Vote No. 42 (H.R. 4)


Motion by Mr. McGovern to amend the rule to H.R. 4 to make in order and provide the appropriate waivers for amendment #1, offered by Rep. Crowley (NY), which would prohibit the new rules created by section 4 of the bill from going into effect, effectively eliminating the offset.

Vote No. 134

Motion by Mr. McGovern to amend the rule to H.R. 2832 to amend the rule to provide that debate time be equally divided and controlled by a proponent and an opponent to each trade agreement. Defeated: 3–8.

Text of H.R. 4

To repeal the expansion of information reporting requirements for payments of $600 or more to corporations, and for other purposes.

:: NOTE ::  The Committee on Ways and Means reported both H.R. 4 and H.R. 705.  H.R. 705 includes a repeal of an additional 1099 tax information reporting requirement with respect to certain rental properties and provisions to offset the cost of the bill.
