Rules Resource for the Disposition of Senate Amendments to H.R. 3630/Sense of House Resolution



Disposition of the Senate amendments to H.R. 3630: Disagrees with the Senate amendments to H.R. 3630 and requests a conference with the Senate on the bill.

H. Res. 501: Expresses the sense of the House of Representatives regarding any final measure to extend the payroll tax holiday, extend Federally funded unemployment insurance benefits, or prevent decreases in reimbursement for physicians who provide care to Medicare beneficiaries.

Type of Rule

Provides for disposition of the Senate amendments to H.R. 3630 and a closed rule for consideration of H. Res. 501. Reported by a vote of 8 yeas to 4 nays.


No amendments were made in order.

Other Elements of the Rule


  • Debate Time: Provides each measure one hour of debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Ways and Means.
  • The requirement of clause 6(a) of rule XIII for a two-thirds vote to consider a report from the Committee on Rules on the same day it is presented to the House is waived with respect to any resolution reported through the legislative day of January 17, 2012.
  • It shall be in order at any time through the calendar day of January 15, 2012, for the Speaker to entertain motions that the House suspend the rules as though under clause 1(c) of rule XV.
  • Floor managers: Scott/Slaughter

Floor Action Expected

The rule and the bill are expected to be debated on the floor: December 20, 2011