Army RDT&E account by $25 million offset by a $25 million reduction in the Defense-wide O&M account. Soft recoil technology is an essential ingredient that enables placing artillery systems on wheeled vehicles. This requirement is based upon needs statements from the 173rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team (and approved by U.S. Army Europe), 2nd Cavalry Regiment and the 18th Airborne Corps.Revised
158Version 1Davis (NC)DemocratIncreases and decreases Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Army by $10,000,000 to conduct Technology Development for Ground-to-ground Vehicle Aided Target Recognition. (Army RDT&E, Line 043, PE 0603462A).Submitted
159Version 1Sorensen (IL)DemocratIncreases RDT&E, Army by $5 million and decrease O&M, Defense Wide by $5 million which would support continued ballistics technology research and development to develop technologies that lead to better warfighter protection and lightweight vehicle armor.Submitted
160Version 1Luna (FL)RepublicanPrevents funds from being used to repurpose the Air Force 24th Special Operations Wing.Submitted
161Version 2Kuster (NH), Pappas (NH)DemocratRevised Provides $12,000,000 for the Air Force's Fleet Readiness AM Digital Technology Maturation and Adoption.Revised
162Version 2Sorensen (IL)DemocratRevised Directs the Air Force to align the 182nd Airlift Wing with other ANG Contingency Response counterparts.Revised
163Version 2Moylan (GU)RepublicanRevised Offsets for the purpose of a Gantry Crane and installing power transmission lines in areas outside of Military installations. (Sent to HOLC for review on 20 June 2024 @0937).Revised
164Version 1Greene (GA)RepublicanWithdrawn Prohibits funding for the State of New York.Withdrawn
165Version 1Crow (CO)DemocratIncreases applied research funding for Space Force RDT&E, Space Technology, by $20,000,000, for the “University Consortium for Space Technology”. Reduces Defense-Wide O&M by $20,000,000. The University Consortium for Space Technology supports the Space Force’s missions by conducting applied research, development and demonstration activities aimed at rapidly advancing space technology and capability integration.Submitted
166Version 2Carson (IN)DemocratRevised Strikes Sec.8114 which prohibits any funds to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA).Revised
167Version 1Pfluger (TX)RepublicanReduces Space Force O&M funding to limit excessive growth in the procurement of advisory and assistance services.Submitted
168Version 2Bilirakis (FL)RepublicanRevised Increases funding by $4,500,000 for RDT&E, Air Force for the Advanced Coating Program (ACP) and decreases by $4,500,000 for RDT&E, Air Force general account.Made in Order
169Version 2Carson (IN)DemocratRevised Requires a report to Congress on the death of American journalist, Shireen Abu Akleh.Revised
170Version 1Pfluger (TX)RepublicanReduces Space Force RDT&E Narrowband Satellite Communications to allow the Space Force to accelerate the Mobile User Objective System (MUOS) augmentation to add 5G low earth orbit capability to the exiting program.Made in Order
171Version 2Obernolte (CA)RepublicanWithdrawn Increases and decreases funding for the Operation and Maintenance, Defense-Wide, account by $4,500,000 to provide the Defense Media Activity the resources it needs for software integration, public key infrastructure, and backend business support operations to successfully execute the digital content provenance pilot program and build out the necessary curriculum to ensure the Department of Defense’s publicly available photos and other forms of digital media are cryptographically protected from manipulation.Withdrawn
172Version 2Letlow (LA)RepublicanRevised Increases and decreases by $5,000,000 to provide funding for Intelligent Data Management for Distributed Naval Platforms within Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Navy Force Protection Applied Research. This amendment will appropriate at the funding level that is included in the House passed NDAA.Made in Order
173Version 1Sherrill (NJ), Kean (NJ)Bi-PartisanIncreases funding for Army RDTE, "Advanced Energetics Manufacturing Technologies," by $5m to allow for continued progress on the Army's research and development of safe and clean energetics manufacturing technology and novel materials such as Next Generation energetics for propellants and explosives.Submitted
174Version 1Letlow (LA), Carter (LA)Bi-PartisanIncreases and decreases by $12,000,000 to provide funding for the Emergence Readiness Initiative within Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Army Solider Lethality Technology.Made in Order
175Version 1Casar (TX)DemocratProvides the Secretary of Defense with the authority to transfer funds in excess of the amount requested for weapons purchases in the President's budget to DoD child care programs.Submitted
176Version 2Wenstrup (OH), Trone (MD), Finstad (MN), Stauber (MN)Bi-PartisanRevised Increases Army RDT&E Medical Advanced Technology by $7,000,000 for Next Generation Blood Products and Platelet Development and Platelet Hemostatic Products and decreases the amount for Defense-wide Defense Research Sciences by $7,000,000.Revised
177Version 2Dunn (FL)RepublicanRevised Increases funding by $6M to the Air Force RDT&E account to fund the Development of a University-led Hypervelocity Test Capability (PE: 0602602F), offset by a decrease to defense-wide operations and maintenance by the same amount.Made in Order
178Version 1Sherrill (NJ)DemocratIncreases Army RTDE funding by $12.5m for "Counter Drone Munitions," in line with the House-passed NDAA, to support the delivery of cost-effective and collaterally appropriate and efficient solutions against lethal UAS swarming threats.Submitted
179Version 1Letlow (LA)RepublicanIncreases and decreases by $19,000,000 to provide funding for Bomber Aircrew Supplemental Training within Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Air Force B-1B Squadrons.Made in Order
180Version 2Kennedy, Tim (NY), Tenney (NY)Bi-PartisanRevised Increases $5 million under procurement for the Defense Health Program to adequately fund the development of medical devices for Osseointegrated Prosthetic Infection Treatment and Prevention in order to improve the quality of life of those in the military who have lost their limbs while serving our countryRevised
181Version 1Sherrill (NJ)DemocratIncreases Army RDTE funding by $2.5m for "Autonomous Armaments Technology for Unmanned Systems," in line with the House-passed NDAA, to support the Army's efforts towards safe weaponization and lethality payload integration onto various unmanned platforms.Submitted
182Version 2Houlahan (PA)DemocratRevised Revises funding to improve AI detection of predictive maintenance issues within the US Navy. On page 38, line 16 after the dollar amount, insert "reduced by $5,000,000. On page 38, line 20, after the work "Forces", insert "increased by $5,000,000 provided further that $5,000,000 is made available for naval air enterprise IT development.Revised
183Version 1Kiggans (VA), Amo, Gabe (RI)Bi-PartisanIncreases Navy RDT&E, Line 24, ‘Navy Warfighting Experiments & Demonstration’ by $5 million for testing and evaluation of uncrewed technologies with counter threat capabilities to detect, identify, and counter uncrewed aerial system threats. Decreases Navy RDT&E, Line 15, ‘Science and Technology Management’ by $5 million for general information technology-related cost increases.Made in Order
184Version 2Armstrong (ND)RepublicanRevised Increases Defense-wide RDT&E, IBAS, by $7,500,000 for corrosion resistant magnesium coating for aircraft. Reduces Defense-wide RDT&E, Space Programs and Technology by $7,500,000.Made in Order
185Version 2Kiggans (VA), Ryan (NY)Bi-PartisanRevised Increases Navy O&M, Line BSIT, ‘Enterprise Information Technology’ by $10 million to establish strategic mobile virtual network operator telecom network in INDOPACOM AOR utilizing commercial infrastructure. Decreases Navy O&M, Line BSIT, ‘Enterprise Information Technology’ by $10 million.Made in Order
186Version 1Bost (IL), McCormick (GA)RepublicanReduces Army Operations and Maintenance by $9,500,000 and increases Air Force RDT&E by $9,500,000 for mission critical secure collaboration solution.Made in Order
187Version 1Levin (CA)DemocratIncreases and decreases funding for Operations and Maintenance, Defense Wide by $1 million to urge the Department of Defense to conduct a study on the effects of poor habitability on service member morale and retention, and to explore alternative sustenance opportunities to service members unable to utilize designated dining facilities.Submitted
188Version 2Castor (FL)DemocratRevised Increases and decreases funding for Operation and Maintenance, Army National Guard to provide support for DoD to study if Reserve Forces are receiving adequate screening for Operator Syndrome and Clinical Burnout, and are adequately having their injuries documented in their military heath records.Made in Order
189Version 1LaHood (IL), Peltola (AK), Sorensen (IL)Bi-PartisanIncreases and decreases by $7.6 million Air Force Other Procurement funds to construct storage and racking facilities to protect equipment and munitions at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson (JBER).Submitted
190Version 2Norton (DC)DemocratRevised Prohibits the transfer of personnel or equipment of the District of Columbia National Guard to another National Guard.Revised
191Version 2Gottheimer (NJ)DemocratRevised Prohibits funds to allow commissaries or exchange stores to sell items produced by persons or companies that have participated in boycotts of the State of Israel.Revised
192Version 2Phillips (MN)DemocratRevised Increases and decreases Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Army by $5,000,000 to conduct pilot line assessment of tactical aerial platforms and printed unmanned systems. (Army RDT&E, Line 11, PE 0602144A).Revised
193Version 2Carl (AL)RepublicanRevised Increases funding by $10m to the Army RDT&E account to fund the development of a high energy laser maturation system, offset by a decrease to defense wide operations and maintenance by the same amount. Page 9, line 19, after the dollar amount, insert “(reduced by $10,000,000)”. Page 38, line 9, after the dollar amount, insert “(increased by $10,000,000)”.Made in Order
194Version 1Amo, Gabe (RI)DemocratIncreases and decreases by $10 million Army RDTE, for Next Generation Fuel Cell Upgrades for Army helicopters.Submitted
195Version 2Phillips (MN), Hudson (NC)Bi-PartisanRevised Increases and decreases Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Army by $5,000,000 for a Concussion Dosimeter Research Initiative (Army RDT&E, Advanced Medical Technology, Line 27, PE 0603002A).Made in Order
196Version 2Phillips (MN)DemocratRevised Increases and decreases Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Navy by $8,000,000 to augment advanced manufacturing technology capabilities at the Naval Postgraduate School Consortium for Advanced Manufacturing Research and Education (Navy RDT&E, Line 188, PE 0605853N).Revised
197Version 2Wilson (SC), Hudson (NC)RepublicanRevised Increases and decreases RDT&E, Army by $15,000,000 for testing and development of Quadruped Unmanned Ground Systems.Made in Order
198Version 1Escobar (TX), Strong (AL)Bi-PartisanReduces Army Operations and Maintenance by $10 million, Increases Army RDTE by $10 million, Long Range Precision Fires program, for Low-Cost Missiles Systems Development.Submitted
199Version 1Bergman (MI), Davis (NC)Bi-PartisanProvides $10 million to the Abrams Upgrade Program procurement line to upgrade the M1A2 SEPv3 Abrams power pack into a hybrid-electric turbine configuration that significantly reduces fuel consumption and increases onboard power generation for growth capabilities such as silent mobility, silent watch, exportable power, and directed energy systems.Submitted
200Version 1Sherrill (NJ)DemocratIncreases Army RDTE funding for "Assured Precision Weapons and Munitions" by $14.9m, in line with the House-passed NDAA. This funding would advance the Army's efforts to develop advanced risk mitigation, technology integration, prototyping, and product support to identify, evaluate, mature, test, and demonstrate assured precision prototype technologies in weapon and munitions components and subsystems.Submitted
201Version 1Sherrill (NJ)DemocratIncreases Army RDTE funding for "Overmatching the Speed of Battle" by $2.5m, in line with the House-passed NDAA. This funding would support the Army's efforts to overcome the challenges posed by the increased pace of battle and adversary use of intelligent systems. The research conducted through this program would address cognitive overload or limitations in complex/cluttered environments and perform human integration with technology enhancements.Submitted
202Version 2Carey (OH), Pettersen (CO), Turner (OH)Bi-PartisanRevised Increases and decreases Air Force procurement by $2,300,000 for modern surveying equipment.Made in Order
203Version 1Garbarino (NY), Keating (MA)Bi-PartisanIncreases the Defense Health Agency by $5 million to enhance the peer-reviewed Lupus Research Program (LRP) and provides an offset by decreasing the Operations and Maintenance, Defense-Wide account by $5 million.Submitted
204Version 1Castor (FL)DemocratIncreases and decreases funding for Operation and Maintenance, Defense-Wide, to support a study to determine if bases in the “rest of the country” locality pay category are having recruitment and retention issues, how that impacts readiness, and our National Security, particularly in bases that host military commands like MacDill AFB.Made in Order
205Version 1Sherrill (NJ), Kean (NJ)Bi-PartisanIncreases Navy RDTE funding for "Additive Manufacturing Utilization" by $5m, in line with previous years' funding level. This request supports the Navy's efforts to develop fully defined additive manufacturing standards and testing procedures. In the limited cases where AM has been implemented, the acceptance process has varied, been overly complex, and has failed to take advantage of the speed and creative attributes of the AM process.Submitted
206Version 1Kiggans (VA), Nunn (IA)RepublicanIncreases Air Force O&M, Line 11V, ‘Cyberspace Sustainment’ by $10 million for Cyber Operations for Base Resilient Architecture. Decreases Air Force O&M, Line 42A, ‘Administration’ by $10 million.Made in Order
207Version 1Sherrill (NJ), Lee (FL)Bi-PartisanIncreases defense-wide RDTE by $10m to support the Department’s efforts to reduce acquisition costs by breaking out sole-source parts and increasing competitive part pricing throughout the defense supply chain.Submitted
208Version 1Hern (OK)RepublicanIncreases and decreases by $10 million Army RDT&E for the Army Pathfinder program (Army, RDT&E, Line 11, 0602143A, Soldier Lethality Technology) for Human-Machine Teaming. Builds the cross-communication and cooperation between human and technology needed to leverage AI, decision support, and machining to increase the effectiveness, efficiency, and lethality of the individual soldier.Made in Order
209Version 1Bergman (MI), Moolenaar (MI)RepublicanFunds $10 million for Fuel Cell Multi-Modular Use (FC-MMU) utilizing hydrogen in FY25.Submitted
210Version 2Pappas (NH)DemocratRevised Increases Operations and Maintenance, Army National Guard by $3 million and reduces Operations and Maintenance, Defense-wide by $3 million due to historical unobligated balances. This increase supports re-establishing the National Guard’s Controlled Humidity Preservation (CHP).Revised
211Version 4Clyde (GA)RepublicanRevised Prohibit classifying low pressure M781 cartridges which have inert projectiles as explosives or propellant explosives.Made in Order
212Version 1Fitzgerald (WI)RepublicanIncreases RDT&E, Army, Line 230 (PE 0708045A) by $10 million to support Advanced Manufacturing and Inspection Techniques for Structural Missile Components. Decreases Defense-Wide O&M by $10 million to offset.Made in Order
213Version 1Bergman (MI)RepublicanProvides $5 million for Small Unmanned Systems Hive Swarm for Special Operations Forces.Made in Order
214Version 1Soto (FL)DemocratDecreases and then increases RDTE, DW by $16.6 million for the Industrial Base Analysis and Sustainment Program (program element 0607210D8Z) to expand domestic semiconductor Fan-Out Wafer-Level Packaging capabilities.Submitted
215Version 2Bergman (MI), Moolenaar (MI)RepublicanRevised Funds Virtual Engineering for Army Readiness and Sustainment (VEARS) at $7 million for FY25.Made in Order
216Version 2Bergman (MI), Moolenaar (MI)RepublicanRevised Funds $4.2 million for Humanitarian Airborne Mobile Infrastructure Capability (HAMIC) in FY25.Revised
217Version 1Fitzgerald (WI)RepublicanIncreases RDT&E, Defense-Wide, Line 214 (PE 0607210D8Z) by $5 million to support Advanced Electrification Demonstration under IBAS. Decreases O&M, Defense-Wide by $5 million to offset.Made in Order
218Version 3Steil (WI)RepublicanRevised Increases and decreases by $10 million Navy RDTE, Warfighter Sustainment Applied Research, for Advanced Missile Castings Demonstration.Made in Order
219Version 2Yakym (IN), Mrvan (IN), Houchin (IN)Bi-PartisanRevised Transfers $90 million from defense wide O&M to Army procurement for the purchase of High Mobility Multi-Wheeled Vehicles (HMMWV) so the National Guard can begin replacing its aging fleet.Made in Order
220Version 1Sherrill (NJ)DemocratIncreases Army RDTE funding by $7m for "Ultra-Fine High Strength Ballistic Fibers" to support the Army’s efforts to scale up, develop, and test a patented high-strength fiber development line.Submitted
221Version 2Kelly (MS), Guest (MS)RepublicanRevised Increases and decreases page 39, line 19 by $5,000,000 for the Department of Defense Chief Information Officer's Information Systems Security Program.Made in Order
222Version 3Wilson (SC), Moskowitz (FL), Kiggans (VA)Bi-PartisanRevised Encourages the Department of Defense to increase efforts to harmonize US cooperation with Israel in the defense industrial base.Revised
223Version 1Gosar (AZ)RepublicanProhibits funding for the testing and development of biological weapons.Submitted
224Version 2Kelly (MS), Guest (MS)RepublicanRevised Increases and decreases Page 38, line 9 by $2,500,000 for Geophysical Littoral Autonomous Detection and Exploitation (GLADE).Made in Order
225Version 1Ross (NC)DemocratBars funds from being used to spread misinformation about vaccine efficacy.Submitted
226Version 3Wilson (SC)RepublicanRevised Increases and decreases RDT&E, defense-wide by $5,000,000 for Hypersonic Advanced Composites Manufacturing.Made in Order
227Version 2Gosar (AZ)RepublicanRevised Prohibits the funding of the transfer of Army Tactical Missile Systems (ATACMS) to Ukraine.Revised
228Version 1Graves (LA)RepublicanIncreases funding by $9m to the Navy RDT&E account to fund a transportable non-geostationary satellite terminal for the Global Broadcast Service, offset by a decrease to defense wide operations and maintenance by the same amount.Made in Order
229Version 2Steil (WI), Grothman (WI), Fitzgerald (WI)RepublicanRevised Increases and decreases the Defense-Wide RDTE account by $10 million for Fusion Linear Accelerator for Radiation Hardening of Microelectronics in Line 102, Trusted and Assured Microelectronics.Made in Order
230Version 4Sewell (AL), Eshoo (CA), Joyce (PA), Carson (IN)Bi-PartisanRevised Increases the peer-reviewed pancreatic cancer research program by $5 million.Revised
231Version 2Peters (CA)DemocratRevised Increases the Navy RDT&E account by $5 million with a corresponding $5 million reduction to the Defense-Wide Operation and Maintenance account to transition new technologies for rapid innovation needed for Naval Special Warfare for current and emerging operations and threats in the ocean warfighting environment.Revised
232Version 2Cohen (TN), DesJarlais (TN), Kustoff (TN)Bi-PartisanRevised Increases RDT&E, Navy by $8 million to support the Fight Facility to expand current congressionally supported work for the Unmanned Arial Systems (UAS) Degraded Environment Facility (UxSDEF). Reduces RDT&E, Navy by $8 million.Made in Order
233Version 2Luttrell (TX)RepublicanRevised Increases and decreases by $5 million for research, development, test and evaluation for the Army with the intent that the $5 million will be used for Magnetic Gear Research [Army, RDT&E, Line #12, PE# 0602145A, Next Generation Combat Vehicle Technology].Made in Order
234Version 2Cohen (TN), DesJarlais (TN), Kustoff (TN)Bi-PartisanRevised Increases RDT&E, Defense-Wide by $8 million to support the Rapid Advanced Manufacturing Processing (RAMP) program to develop the next generation of advanced manufacturing technologies and to provide the Navy with new manufacturing capabilities that will reduce costs and manufacturing/repair times. Reduces RDT&E, Defense-Wide by $8 million.Made in Order
235Version 1Trahan (MA)DemocratIncrease funding for Soldier Lethality Technology Army RDT&E by $5 million for the Harnessing Emerging Research Opportunities to Empower Soldiers (HEROES) program.Made in Order
236Version 1Tokuda (HI)DemocratIncreases funding in the Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Defense-Wide, account by $20,000,000 for INDOPACOM Advanced Manufacturing in Line 214, Industrial Base Analysis and Sustainment. Offset is undistributed within the same account.Submitted
237Version 3Smith (WA), Norcross (NJ)DemocratWithdrawn Reduces F-35 production rates to mirror H.R. 8070 (FY2025 NDAA) authorization levels; realigns resources to areas identified by DOD to help address performance issues in F-35 development, production, and test facilities; and increases funding for the Basic Allowance for Housing by 4.5%, restoring it to 99% of the calculated requirement.Withdrawn
238Version 3Wilson (SC)RepublicanRevised Increases and decreases Navy RDT&E by $5,000,000 for Talent and Technology for Navy Power and Energy Systems.Made in Order
239Version 3Peters (CA)DemocratRevised Increases Army Aircraft Procurement account by $5,800,000 to fund the procurement of Long-Range Precision Aerial Delivery Systems (LRPADS). Offset is in the same account line.Made in Order
240Version 1Trahan (MA)DemocratIncrease funding for Soldier Lethality Technology Army RDT&E by $5 million for the Personal Air Mobility Capability for the Warfighter program.Submitted
241Version 1Carson (IN)DemocratStrikes Sec. 8114, that prohibits funds to United Nations Relief and Works Agency.Made in Order
242Version 3Lieu (CA)DemocratRevised Increases Space Force RDT&E funding by $10 million for the new start Point to Point Delivery (P2PD) program for Space Assets for Rapid Materiel Delivery in Contested Logistics.Made in Order
243Version 2Pettersen (CO), Stansbury (NM)DemocratRevised Increases and decreases funding for the Air Force Research, Development, Test and Evaluation account in support of completing the delivery and deployment of Mobile Autonomous Robotic Swarms (MARS) that support lunar telecommunications and Space Situational Awareness (SSA).Made in Order
244Version 2Kaptur (OH), Quigley (IL), Fitzpatrick (PA), Wilson (SC)Bi-PartisanRevised Appropriates $300 million in funding for the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative.Revised
245Version 1Lieu (CA)DemocratIncreases Defense-Wide RDT&E funding by $4 million to collaborate with the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) to develop a secure blockchain-based supply chain management platform enhanced with Secure Multi-Party Computation (MPC) functionality.Submitted
246Version 1Garbarino (NY), Suozzi (NY)Bi-PartisanProvides $36.9 million for Military Alpine Recce System Environmental Clothing Systems.Submitted
247Version 1Carson (IN)DemocratRequires a report to Congress on the death of American journalist, Shireen Abu Akleh.Submitted
248Version 2Bacon (NE)RepublicanRevised Increases and decreases Air Force O&M by $5,000,000 to implement the Air Force Rapid Response Language Training Pilot Program.Made in Order
249Version 4Lieu (CA), Carbajal (CA)DemocratRevised Increases Space Force RDT&E funding by $5 million. This increase would allow the Air Force Research Lab (AFRL) and Space Force additional resources to rapidly demonstrate Advanced Spacecraft Energetic Non-Toxic (ASCENT) multi-mode electric propulsion.Revised
250Version 3Cammack (FL)RepublicanRevised Increases the RDT&E, Air Force account by $8 million and decreases the Defense-Wide Operations and Maintenance account by $8 million to address an urgent need to develop novel materials and wearable devices to assess and augment Airman performance in aerospace environments such as global multi-day logistic flights as well as long duration remotely piloted aircraft missions.Made in Order
251Version 1Garamendi (CA)DemocratLimits funding for Sentinel intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) program until the Nunn-McCurdy process is completed and the program has been restructured.Submitted
252Version 2Carbajal (CA), Kiggans (VA), Panetta (CA)Bi-PartisanRevised Increases and decreases Missile Procurement for the Army by $10 million to emphasize the need for Army procurement of Counter UAS capabilities to include non-kinetic variants alongside existing capabilities capable of defeating drone swarms.Revised
253Version 3Peters (CA)DemocratRevised Increases and decreases appropriations for Navy – RDT&E by $8,500,000 to support the Hybrid Open Transceiver new Advanced Integrated Line-of-sight Equipment System (HOTnAILES).Revised
254Version 2Bacon (NE), Luttrell (TX), Norcross (NJ)Bi-PartisanRevised Increases and decreases Air Force Procurement by $2,000,000 to integrate the RC-135 digital fleet maintenance management capability.Made in Order
255Version 4Wilson (SC), Kiggans (VA)RepublicanRevised Increases and decreases Navy RDT&E by $5,000,000 for Unmanned Logistics for USMC.Made in Order
256Version 2Miller (WV)RepublicanRevised Increases and decreases by $25 million for research, development, test and evaluation for the Army with the intent that the $25 million will be used for funding for applied research into source characterization and recovery of Rare Earth Element domestic reserves (Army RDT&E, Line 52, PE 0603119A).Made in Order
257Version 1Van Drew (NJ)RepublicanEliminates the requirement of a service-connected disability to provide veterans with medical care outside of a state. Updates the payment system of the Department of Veterans Affairs to allow for reimbursements through electronic fund transfer for hospital care or medical services furnished pursuant to section 1724 of title 38, United States Code.Submitted
258Version 1Meeks (NY), Smith (WA)DemocratStrikes Section 8166 (a) and (b).Submitted
259Version 2Steil (WI), Grothman (WI), Fitzgerald (WI)RepublicanRevised Increase decrease amendment to the Navy RDTE account to support $12 million for Neutron Radiography Technologies for Energetic Devices in Line 91, Precision Strike Weapons Development Program.Made in Order
260Version 1Lamborn (CO)RepublicanIncreases and decreases by $2,500,000 the “Program Increase: Commercial Physics-Based Digital Mission operations” is for funding to allow the Space Force to meet growing and urgent needs with capable software tools. Additional resources would provide an integrated physics-based, collaborative Digital Mission Operations environment that provides systems operators the ability to analyze system performance in a simulated mission environment. This amendment would increase base funding for Space Force, Operations and Maintenance, Space Operations, Line 13C by $2,500,000, offset by a $2,500,000 reduction to the Operations and Maintenance (O&M), Defense-Wide account.Made in Order
261Version 1Carbajal (CA)DemocratWithdrawn Decreases O&M, DW by $2 million and increases RDTE, DW by $2 million for research on ultra-rare pediatric brain and spinal cord tumors through the Congressionally directed medical research program.Withdrawn
262Version 1Wasserman Schultz (FL), Moskowitz (FL), Frankel (FL)DemocratIncreases RDTE, Air Force, by $10 million within Battlespace Knowledge Development and Demonstration account for programmable computing fabric networks. Decreases O&M, Air Force.Submitted
263Version 1Smith (NJ)RepublicanRequires the Secretary of Defense to certify offshore wind projects in the North Atlantic Planning Area will not compromise radar and sonar capabilities or create risks to national defense. Directs the Inspector General to audit the practices and findings of the Military Aviation and Installation Assurance Siting Clearinghouse for the North Atlantic Planning Area.Submitted
264Version 1Napolitano (CA), Miller (WV), Carbajal (CA)Bi-PartisanIncreases and decreases funding for the Operation and Maintenance, Defense-Wide account by $37,411,000 to be used in support of the National Guard Youth Challenge Program.Made in Order
265Version 3Self (TX)RepublicanRevised Supports the development of a Heterogeneous Photonic Integrated Circuit (HPIC) technology to deliver products that maximize the dense integration of photonic components needed to implement advanced single-chip radio frequency (RF) processing.Revised
266Version 3Wasserman Schultz (FL), Mast (FL)Bi-PartisanRevised Increases RDTE, Defense-Wide, by $10 million within Manufacturing Technology Program for Rapid Additive Manufacturing Critical Hardware. Decreases O&M, Defense-Wide.Made in Order
267Version 2Vasquez (NM)DemocratRevised Increases and decreases by $5,000,000 to prioritize the clean up of PFAS, jet fuel, and other hazardous materials that have contaminated areas around Air Force installations, such as Alamogordo and Albuquerque, New Mexico.Revised
268Version 1Banks (IN), Bucshon (IN), Houchin (IN)RepublicanIncreases and decreases by $10M Navy RDT&E Future Naval Capabilities Applied Research to develop a quantum communications corridor connecting certain Department of Defense installations, national laboratories, and universities conducting Department of Defense research.Made in Order
269Version 3Wilson (SC)RepublicanRevised Increases and decreases Army RDT&E by $5,000,000 for Standardized Army Battery for Enhanced Performance and Safety.Made in Order
270Version 2Garamendi (CA)DemocratRevised Pauses the reduction of Army Prepositioned Stock 3 (Afloat) until Department of Defense completes reporting requirements on the impact of such a decision.Revised
271Version 1Garbarino (NY)RepublicanProvides an additional $5 million to Navy RDT&E to address the corrosion of aircraft airframe structures.Made in Order
272Version 3Lamborn (CO), Crow (CO)Bi-PartisanRevised Provides $10 million to Space Force’s Research, Development, Test, Test and Evaluation account for Space Situational Awareness Operations to provide updated technology to support the Space Weather Analysis and Forecast System’s (SWAFS) and Unified Data Library (UDL).Made in Order
273Version 1Vasquez (NM)DemocratIncreases and decreases by $4 million for research, development, test and evaluation for the Army with the intent that the $4 million will be used for collaboration with qualified Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI) and land-grant universities focused on improving the US Army’s understanding of capabilities, competition, crisis, combat and transitions to and from conflict at multiple echelons.Submitted
274Version 2Timmons (SC)RepublicanRevised Increases and decreases funding for Operations and Maintenance, Defense Wide by $10 million to provide support for the Vendor Threat Mitigation Pilot Project, which ensures the compliance and security standards of vendors engaging with federal agencies are continuously monitored and re-assessed.Made in Order
275Version 1Vasquez (NM)DemocratIncreases and decreases by $10 million for research, development, test and evaluation for the Army with the intent that the $10 million will be used for the Long Range Precision Fires Advanced Technology Program, specifically at Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI) that are also land-grant universities already engaged in hypersonic research.Submitted
276Version 2Wilson (SC)RepublicanRevised Increases and decreases Army RDT&E by $5,000,000 for High Performance Glass Fiber Melter.Made in Order
277Version 2Cammack (FL)RepublicanRevised Directs $8 million from Defense-Wide Operations and Maintenance to Air Force RDTE for the purpose of accelerating the development and use of Software-Enabled Weapons Systems.Made in Order
278Version 2Slotkin (MI)DemocratRevised Increases Army RDT&E by $9 million for Next Generational Combat Vehicle, Autonomous Ground Vehicle Systems Engineering PrototypeRevised
279Version 4Lamborn (CO), Banks (IN), Mrvan (IN), Carbajal (CA), Yakym (IN), Carson (IN), Norcross (NJ), Kiggans (VA), McCormick (GA), Bucshon (IN), Houchin (IN), Strong (AL)Bi-PartisanRevised Increases funding for the Multi-Service Advanced Capability Hypersonics Test Bed (MACH-TB) Acceleration by 20 million.Made in Order
280Version 1Harder (CA), Duarte (CA)Bi-PartisanProhibits funds from being used to decommission the water infrastructure at the Sharpe Army Depot in Lathrop, CA, if the cost of decommissioning exceeds the cost of annual maintenance of the water infrastructure.Submitted
281Version 2Escobar (TX)DemocratRevised Reduces Army Operations and Maintenance by $10 million, Increases Army RDTE by $10 million, Future Vertical Lift Advanced Technology program, for Additive Manufacturing for Future Vertical Lift demonstration.Revised
282Version 2Sewell (AL), Waltz (FL)Bi-PartisanRevised Increases funding for Department of Defense Software Factories by $5 million.Made in Order
283Version 1Banks (IN)RepublicanProvides $5M for a peer-reviewed dystonia research program.Made in Order
284Version 1Lee (PA)DemocratProhibits the use of funds for U.S. forces to engage in hostilities in defense of Saudi Arabia without authorization by CongressSubmitted
285Version 1Carbajal (CA)DemocratWithdrawn Decreases O&M, Navy by $3 million and increases Other Procurement, Navy by $3 million for the procurement of XQ-58A long-endurance kinetic payload support.Withdrawn
286Version 2Vasquez (NM)DemocratRevised Increases and decreases by $5,000,000 to prioritize modernizing outdated infrastructure such as unaccompanied housing and Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDTE) facilities on Army installations, such as White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico.Revised
287Version 2Soto (FL)DemocratRevised Decreases and then increases RDTE, DW by $10.8 million for the Industrial Base Analysis and Sustainment Program (program element 0607210D8Z) for Advanced Packaging Infrastructure Enablement Standardized Assembly Design Kits.Made in Order
288Version 2Sewell (AL), Strong (AL)Bi-PartisanRevised Increases funding by $5 million to the Army RDT&E account to fund the development of convergent advanced manufacturing processes that demonstrate a confluence of dissimilar materials and technologies to manufacture novel systems for enhanced performance in extreme environments.Revised
289Version 2Harder (CA), Garamendi (CA)DemocratRevised Increases and decreases funding to encourage the US Army to implement a solution that prioritizes an early transfer of ownership of the Sharpe Army Depot to the Port of Stockton without decommissioning the system while also ensuring a completion of the ongoing investigation of potential PFAS contamination and execution of all necessary remediation efforts.Revised
290Version 3Slotkin (MI), Stevens (MI)DemocratRevised Increases by $10 million Defense Wide, Defense Logistics Agency RDT&E, Manufacturing Technology, to accelerate development and implementation of Critical Materials Supply Chain ResearchRevised
292Version 3Jackson Lee (TX)DemocratRevised Reduces funding for Procurement, Defense-Wide, by $10 million and increases funding for Defense Health Programs by $10 million in order to address Triple Negative Breast Cancer research.Revised
293Version 1Crow (CO), Wilson (SC)Bi-PartisanDirects $6,000,000 from Operations and Maintenance, Defense-Wide, to the United Service Organizations (USO). This would increase the total funding for the USO to $30,000,000.Submitted
294Version 1Slotkin (MI)DemocratWithdrawn Provides funding for annual Northern Strike Exercise.Withdrawn
295Version 3Yakym (IN), Banks (IN), Sewell (AL), Strong (AL)Bi-PartisanRevised Allocates $8,000,000 to the Airforce research, development, test, and evaluation account for for rotary machines with advanced magnetic materials to secure U.S. critical mineral supply chains from China and other foreign adversaries. The cost is offset by further reducing the foreign currency exchange rate savings by $8 million.Made in Order
296Version 1Jackson (TX)RepublicanIncreases and decreases funding for Navy RDT&E to provide $5 million for continued HeVTOL development and engine development, building on funding provided in FY24 for Line 19, USMC Advanced Technology Demonstration (ATD).Made in Order
297Version 2McCormick (GA)RepublicanRevised Increases and decreases RDT&E, Navy by $5,000,000 to support integration of aligned Carbon Nanotube Technology for mission critical Navy systems under RDT&E, Navy, Line 021, PE 0603673N.Made in Order
298Version 2Vasquez (NM)DemocratRevised Increases and decreases by $5,000,000 to prioritize cleaning up unexploded ordnance left by the Department of Defense on Tribal lands, such as the Pueblo of Isleta in New Mexico.Revised
299Version 2Joyce (PA)RepublicanRevised Increase and decreases funding by $5,000,000 to support additional GMV 1.1 vehicles to address the ground mobility capabilities gap.Made in Order
300Version 1Blunt Rochester (DE), Carter (GA)Bi-PartisanIncreases Defense-wide RDT&E, Line 77, by $5 million to support development of advanced cooling for data centers necessary to keep pace with the increasing computational power needed for greater digitization of activities under taken by the Department. Decreases O&M, Defense-wide by $5 million.Submitted
301Version 1Matsui (CA), Bilirakis (FL)Bi-PartisanIncreases and decreases Navy Research, Development, Test & Education funding by $10m. Intended to increase the Warfighter Protection Advanced Technology - bone marrow registry program by $10m.Submitted
302Version 1Garcia (IL), Castro (TX), Velázquez (NY), Kamlager-Dove (CA)DemocratProhibits funds from being used for unauthorized military force against Mexico.Submitted
303Version 5Wilson (SC), Clyburn (SC)Bi-PartisanRevised Supports Navy RDT&E by transferring $5,000,000 for Resilient Autonomous Systems Research Programs.Revised
304Version 1DeSaulnier (CA)DemocratIncreases funding for defense-wide research, development, test and evaluation by $8 million in order to support evaluation of using blood filtration devices for biological defense and treatment of blood pathogens. Decreases defense-wide operations and maintenance by $8 million.Submitted
305Version 2Blunt Rochester (DE)DemocratRevised Increases Air Force RDT&E, Line 5, by $5 million to support development of advanced composites for electromagnetic interference shielding. Decreases O&M, Defense-wide by $5 million.Revised
306Version 1Houlahan (PA), Bergman (MI)Bi-PartisanIncreases and decreases the Defense Production Act Purchases account to emphasize that domestic shortages of large power transformers and distribution transformers pose a national security threat, including to the Department's critical mission operations and personnel readiness.Submitted
307Version 1McCormick (GA)RepublicanIncreases RDT&E, Defense-wide by $10,000,000 to support domestic scale-up of novel high-char polymer composites for hypersonics applications conducted under RDT&E, D-Wide, Line 213, PE 0607210D8Z, Industrial Base and Sustainment. Reduces RDT&E Air Force by $10,000,000.Made in Order
308Version 1Scanlon (PA), Norcross (NJ), Bost (IL)Bi-PartisanIncreases Aircraft Procurement, Army, to support procurement of two additional CH-47 Chinook helicopters, matching the amount authorized in the House-passed FY25 NDAA.Submitted
309Version 2Blunt Rochester (DE), Murphy (NC)Bi-PartisanRevised Increases Air Force O&M by $5 million to support an ROTC program authorized by Section 519 of the FY21 NDAA (P.L. 116-283) to address persistent pilot shortage by providing flight training reimbursements at HBCUs. Decreases O&M, Defense-wide by $5 million.Revised
310Version 2Williams (NY)RepublicanRevised Increases and decreases $3 million in funding for Air Force RDT&E specifically to support enhanced capabilities integrating Advanced Air Mobility and Un-crewed Aircraft Systems, including C-UAS efforts, with broader air traffic management in partnership with AFWERX to enhance military operations.Made in Order
311Version 2McClellan (VA), Kiggans (VA)Bi-PartisanRevised Increases and decreases by $10 million Navy RDTE, Warfighter Sustainment Applied Research, for Digital Manufacturing Repair Demonstration.Revised
312Version 2Williams (NY)RepublicanRevised Increases and decreases $4.5 million in funding for Air Force RDT&E for Electronic Warfare Development for tactical data analysis capabilities in support of cognitive electronic warfare (EW) to make real-time decisions and operate safely against emerging threats.Made in Order
313Version 1Carter (GA)RepublicanIncreases funding for the “Digital Persona Protection Program (DP3)" by $4.5 million and decreases funding by $4.5 million of the Office of the Secretary of Defense.Made in Order
314Version 1Strickland (WA), Newhouse (WA)Bi-PartisanReduces Defense-wide Operations and Maintenance by $10,000,000 and increases Defense-wide RDT&E by $10,000,000 to deploy radioisotope power systems to enhance maritime domain awareness.Submitted
315Version 3Hageman (WY)RepublicanRevised Prohibits classified telework and remote work for DoD employees.Made in Order
316Version 2McCormick (GA), Garcia, Mike (CA)RepublicanRevised Increases Other Procurement, Air Force (Line 47, Tactical C-E Equipment) by $9,470,000 to support accelerated fielding of the Maneuver Gateway and Beyond-Line-of-Sight Backhaul Communications Program of Record. Reduces O&M, Defense-wide by $9,470,000.Revised
317Version 2Blunt Rochester (DE)DemocratRevised Increases funding to the DoD Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program (CDMRP) by $5 million to fund a Menopause Research Program and offsets with a decrease to Operations and Maintenance, Defense-Wide by $5 million.Revised
318Version 2Finstad (MN)RepublicanRevised Increases by $2 million RDT&E, Defense-Wide, Industrial Base Analysis and Sustainment Support for a feasibility study on domestic refining of polymetallic nodules as a resource for critical mineral intermediates. Decreases the Defense Science Board in RDT&E, Defense-Wide by $2 million.Made in Order
319Version 2Nunn (IA), Mullin (CA)Bi-PartisanRevised Increases Research, Development, Test & Evaluation, Defense-Wide by $10.0 million and reduces Operation & Maintenance, Defense-Wide by $10.0 million. The increase provides for the advancement of high-performance wireless RF-based power-at-a-distance in creating a persistent tether-less drone capability.Made in Order
320Version 2McCormick (GA), Garcia, Mike (CA)RepublicanRevised Increases RDT&E Air Force (Line 61, PE 0605164F) by $8,000,000 to support equipping two KC-46A Air Refueling Tankers with a Hybrid Broadband Satcom Solution. Reduces O&M, Air Force by $8,000,000.Made in Order
321Version 2Finstad (MN)RepublicanRevised Increases by $10 million RDT&E, Defense-Wide, Industrial Base and Sustainment for Ablative Material Sustainment. Decreases Operation and Maintenance, Defense-Wide by $10 million.Made in Order
322Version 3Peters (CA), Jacobs (CA)DemocratRevised Increases and decreases Defense-wide RDT&E, IBAS, by $5,000,000 for lithium seawater battery production onshoring. Offset is in the same line.Revised
323Version 2Finstad (MN), Brownley (CA), Tenney (NY)Bi-PartisanRevised Increases by $5 million for Manufacturing Technology in RDT&E, Air Force for the additive manufacturing of Super Niobium Refractory Metal. Decreases the Technology Transition Program in RDT&E, Air Force by $5 million.Made in Order
324Version 2Blunt Rochester (DE)DemocratRevised Increases funding to the Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation, Army account by $5 million for the purpose of maximizing soldier performance through enhanced research of blood clot disorders, with a $5 million decrease to the Operations and Maintenance, Defense-Wide account.Revised
325Version 2Finstad (MN)RepublicanRevised Increases by $3 million the Medical Technology Development program in Defense Health Program, Defense-Wide for the development of Ionizing Radiation Therapy. Decreases Operation and Maintenance, Defense-Wide by $3 million.Made in Order
326Version 1Mace (SC)RepublicanProhibits funding to conduct separations of a member of an Armed Force on the sole basis of a non-violent marijuana offense.Submitted
327Version 1Moore (UT)RepublicanIncreases and decreases by $9.85 million for research, development, test, and evaluation for Army RDT&E, Medical Technology, Line 26, PE 0602787A with the intent that the $9.85 million will be used for development and transition of a rapid deployable synthetic peptide vaccine.Made in Order
328Version 1Blunt Rochester (DE)DemocratLate Increases funding in the Defense Health Agency account by $1 million to support a report to Congress on the impact of menopausal symptoms on the working life of women in the military. Offsets within the same account.Made in Order
329Version 2Blunt Rochester (DE)DemocratLate Revised Prohibits funds from being used to limit assisted reproductive services, including IVF, to those with a Category II or III illness or injury.Revised
330Version 1Greene (GA)RepublicanLate Prohibits funding for Ukraine.Made in Order
331Version 5Greene (GA)RepublicanLate Revised None of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available by this Act for the Biological Threat Reduction Program may be provided to the government of Ukraine.Revised
332Version 1James (MI)RepublicanLate Offsets $15 million from Army Operations and Management for Army RDTE, Ground Advanced Technology for Extreme Metallic Alloys (Hypersonic Testing).Made in Order
333Version 1Gosar (AZ)RepublicanLate Prohibits funding for drag shows and drag story hour on military bases.Submitted
334Version 2Ezell (MS), Kelly (MS), Guest (MS)RepublicanLate Revised Increases funding for Navy RDT&E by $10,000,000 to support completing the development of Autonomous Surface & Underwater Dual-Modality Vehicles, while decreasing funding for Defense-Wide Operations & Maintenance by $10,000,000.Made in Order
335Version 1Dingell (MI), Slotkin (MI)DemocratLate Emphasizes the importance of funding for University-Based Advanced materials and manufacturing research and education.Submitted
336Version 1Mace (SC)RepublicanLate Prohibits funds made available by this Act from being used to deploy members of the Armed Forces to Ukraine, except for the purposes of providing security to the United States Embassy in Kyiv.Submitted
337Version 2James (MI)RepublicanLate Revised Offsets $10 million from Defense-Wide Operations and Management for Army RDTE, End Item Industrial Preparedness Activities for the Advanced Combat Transmission for combat vehicles including the M1 Abrams, the M2 Bradley Fighting vehicle and the upcoming XM-30 platform.Made in Order
338Version 4Ezell (MS), Kelly (MS), Guest (MS)RepublicanLate Revised Increases funding for Navy, Research Development Test and Engineering by $10,000,000 to support improved geophysical sensing and characterization of the mine hunting environment, while decreasing funding for Defense-Wide Operations & Maintenance by $10,000,000.Made in Order
339Version 3Ezell (MS), Guest (MS)RepublicanLate Revised Increases funding for Navy, Research Development Test and Engineering by $10,000,00 to support intelligent autonomous systems for seabed warfare, while decreasing funding for Defense-Wide Operations and Maintenance by $10,000,000.Made in Order
340Version 1Dingell (MI), Slotkin (MI)DemocratLate Emphasizes the importance of funding for Ground Vehicle Modeling and Simulation for Digital Engineering.Submitted
341Version 3Wilson (SC), Kiggans (VA)RepublicanLate Revised Increases and decreases defense-wide RDT&E by $6,000,000 for Cyber Talent & Curriculum Development/ Platform & Critical Infrastructure Defense Cybersecurity Research.Made in Order
342Version 1James (MI), Kiggans (VA)RepublicanLate Offsets $271 million from Defense Working Capital Fund for Aircraft Procurement, Air Force for F-15EX Advanced Procurement (which was authorized in the House FY25 NDAA) to help recapitalize aging fighters such as A-10s, F-15 C/Ds, Pre- and Post-Block F-16s. After FY25, the F-35A will be the only fighter procured by the Air Force.Submitted
343Version 2Carbajal (CA), Wild (PA)DemocratLate Revised Decreases O&M, DW by $2 million and increases RDTE, DW by $2 million for research on ultra-rare pediatric brain and spinal cord tumors through the Congressionally directed medical research program.Revised
344Version 2McClellan (VA)DemocratLate Revised Increases funding to Army RTDE for development of ultra high molecular weight polyethylene fiber (UHMWPE) and decreases funding for Other Army Procurement for Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles (FMTV).Made in Order
345Version 3Carbajal (CA)DemocratLate Revised Decreases O&M, Navy by $3 million and increases RDTE, Navy by $3 million for future Marine Corps unmanned capabilities to complement existing aircraft.Revised
346Version 1Moore (WI)DemocratLate Increases and decreases funding for ARMY RDTE by $5 million to support Water Quality and Resiliency Technologies research to develop technologies to address critical water infrastructure and resiliency issues facing the military, including water contamination and the provision of clean drinking water.Submitted
347Version 1Turner (OH)RepublicanLate Provides additional funding for the Metals Affordability Initiative, a collaborative effort managed by the Air Force Research Laboratory to ensure the continued advancement of metals technologies for the betterment of the warfighter, industry, and the public consumer.Made in Order
348Version 1Mills (FL), Carson (IN)Bi-PartisanLate Provides an additional $6 Million to continue development of the Alternative Domestic Source C-130J Infrared Suppression System (DW RDTE, Line 281, PE 1160403BB), as authorized in the House-passed FY2025 NDAA. The increase is fully offset by a reduction to Industrial Base Analysis and Sustainment Support (Defense-Wide RDTE, Line 214, PE 0607210D8Z).Submitted
349Version 1Mills (FL)RepublicanLate Increases funding by $10M to the Air Force RDT&E account to fund the development of Quantum Communications and Sensing Test Infrastructure, offset by a decrease to defense wide operations and maintenance by the same amount.Made in Order
350Version 1Luttrell (TX), McCaul (TX)RepublicanLate Provides for an additional $21 million Hypersonic Test Infrastructure.Made in Order
351Version 1Mills (FL)RepublicanLate Withdrawn Increases and decreases by $5,000,000 for research, development, test and evaluation for the Army, with the intent that the $5 million will be used to support the development and qualification of a next-generation ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) fiber with improved ballistic performance and reduced weight, adding to soldier lethality and reducing operating costs of aviation platforms through weight savings.Withdrawn
352Version 2LaLota (NY)RepublicanLate Revised Increases funding for Network Tactical Common Data Link - Phased Array Antenna Qualification by $10,000,000. Offsets by decreases funding for Office of Secretary of Defense by $10,000,000.Made in Order
353Version 1Horsford (NV), Bergman (MI), Lee (NV)Bi-PartisanLate Increases funding for Moldable Endothermic Blast Mitigation Material Using Refrigerants.Submitted
354Version 1Mills (FL)RepublicanLate Increases funding in the Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Navy account by $10,000,000 for Icing Prediction and Wind Optimization for Marine Corps MQ-9s in Line 9, Ocean Warfighting Environment Applied Research. Offset is undistributed within the same account.Made in Order
355Version 3LaLota (NY)RepublicanLate Revised Increases and decreases funding by $10 million to support developing & implementing a program to promote military recruitment and education at the National September 11 Memorial and Museum.Made in Order
356Version 2Tenney (NY)RepublicanLate Revised Moves $15,000,000 from Defense-Wide O&M to the Army RDT&E, PE 0603464A, Line 45 for the design and testing of advanced manufacturing of propellants needed for 155mm and other munitions.Made in Order
357Version 2Tenney (NY)RepublicanLate Revised Moves $15,000,000 from Defense-Wide O&M to the Army RDT&E, PE 0602141A, Line 8 for the model and development of passive C-UAS technologies to detect unidentified and potentially adversarial UAS threats.Made in Order
358Version 2LaLota (NY)RepublicanLate Revised Increases and decreases funding for the Department of Defense Chief Information Officer to submit a report to Congress on the DoD Manual 8140.03 implementation status for each of the components and recommendations for how to facilitate sharing effective best practices among components.Made in Order
359Version 1Gimenez (FL), Soto (FL)Bi-PartisanLate Increases Army Operations and Maintenance by $10,000,000 for Remote Sensing Data Processing and Downlink and decreases Defense Wide Operations and Maintenance by $10,000,000.Submitted
360Version 1Gimenez (FL)RepublicanLate Increases and decreases by $10 million Navy RDTE, Joint Tactical Radio Systems, for MEO Resilient Network Integration.Made in Order
361Version 1Banks (IN)RepublicanLate Withdrawn Increases funding for Air Force RDT&E for Rotary Machines with Advanced Magnetic Materials by $8 million to reduce rare earth supply chain exposure to China and offsets this with increased savings in Foreign Currency Fluctuations.Withdrawn
362Version 1Gimenez (FL)RepublicanLate Increases funding for commercial airborne ISR support to USSOUTHCOM counternarcotics missions by $22,000,000 in the Operations and Maintenance, Drug Interdiction and Counter-Drug Activities account and decreases funding by $22,000,000 in the Operations and Maintenance, Army account.Submitted
363Version 1Mills (FL)RepublicanLate Increases and decreases by $6M for Ground Vehicle Robotics for new technology to retrofit existing military vehicles with COTS autonomous solutions.Made in Order
364Version 2Levin (CA)DemocratLate Revised Increases funding for Assured Narrowband Direct-to-Device Satellite Communication for the Space Force.Revised
365Version 1LaLota (NY)RepublicanLate Increases and decreases funding for the Department of Defense to submit a report to Congress on the percentage and number of contracts awarded to small business that are counted toward multiple agency small business contracting goals.Made in Order
366Version 1Steube (FL)RepublicanLate Prohibits funds from being used by the ODNI for "Pride" or LGBTQ resource group activities.Submitted
367Version 3LaLota (NY)RepublicanLate Revised Increases and Decreases funding to emphasize that submarine industrial base money should go to workforce development programs.Made in Order
368Version 1Steube (FL)RepublicanLate Allows service-connected disabled veterans and certain other veterans to receive medical coverage through DOD's Tricare Select program.Submitted
369Version 1James (MI)RepublicanLate Offsets $12 million from Defense-Wide Operations and Management for Defense-Wide RDTE, Cyber Security Research for establishing a Connected Vehicle Cybersecurity Center.Made in Order
370Version 1Luttrell (TX)RepublicanLate Provides $9.5 million to SOF cold weather clothing.Made in Order
371Version 1Higgins (LA)RepublicanLate Specifies $19,440,000 to be used by the U.S. Navy for the procurement of 40-foot patrol boats.Made in Order
372Version 1Hinson (IA)RepublicanLate Increases funding by $12,500,000 for RDTE, Navy for the Marine Corps to expedite the development of an advanced intelligent gateway (AIG) capability, and decreases Defense-Wide Operations & Maintenance by $12,500,000. Expedites the development of an AIG that will provide JADC2 connectivity needed on the platforms of every military Department.Made in Order
373Version 1Hudson (NC), Kiggans (VA)RepublicanLate Decreases Army Operations and Maintenance account by $10 million. Increases Army RDTE, by same amount , UH-60 Product Improvement program, for Blade Improvement Erosion Protection systems development.Made in Order
374Version 1Hudson (NC)RepublicanLate Increases and decreases funding for the Department of Defense to submit a report to Congress on the on the status of developing and integrating biologic vascular repair solutions as standard protocol in military trauma care, including field-testing and assessment of long-term benefits and performance of biologic solutions.Submitted
375Version 1Himes (CT), Gimenez (FL)Bi-PartisanLate Increases Space Technology for Lunar Surface Based Space Domain Awareness by $5m and decreases the Operations and Maintenance, Defense Wide by $5m.Made in Order
376Version 1Mace (SC)RepublicanLate Increases funding by $20 million to the Army RDT&E account to fund a Department of Defense Quantum Computing Center of Excellence, offset by a decrease to Defense-Wide Operations and Maintenance.Made in Order
377Version 2Amo, Gabe (RI), Kelly (MS), Kiggans (VA), Magaziner (RI)Bi-PartisanLate Revised Increases and decreases by $3 million Defense-Wide RDTE, to develop and enhance the cost and payload capabilities of affordable attritable autonomous underwater vehicles.Made in Order
378Version 2Timmons (SC)RepublicanLate Revised Increases RDTE, Army by $6 million for the Airless Tire Demonstration for Infantry Squad Vehicles. Reduces funding for Operations and Maintenance, Defense-Wide by $6 million.Made in Order
379Version 2Blunt Rochester (DE)DemocratLate Revised Increases and decreases O&M account by $10 million to leverage performance contracting projects in the 4GTN office.Revised
380Version 2Banks (IN)RepublicanLate Revised Provides $10M in Navy O&M funding to accelerate the expansion of the Marine Corps’ current Nucleated Foam Engine Performance and Restoration Program to additional aircraft across the Marine Aircraft Wing fleets.Made in Order
381Version 1Norman (SC), Crawford (AR)RepublicanLate Prohibits funding to house illegal aliens on military installations.Submitted
382Version 2Waltz (FL)RepublicanLate Revised $10 million to Air Force RDTE Hypersonic Prototyping program (HACM), for Hypersonic Propulsion Additive Manufacturing.Made in Order
383Version 1Costa (CA), Khanna (CA), Huffman (CA)DemocratLate Increases the Navy Research Development Test and Evaluation account by $5 million offset by a $5 million reduction to the Defense-Wide Operation and Maintenance account to support research, development, test and evaluation to enhance battlespace awareness and support military aviation capabilities especially during Atmospheric River storm events.Made in Order
384Version 1Issa (CA)RepublicanLate Increases Army Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) by $2,600,000 to provide for Long Range Precision Aerial Delivery Systems to be purchased and implemented.Submitted
385Version 1Banks (IN), Trone (MD)Bi-PartisanLate Provides $2M for Army RDT&E for a federated data framework for Open Systems Multi-Intelligence Fusion to improve the speed at which U.S. Army forces can identify and neutralize threats in combat.Made in Order
386Version 1Gonzalez, Vicente (TX)DemocratLate Increases and decreases the Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Army by $5 million to ensure funding is allocated towards Ground Technology - Convergent Manufacturing for Microfactories.Submitted
387Version 2Burchett (TN)RepublicanLate Revised Prohibits the removal of KC-135 aircraft designated as primary mission aircraft.Revised
388Version 1Hudson (NC)RepublicanLate Increases and decreases Army RDT&E by $3,000,000 to support Intraosseous Antibiotics for Osseointegration in order to offer increased function to servicemembers with major limb amputations.Made in Order
389Version 1Trahan (MA)DemocratLate Increases Defense-Wide Manufacturing Science and Technology Program by $10 million to fund the Dry Electrostatic Processing for Fabricating Lower Cost DOD Li-ion Batteries project.Submitted
390Version 2Soto (FL)DemocratLate Revised Decreases and then increases RDTE, Navy by $2.5 million to establish a capstone challenge program for micro-businesses focused on current and emerging modeling and simulation capability areas.Revised
391Version 1Gosar (AZ)RepublicanLate Prohibits funds for the Sentinel intercontinental ballistic missile program.Submitted
392Version 1James (MI)RepublicanLate Prohibits funds from being used to retire any fighter aircraft in the inventory of the regular or reserve components of the Air Force (including Air Force Reserve & Air National Guard) until the date on which the Secretary of the Air Force submits to the fighter recapitalization plan due from the FY24 NDAA.Made in Order
393Version 1Letlow (LA)RepublicanLate Increases and decreases by $5,000,000 for Nuclear Transition within Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Air Force Requirements Analysis and Maturation.Made in Order
394Version 2Davis (NC)DemocratLate Revised Increases and decreases Air Force Aircraft procurement by adding $5,000,000, Air Force Aircraft Procurement, Line 50 – C-130J Mods and reducing by $5,000,000 Air Force Aircraft Procurement, Line 68, Initial Spares/Repair parts. The purpose of the amendment is to ensure C-130J aircraft can be retrofitted with essential thermal acoustic blankets to keep them operational and extend their life cycle.Revised
395Version 2Mills (FL)RepublicanLate Revised Test and evaluate NDAA-compliant tethered small unmanned aerial systems (tethered-sUAS) capabilities in collaboration with the Army's Small Multipurpose Equipment Transport (S-MET). Resources will establish a pilot program and report back to the committees of jurisdiction of the assessment for equipping a formation of SMET robotic vehicles with tethered sUAS to enhance soldier awareness and decision making.Made in Order
396Version 2Davis (NC)DemocratLate Revised Increases funding by $2,000,000 for RDTE, Defense-wide for the Department to develop and integrate biologic vascular repair solutions as standard protocol in military trauma care, including field-testing and assessment of long-term benefits and performance of biologic solutions, and decreases Air Force RDT&E by $2,000,000.Revised
398Version 4Langworthy (NY), Kennedy, Tim (NY)Bi-PartisanLate Revised Increases and decreases funding for the Defense Health Program to ensure development and procurement of medical devices for Osseointegrated Prosthetic Infection Treatments and Prevention in order to improve the quality of life of those in the military who have lost their limbs while serving our country.Made in Order
399Version 1Rodgers (WA)RepublicanLate Withdrawn Increases the amount for Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Army, Line 103, by $12,000,000 for Multi-Temperature Refrigerated Container System. Decreases the amount for Navy Reserve Operations and Maintenance by $12,000,000.Withdrawn
400Version 2Curtis (UT)RepublicanLate Revised Increases the Space Force’s Space Technology line by $5 million for Advanced Analog Microelectronics, offset from Defense-wide, O&M.Made in Order
401Version 2Smith (WA), Norcross (NJ), Kiggans (VA)Bi-PartisanLate Revised Reduces F-35 production rates to mirror H.R. 8070 (FY2025 NDAA) authorization levels and realigns resources to areas identified by DOD to help address performance issues in F-35 development, production, and test facilities.Revised
402Version 1Swalwell (CA)DemocratLate Increases funding in the RDT&E, Army account by $5,000,000 for Laser Peening of Rotorcraft Gears and Components in Line 46, Future Vertical Lift Advanced TechnologySubmitted
403Version 1Stevens (MI), Bergman (MI), Dingell (MI), Slotkin (MI)Bi-PartisanLate Increases $5 million in funding within the Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Army (RDT&E, Army), Next Generation Combat Vehicle Advanced Technology for Virtual Proving Grounds Technology and reduces Operation and Maintenance, Army by $5 million. This technology enables virtual prototyping and testing, which accelerates the rate of technological deployment, reduces the need for physical prototypes, lowers costs, and minimizes risks.Submitted
404Version 1Crow (CO)DemocratLate Increases and decreases funding for Operations and Maintenance, Defense Wide by $10 million to support the Afghanistan War Commission. The Afghanistan War Commission is a bipartisan legislative commission established by Congress through the FY2022 NDAA to conduct a comprehensive review of key decisions related to U.S. military, intelligence, foreign assistance, and diplomatic involvement in Afghanistan from June 2001 through August 2021.Submitted
405Version 1Waltz (FL)RepublicanLate Increases and decreases funding by $10 million to the Digital Transformation Office for the Combat Simulator of the Future.Submitted
406Version 1Mace (SC)RepublicanLate Prohibits funds made available by this Act to implement section 3(c) of Executive Order 14092 ("red flag" laws).Submitted
407Version 1Mace (SC)RepublicanLate Prohibits any funds made available by this Act from being used to transport refugees from Gaza to the United States.Submitted
408Version 1Mace (SC)RepublicanLate Withdrawn Prohibits any funds made available by this Act from being used to transport refugees from Gaza to the United States.Withdrawn
409Version 1Miller (OH)RepublicanLate Implements the lightweight remote weapon station into additional vehicles and with other elements of SOCOM beyond the initial deployment.Submitted
410Version 2Lynch (MA)DemocratLate Revised Increases the RDT&E, Defense-wide account by $4 M to carry out the next year of the Special Operations TBI pilot program which provides treatment and care to Special Operations Forces impacted by Traumatic Brain Injury and other brain health issues. Offset by a reduction of $4 M from another program within RDT&E, Defense-wide.Revised
411Version 1Mace (SC), Wilson (SC)RepublicanLate Increases Navy RDT&E by $5 million (offset by a reduction in Defense-Wide O&M) to develop, improve and interconnect experimentation facilities, laboratories, environments across the U.S. to allow for the United States to better prepare for and counter Electronic Warfare threats posed by near peer adversaries including China.Submitted
412Version 3Steube (FL)RepublicanLate Revised Prohibits the use of funds for gain-of-function research.Revised
413Version 1Arrington (TX), Van Drew (NJ)RepublicanLate Prohibits DOD from using funds to provide public services to migrants.Submitted
414Version 1Swalwell (CA)DemocratLate Directs the Secretary of Defense to make smart sleepers and bassinets available to servicemembers through military exchangesSubmitted
415Version 1Bergman (MI)RepublicanLate Increases and decreases Navy O&M by $125 million to highlight the importance of the NOMARS program to our overall naval strategy. NOMARS ships are unmanned and have higher operational availability than manned surface combatants. These ships can be constructed in tier 3 shipyards and inland factories to ensure tiers 1 and 2 shipyards can remain dedicated to current naval production.Submitted
416Version 1Davidson (OH)RepublicanLate Prohibits funding for DOD to mandate or request that a person alter its product or service to permit the electronic surveillance of any user of such product or service by any such agency.Submitted
417Version 1LaLota (NY)RepublicanLate Increases funding to Research, Development, Test & Evaluation, Air Force by $3,000,000 for Human-AI collaborative software using 2-tier power-set framework for decision guidance of selection and development of technologies. Offsets by decreases funding for Office of Secretary of Defense by $3,000,000.Submitted