Vote No. 9 (H.R. 2)

Motion by Mr. McGovern: To make in order and provide appropriate waivers for an amendment by Rep. Tierney (MA) et al. #27, which would state repeal of the Affordable Care Act shall not take effect unless and until the date upon which CBO certifies that repeal will not restore the ability of insurance companies to divert premium dollars from patients into insurance company profits and executive perks as prohibited under section 1001 of the Affordable Care Act. Defeated 4-6.

Vote No. 7 (H.R. 2)

Motion by Ms. Slaughter: To make in order and provide appropriate waivers for an amendment by Rep. Sanchez (CA) et al., #16, would state that repeal of the Affordable Care Act shall not take effect until the date upon which CBO certifies that repeal will not permit insurance companies to rescind an individual's health coverage due to illness or impose annual and lifetime limits, as prohibited under the Affordable Care Act. Defeated 4-6.

Vote No. 6 (H.R. 2)

Motion by Ms. Slaughter: To make in order and provide appropriate waivers for an amendment by Rep. Tsongas (MA) et al. #15,, which would state that repeal of the Affordable Care Act shall not take effect until the date upon which CBO certifies that repeal will not permit insurance companies to discriminate against women. Defeated 4-6.
