

Dec 14, 2021 Announcement

The Committee on Rules will meet today, Tuesday, December 14, 2021 at 6:00 PM EST in H-313, The Capitol on the following emergency measure:

  • S.J. Res. 33—Joint resolution relating to increasing the debt limit.



  • Pursuant to guidance from the Office of the Attending Physician (OAP), all individuals in H-313 are required to wear a well-fitted, medical grade, filtration face mask, except for Members while under recognition.

  • Members intending to join the proceeding virtually should notify the Committee’s majority staff as soon as possible in order to receive instructions for connecting via the Cisco WebEx platform.

Dec 13, 2021 Announcement

The Committee on Rules will also meet Tuesday, December 14, 2021 at 9:00 AM EST in H-313, The Capitol on the following emergency measure:

  • H. Res. ___ (H. Rept. 117-216)—Resolution Recommending that the House of Representatives Find Mark Randall Meadows in Contempt of Congress for Refusal to Comply with a Subpoena Duly Issued by the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol

The Committee on Rules will meet on Tuesday, December 14, 2021 at 9:00 AM EST in H-313, The Capitol on the following emergency measure:

  • H.R. 5665Combating International Islamophobia Act


Additional legislative items are possible for this meeting.



  • Pursuant to guidance from the Office of the Attending Physician (OAP), all individuals in H-313 are required to wear a well-fitted, medical grade, filtration face mask, except for Members while under recognition.

  • Members intending to join the proceeding virtually should notify the Committee’s majority staff as soon as possible in order to receive instructions for connecting via the Cisco WebEx platform.

Dec 3, 2021 Announcement

The Committee on Rules will also meet today, December 7, 2021 at 1:00 PM EST in H-313, The Capitol on the following emergency measures:

  • S. 1605To designate the National Pulse Memorial located at 1912 South Orange Avenue in Orlando, Florida, and for other purposes. [National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022]
  • S. 610To address behavioral health and well-being among health care professionals. [Protecting Medicare & American Farmers from Sequester Cuts Act]



The Committee on Rules will meet on Tuesday, December 7, 2021 at 1:00 PM EST in H-313, The Capitol on the following measure:



  • Pursuant to guidance from the Office of the Attending Physician (OAP), all individuals in H-313 are required to wear a well-fitted, medical grade, filtration face mask, except for Members while under recognition.

  • Members intending to join the proceeding virtually should notify the Committee’s majority staff as soon as possible in order to receive instructions for connecting via the Cisco WebEx platform.
