Vote No. 72 (H.R. 910)

Motion by Mr. Polis to amend the rule to make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #22, offered by Rep. Blumenauer (OR), Rep. Doggett (TX), and Rep. McDermott (WA), which would amend the Clean Air Act to prevent the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency from imposing an energy tax. Defeated 3-8.

Vote No. 71 (H.R. 910)

Motion by Mr. Hastings of Florida to amend the rule to make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #29, offered by Rep. Cleaver (MO), which would have Congress accept the following findings of the 2004 report, African Americans and Climate Change: an Unequal Burden, stating global climate change will disproportionately burden communities of color. Defeated 3-8.

Vote No. 70 (H.R. 910)

Motion by Mr. McGovern to amend the rule to make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #34, offered by Rep. Crowley (NY), which would eliminate the exception for the renewable fuel standard (ethanol) in the bill. Defeated 3-8.

Vote No. 150

Motion by Mr. Hastings of Florida to amend the rule to H.R. 822 to make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #12, offered by Rep. Nadler (NY), which would prohibit a person known or suspected to be a terrorist from possessing or carrying a concealed firearm under the bill; and amendment #8, offered by Rep. Bishop (NY), which would direct the GAO to study the number of jobs created by enacting the bill. Defeated: 3–8.

Vote No. 69 (H.R. 910)

Motion by Mr. McGovern to amend the rule to make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #35, offered by Rep. McGovern (MA), Rep. Blumenauer (OR), and Rep. Welch (VT), which would reduce the federal deficit by $40 billion by eliminating subsidies to oil companies. Defeated 3-8.
