Rules Resource for H.R. 836 -- Emergency Mortgage Relief Program Termination Act


H.R. 836 would terminate the Emergency Relief Program (EMRP), which provides government subsidies rather than loans, and rescind unobligated funding, reducing federal deficits by $840 million according to CBO estimates.

Type of Rule

Modified Open rule for consideration of the measure. Reported by a recorded vote of 7-4.


Amendments must be pre-printed in the Congressional Record by the end of business on March 9, 2011.

Other Elements of the Rule


  • Total Debate Time:  Provides 1 hour of general debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and the ranking minority member of the Committee on Financial Services.

  • Floor Managers:  Sessions/Slaughter

Floor Action Expected

The rule and the bill are expected to be debated on the floor on: March 9, March 10, and March 11, 2011