Rules Resource for H.R. 2553 – Airport and Airway Extension Act of 2011, Part IV


H.R. 2553 maintains current funding levels for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), its employees and airports around the country through September 16, 2011.

Type of Rule

Closed rule (prohibiting amendments) for consideration of the measure. Reported by a vote of 8 yeas amd 4 nays.


No amendments were submitted or made in order.

Other Elements of the Rule


  • Total Debate Time: Provides one hour of debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure.
  • Provides one motion to recommit.
  • Floor Managers: Webster/Hastings

Floor Action Expected

The rule and the bill are expected to be debated on the floor on July 20, 2011.