Vote No.315 (H.R. 436)

Motion by Mr. McGovern to amend the rule to H.R. 436 to make in order Rules Committee Print 112-23 as a stand-alone amendment, instead of automatically adopting it, and that it not be protected from the germaneness rule - clause 7 of rule XVI. Defeated: 3–8.

Vote No. 314 (H.R. 436)

Motion by Mr. McGovern to amend the rule to H.R. 436 to make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #1, offered by Rep. Levin (MI), which would substitute the language of the bill for (1) a 10 percent payroll tax credit for employers that hire new workers or increase existing worker wages; and (2) an extension of bonus depreciation for employers. The substitute is completely offset by limiting the section 199 domestic production deduction and the use of the last-in-first-out method of inventory accounting for major integrated oil companies. Defeated: 3–8.
