Chairman McGovern Opens Debate on Resolution Removing Congresswoman Greene from Standing Committees

Chairman McGovern Opens Debate on Resolution Removing Congresswoman Greene from Standing Committees
“Serving on a committee isn’t a right, it’s a privilege. When someone encourages violence against a Member, they should lose that privilege.”

**Video of his remarks is available here**

WASHINGTON, DC — Rules Committee Chairman James P. McGovern (D-MA) brought H. Res. 72 to the House Floor today, a resolution that would remove Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene from standing committees in the House of Representatives. Greene, who currently sits on the Education and Labor and Budget Committees, has encouraged violence against Members of Congress and made a series of other offensive and incendiary remarks, including calling school shootings “false flag” operations.

Chairman McGovern’s remarks are below, video of his remarks is available here:

“M. Speaker, this is one of those moments where this institution must decide where the line is drawn.”

“A person in this House encouraged violence against Members of this institution - part of a larger pattern of disturbing rhetoric.”

“She has also called the Sandy Hook and Parkland school shootings a hoax. She followed and harassed a survivor of the Parkland shooting, David Hogg, she promoted a video featuring a Holocaust denier which contained disgusting anti-Semitic language, she has even claimed that 9/11 was a hoax – that a plane didn’t really hit the Pentagon.”

“What did our distinguished Minority Leader, Kevin McCarthy, do, M. Speaker? Did he take action to push this disgusting rhetoric out of the Republican Conference? No! He rewarded Congresswoman Greene with seats on the Education and Labor and Budget Committees. I don’t get surprised by much around here these days, but I was shocked by this.”

“M. Speaker, serving on a committee isn’t a right. It’s a privilege. When someone encourages violence against a Member, they should lose that privilege.”

“The party of Lincoln is becoming the party of violent conspiracy theories. And apparently, the leaders of the Republican Party in the House today aren’t going to do a damn thing about it.”

“None of us get to decide who the voters send to Congress. But as Members of this body, it is our job to set the standard for the conduct of those who serve here. Especially when they cross the line into violence.”

“Congresswoman Greene said this resolution could set a precedent for the future. I hope it does! I hope we are setting a clear standard for what we will not tolerate: Anyone who suggests putting a bullet in the head of a Member shouldn’t serve on any committee. Period.”

“These words and actions are the worst I have seen, ever, in all my time here. We should have the courage to pass this rule and the underlying resolution on a bipartisan basis. To stand up for what is right, to demand better from those who serve in this institution, and demand more for the people we represent.”


Feb 4, 2021