H.R. 8998 - Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2025

Bill Text

    Rules Committee Print 118-41 PDF

    Showing the text of H.R. ____, Departement of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2025,  as ordered reported by the Committee on Appropriations.

    Text of H.R. 8998 PDF XML

    (as reported)

    Amendment Drafting Template DOC

    (courtesy of the Office of Legislative Counsel)

    Amendments (click headers to sort)

    #Version #Sponsor(s)PartySummaryStatus
    1Version 2Garcia, Robert (CA)DemocratRevised Prohibits funding for marijuana testing of federal job applicants in states which have legalized marijuana use.Revised
    2Version 1Boebert (CO)RepublicanHolman rule to reduce the salary of Michael S. Regan, Administrator of the EPA, to $1.Submitted
    3Version 1Tenney (NY)RepublicanReduces the salary of the Chair of the Council on Environmental Quality Brenda Mallory to $1.Submitted
    4Version 1Tenney (NY)RepublicanProhibits funding for Executive Order 14019, relating to Promoting Access to Voting.Submitted
    5Version 1Boebert (CO)RepublicanReduces the salary of Deb Haaland, Secretary of the Interior, to $1.Submitted
    6Version 1Boebert (CO)RepublicanReduces the salary of Tracy Stone-Manning, Director of the Bureau of Land Management, to $1.Submitted
    7Version 1Boebert (CO)RepublicanReduces the salary of Melissa Schwartz, Director of Communications of the Department of the Interior, to $1.Submitted
    8Version 1Boebert (CO)RepublicanHolman rule to reduce the salary of Elizabeth Klien, Director of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, to $1.Submitted
    9Version 1Stansbury (NM)DemocratStrikes Section 449 which prohibits funds appropriated by this Act from being used to implement climate-related Executive Orders No. 13990, 14008, 14013, 14030, 14037, 14057, 14082, and 14096.Submitted
    10Version 1Stansbury (NM)DemocratStrikes Section 138 which prohibits funds appropriated by this Act from being used to implement the Bureau of Land Management's Conservation and Landscape Health Rule.Submitted
    11Version 1Stansbury (NM)DemocratStrikes Section 483 which prohibits funds appropriated by this or any other Act from being used to implement, administer, or enforce the Environmental Protection Agency's "Greenhouse Gas Reporting Rule."Submitted
    12Version 1Stansbury (NM)Democrat"Strikes Section 451, which incorporates the text of H.R. 2925, “The Mining Regulatory Clarity Act of 2024” into the underlying bill. This bill would give anyone the right to use, occupy, and conduct mining-related operations on any public lands – including permanently storing mining waste – without paying fair market value, and without discovering a valuable mineral deposit underneath their mining claim. Removing the valuable mineral requirement enables bad actors and foreign adversaries to lock up public lands as nominal mining claims.Submitted
    13Version 1Brecheen (OK)RepublicanDefunds the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and moves its $12 million in appropriations to the Spending Reduction Account.Submitted
    14Version 1Brecheen (OK)RepublicanPrevents the Indian Health Service from using appropriated funds to provide sex-transition surgeries or treatment.Submitted
    15Version 1Sorensen (IL)DemocratStrikes sections 446 and 447.Submitted
    16Version 1Brecheen (OK)RepublicanProhibits any appropriations made available by this act from funding any office, program, or activity for the purposes of diversity, equity, and inclusion training or implementation.Submitted
    17Version 1Greene (GA)RepublicanReduces the salary of Michael S. Regan, Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, to $1.Submitted
    18Version 1Norton (DC)DemocratIncreases and decreases funding for the National Park Service's operations account by $1 million to direct NPS to submit a report to Congress identifying statutes and regulations that inhibit active use of urban parks in the National Park System. Active use is defined as use that prioritizes current enjoyment by people and improves quality of life, and includes playgrounds, pedestrian- and bicycle-friendly infrastructure, sports and recreation facilities, community events, programming, and concessions.Submitted
    19Version 1Bentz (OR)RepublicanProhibits the use of any federal funds to create National monuments in Malheur County, Oregon under the Antiquities Act.Submitted
    20Version 1Espaillat (NY)DemocratStrikes Section 449. Section 449 currently attempts to prohibit funding for the implementation of 8 different Biden Administration executive orders related to curbing climate change and promoting environmental justice. These are: (1) Executive Order No. 13990, relating to Protecting Public Health and the Environment and Restoring Science To Tackle the Climate Crisis; (2) Executive Order No. 14008, relating to Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad; (3) Section 6 of Executive Order No. 14013, relating to Rebuilding and Enhancing Programs To Resettle Refugees and Planning for the Impact of Climate Change on Migration; (4) Executive Order No. 14030, relating to Climate-Related Financial Risk; (5) Executive Order 14037, relating to Strengthening American Leadership in Clean Cars and Trucks; (6) Executive Order No. 14057, relating to Catalyzing Clean Energy Industries and Jobs Through Federal Sustainability; (7) Executive Order No. 14082, relating to Implementation of the Energy and Infrastructure Provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022; and (8) Executive Order No. 14096, relating to Revitalizing Our Nation’s Commitment to Environmental Justice for All.Submitted
    21Version 1Espaillat (NY)DemocratStrikes section 450 of title IV - "None of the funds made available by this Act may be used to develop or implement guidance related to the valuation of ecosystem and environmental services and natural assets in Federal regulatory decision-making pursuant to Executive Order 14072 (87 Fed. Reg. 24851, relating to strengthening the Nation’s forests, communities, and local economies)"Submitted
    22Version 2Roy (TX)RepublicanRevised None of the funds made available by this Act may be used for environmental justice activities.Revised
    23Version 1Espaillat (NY)DemocratStrikes Section 443. Section 443 attempts to prohibit funding for three Biden Administration Executive Orders intended to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in federal hiring and to increase federal support for historically underserved communities. These are: (1) Executive Order No. 13985; (2) Executive Order No. 14035; and (3) Executive Order No. 14091.Submitted
    24Version 1Garbarino (NY)RepublicanReduces by $15 million and increases by $15 million the National Recreation and Preservation account with the intent to provide $15 million for 9/11 Memorial Act grants.Submitted
    25Version 1Espaillat (NY)DemocratStrikes Section 454. Section 454 attempts to prohibit funding for pro-climate Biden Administration initiatives that direct the federal government to incorporate the social cost of carbon/greenhouse gas pollution into its decision making, amongst other initiatives.Submitted
    26Version 1Espaillat (NY)DemocratStrikes Section 450. Section 450 attempts to prohibit funding for the Biden Administration's Executive Order 14072, which aims to to strengthen the Nation’s forests, communities, and local economies via climate-smart practices.Submitted
    27Version 1Rosendale (MT)RepublicanProhibits funds to implement, administer, or enforce the threatened species of the Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem population of grizzly bear pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1973.Submitted
    28Version 1Ogles (TN)RepublicanProhibits funds to carry out the provisions of section 50262 of Public Law 117-169 (Inflation Reduction Act)Submitted
    29Version 1Ogles (TN)RepublicanProhibits funds for the Environmental Financial Advisory Board of the Environmental Protection AgencySubmitted
    30Version 1Ogles (TN)RepublicanProhibits funds to be used by the Environmental Protection Agency for the U.S. Global Change Research ProgramSubmitted
    31Version 1Waltz (FL)RepublicanProhibits the issuance, renewal, or permitting of energy or mining leases to entities operated or controlled by the Chinese Communist PartySubmitted
    32Version 1Kennedy, Tim (NY)DemocratIncrease/ decrease the EPA's Science and Technology's account to ensure that hazardous waste managers have access to EPA's technical support that can help make defensible decisions during superfund site cleanup.Submitted
    33Version 1Kennedy, Tim (NY)DemocratIncrease the State and Tribal Assistance Grant program to FY24 levels.Submitted
    34Version 1Kennedy, Tim (NY)DemocratIncrease/ Decrease EPA's Environmental Health account by $5 million to ensure that research and monitoring activities for harmful algal blooms in freshwater bodies continue.Submitted
    35Version 1Kennedy, Tim (NY)DemocratStrikes Sec. 449 from the underlying bill which prohibits funds for President Biden's eight EOs to combat the climate crisis.Submitted
    36Version 1Kennedy, Tim (NY)DemocratStrikes Sec. 476 from the underlying bill which prohibits states from enforcing their own 401 CWA certification conditions authorized under state law which protecting drinking and clean water.Submitted
    37Version 1Kennedy, Tim (NY)DemocratStrikes Sec. 470 from the underlying bill, ensuring clean air standards on for vulnerable communities.Submitted
    38Version 1Molinaro (NY)Republican$2 million increase to FWS to support the Delaware River Basin Restoration Program. Offset by a $2 million reduction to the Office of the Secretary.Submitted
    39Version 1Molinaro (NY)Republican$4 million increase for rural water technical assistance authorized under the Grassroots Rural and Small Community Water Systems Act. Offset by a $4 million funding reduction to the Office of the Secretary.Submitted
    40Version 1Molinaro (NY)Republican$2 million increase to the National Recreation and Preservation Account to support NPS Heritage sites across the country, including the Erie Canal National Heritage Area in Upstate NY. Offset by a $2 million reduction to the Office of the Secretary.Submitted
    41Version 1Cammack (FL)RepublicanProhibits funds from being used to finalize any rule or regulation that has resulted in or is likely to result in an annual effect on the economy of $100 million or more.Submitted
    42Version 1Greene (GA)RepublicanProhibits funds from being used to stop oil and gas production.Submitted